Chapter 20

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

"Wait, you're being serious?!"
"Yeah! I mean, since we are already down the mountain and all, might as well!" Blake beamed. "So what Pokémon do you want to catch?"
"Well... I want to catch a Wooper but seeing as they're found in Johto and we're in Kanto it would be pretty difficult."
"Hmm... I guess you're right...wait! I think I have an idea!"
Blake put on the backpack and grabbed his grocery bag in one hand and (name)'s hand in the other. He brought (name) to the Pokécenter where they put everything aside from some snacks and the bag of pokéballs into a storage locker. Then, Blake led (name) to Viridian Forest.
"We might be here for a few hours since it's like a maze... same with Mount Moon, but it'll be worth it in the end."
"Ok?" (Name) was confused but went with it anyways.
They walked through the woods, getting ignored by wild pokémon for the most part, but the ones that attacked would quickly run off once they realized how strong Typhlosion was.
As Blake and (name) got deeper in the forest, it got darker and darker as less light got in through the trees. Eventually, they reached a fork in the road.
"Let's go left/right." They said in sync, one saying left and the other saying right.
"We can go your way, you've been here before," (name) said.
"You sure?"
"Mhm, but at the next fork in the road I pick the direction."
"Fine by me."
The two went the way that Blake had picked.
"... this place is so peaceful. And the lack of music helps," (name) remarked.
"What do you mean by that?"
"The music in Viridian Forest is creepy, but not as creepy as Lavender Town."
"You might be thinking of Pokémon Versions Red and Blue, the music in those are a lot more eerie."
"Wait, I have an idea."
Everything shifted to be the menu screen. Blake tapped the options button and turned on music. Then the screen disappeared.
"That button isn't there normally," (name) said.
"Neither is the money on the menu and not in the trainer card normally. But for some reason it is," Blake countered.
A few seconds later, the Pokémon Version Gold and Silver music for Viridian Forest. The music was a lot more peaceful and calming than the version of it from the first generation pokémon games.
"See? It isn't too eerie."
"Yeah, it's actually nice," (name) smiled some.
He/she and Blake continued to navigate the forest, the music eventually becoming more monotonous as it seemingly looped endlessly.
"Look, there's Pewter City!" Blake pointed ahead and at the city through the foliage.
"Thank god, we've been listening to the Viridian City music for the past hour."
"You could've asked me to turn it off," Blake deadpanned.
"You looked like you were enjoying it though..."
"...I kinda was... it's a bit nostalgic though! Don't judge me!"
"I'm not, I'm not. We can keep it on if you like it on."
"No, it's fine. I'll turn it off for now. But when we get to New Bark Town in Johto, I'm turning it back on."
"Ok," (name) was completely fine with that.
Blake opened up the menu screen again and turned off the music. Everything went back to being silent.
The two left the forest and went straight through Pewter City, not stopping for anything. Then they were in the caves of Mount Moon.
It was dark in the caves, but not so much that it was unbearable. Typhlosion's flames were more than enough to illuminate the area, making the cave easy to navigate.
Blake and (name) walked around aimlessly, taking ladders up and down through the floors of the cavern. They saw some fossils of ancient pokémon like Omanyte and Kabuto, as well as groups of Diglett and Zubat.
They eventually reached the exit to the cave and could see Cerulean City just past a field of tall grass. It wasn't too far, but Blake and (name) had to adjust their eyes to the influx of light that they had to deal with now that they were out of the dimly lit cave.
"We should stay the night in Cerulean," Blake said, noting that it was getting late into the afternoon.
"You don't think we have enough time to get to the next city before sundown?" (Name) asked.
"We probably do, but better safe than sorry."
"True... wait, there aren't any hotels here. Where do we stay?"
"The Pokécenter."
"Wait, they have a place to stay the night there?"
"Huh. Didn't know that."
"There's a lot of things here that are not done justice by the graphics of old games."
By the time it had gotten dark and (name) and Blake had finished eating the ice cream sandwiches they bought from the Pokémart for dinner, the two of them checked into a room at the Pokécenter. The room was relatively small, but it was clean and comfortable.
At the entrance to the room there was a tiny table and a door to a bathroom. The rest of the room was taken up by two twin-sized beds and the space between them.
Blake and (name) each claimed a bed, struggled with the clock on the dresser between them so they could set an alarm, and went to sleep.
895 words.

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