Chapter 13

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

Back inside his game, Blake found himself greeted by the frigid cold of the mountain. The cabin was a bit off, being around a 5 minute walk up the hill from where he was.
It's not like it's far, just that five minutes in this weather was enough to make someone want hot cocoa and to sit inside the fireplace with the fire on.
He started to walk there, the task being easier than it would be outside the game because Blake had all his limbs again. When he made it to the door, he opened it and quickly entered so that only him and not the cold got in the building.
"(Name)! You still here?" He called out into the cabin, not seeing (name) on the couch in the living room.
Blake stepped forward to try and look around for (name), but was stopped by Typhlosion, who was happily greeting Blake with a warm hug that could not be escaped from no matter what.
Blake tried to shrug the pokémon off of him. "Yeah yeah, good to see you too, now please let go of me!"
Typhlosion, at hearing this, let go of Blake and returned to his pokéball. Blake picked it up off the floor and held it, looking at it briefly before putting the pokéball in his pocket.
(Name) hadn't responded in this whole time, so Blake decided that this probably meant that (name) got sent home after he left the game.
He walked around the house, cleaning up things here and there but never quite finishing the task. He would clean around 75 percent of something then quit, getting distracted by something dirtier and moving on to the next thing.
It was half way through this cleaning that Blake remembered the bags of stuff he brought with him. Some of the stuff needed to be refrigerated, and he completely forgot to do that when he got in the cabin.
Blake went back to the door, grabbed the bags, and moved them to the kitchen. He practically tossed them all over the kitchen table and then he began to take out items and put them in the correct cabinets, shelves, and spots around the kitchen and in the fridge.
This was the only task he completed 100 percent of, he had emptied and organized the contents of each of the bags and was left with a table covered in the plastic bags.
He reluctantly took them off, but as he did he noticed something on the table.
(Name)'s sketchbook. And, it was opened to a drawing.
Blake was tempted to take the plastic bag blocking the drawing off of the book. So tempted. But before he could...
"WAIT! DON'T LOOK AT THE SKETCHBOOK. PLEEEEASE DON'T LOOK AT IT!!!!" (Name) frantically said as he/she left the bathroom after showering and getting dressed only to see Blake standing at his/her sketchbook.
"Oh— sorry." Blake looked away from the sketchbook and at (name). He felt relieved for some reason to know that (name) was still here and okay.
(Name) went around Blake and grabbed the sketchbook, closing it and then slipping both it and his/her pencils into his/her backpack.
"Uh, hi," (name) finally said awkwardly.
"Hi... I promise I didn't look at it," Blake replied in an equally as awkward tone.
"Ok...uh thanks."
"I mean, I was tempted to... but I didn't."
Then there was a weird silence as both of them collected their thoughts of what to say next.
"Did Typhlosion keep you warm?" Blake finally said.
"If by 'keeping me warm' you mean me waking up to him laid across my legs immobilizing me, then yes. He did."
"...that sounds like him," Blake chuckled dryly with a sigh.
"What did you bring in all those bags?" (Name) pointed at the plastic bags Blake was holding as well as the ones still on the table.
"What did I not bring," he replied, gesturing (name) to follow him to the cabinets. "Food, food, food, more food, even more food, and laundry detergent pods which are NOT food."
"I know they aren't food."
"... I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT OKAY?!" Blake panicked.
"You ate one in the past, didn't you?"
(Name) blinked slowly. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!"
"It looked good!!!"
"...what did it taste like?" (Name) let his/her curiosity get the better of him/her.
"Seriously, (name)?!" Blake then paused to think about it. "It tasted like soap and plastic. Not good. The nasty aftertaste was not worth getting to eat those pretty colors."
"I'll...keep that in mind."
Blake then showed (name) the rest of the things he got while he was outside the game.
"Goddamn, that's a lot of food."
"Yeah, but at least we'll be eating good."
"You make a good point... but how did you get all this stuff?"
"Two of my uhhh 'friends' helped me out."
"Why did you say friends like that?"
"It's complicated. One of them is more like a coworker and the other is like a little cousin. I'd still consider them friends, but I also consider them those other things too."
"Makes sense... kinda," (name) wanted to ask more questions but decided against it.
"What about you? What did you do while I was gone?" Blake asked.
"Eat. Sleep. Draw. That's about it."
Blake nodded, not really knowing how to reply other than a bland 'ok' or nod.
"Well, we have around an hour until what would make sense as dinner time, so wanna cook something together?" (Name) suggested.
940 words
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
Ends up I don't know how to count because I thought chapter 14 was lined up to be today, so I'll try to write that and post it before Christmas is over in my timezone (you'll understand why when you read it)

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