Chapter 15

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

After a few minutes of silence, Blake resumed the movie and he and (name) sat through the rest of it.
When the movie ended it was getting late, being 11:30 PM and with Blake having to leave the game in 30 minutes.
Just as the two did every other week, they cleaned up any trash and tied close the garbage bag so Blake could bring it out with him and throw it out outside the game and in an actual trash can that will get picked up by garbage disposal companies. (Name) handed Blake the garbage bag as he/she finished tying a knot at the top.
"This everything?" Blake asked, taking the bag and double checking if there was anything else.
"Yeah, that's it," (name) nodded, briefly looking around just to be 100 percent sure.
"Great... so now's a good time to tell you I won't be back until next Sunday, like 9 days from now Sunday."
"Wait what? Why?"
"I have to do some uhh, some stuff. But I'll drop off some food and supplies for you on this Sunday... you might not see me though because it'll be like really early in the morning and then I have to go," Blake tried to explain it very vaguely.
"What do you mean by 'some stuff?'"
"Well..." Blake shifted a bit. "I can't exactly tell you... I'll try to explain a bit when I get back, but it's like work confidential stuff."
"Oh...I see," (name) pondered for a moment. "Work... what job do you have? I mean you clearly lack half your limbs when you leave this place, so what do you even do?"
"... you'd probably hate me if I said it... I only do it because I have to, but it doesn't change that I do that job. Lets me have a place to live, but even the bare minimum is bad enough... anyways, bye."
"Wait, Bla—" (name) was cut off as the front door closed behind Blake, who had decided to spend the next few minutes before leaving outside in the snow.
Outside the game, Blake went to sleep on his bed in the mansion. When he woke up, he spent the day getting supplies for (name) and learning more about his job he would be doing over the course of the week.
Come Saturday night, he brought everything upstairs to his room and locked the door as he went into his game to drop off the supplies for (name).
He was definitely right about how it would be early. It was getting close to midnight on Saturday by time he got into the house.
Instead of (name) being asleep on the couch though, he/she was awake and silently helped Blake unpack everything into the cabinets and fridge.
"I know it's not Sunday yet... I'm more than a bit early," Blake mumbled.
"...mhm." (Name) hummed in response.
"...that's everything... I'm gonna get going now... I'll see you next Sunday... sorry," Blake looked away.
"..." (name) didn't reply at first. "...good luck with whatever it is... see you on Sunday I guess."
Blake made a small wave at (name) as the save and quit screen replaced the world around him and (name) and everything except for just Blake became pixelated.
After Blake had left, (name) found himself/herself alone with Typhlosion's pokéball.
"Hmmm, wonder if this will work," (name muttered under his/her breath. He/she then held up the pokéball and spoke to it. "Hey Typhlosion, I have a really cool idea so come on out so I can tell you.
Nothing happened.
"Please, I promise it's a good idea."
Nothing happened again.
"Wow, thanks Typhlosion, I knew I could count on you," (name) said sarcastically.
Still nothing happened.
"Ughhhhh it's a good idea I swear, it's about getting past that undead pikachu thingy —Freakachu or whatever Blake called it."
This was enough to get Typhlosion out of the pokéball.
"You must really hate that damn pikachu if you're tolerating me just to hear my idea about beating it," (name) half joked, getting the feeling that Typhlosion isn't too fond of him/her but hates Freakachu way more.
Typhlosion tilted its head some and looked at (name) waiting to hear his/her idea.
"So basically, I'm like pretty sure ish that ground type moves are super effective on electric types, right? And then the pikachu thing is an electric type, right? And —don't tell Blake about this— I took Blake's Pokédex and it says here that you can learn earthquake, which is a ground type move. So what if we spend the week training so that you're able to incapacitate the yellow fucking rat and you, me, and Blake can get off this cold-ass mountain?"
Typhlosion walked over to (name) and searched him/her for Blake's Pokédex. It then took the device and pressed buttons until it got to information on Typhlosion and what moves Typhlosion could learn.
The screen said that a TM was needed to teach Typhlosion earthquake.
"Fuck the TM, we don't have one. We'll just do it the hard way and figure it out together without the damn disc."
This was enough persuasion to get Typhlosion on board, who happily roared in agreement with (name). From that, it had been settled and agreed on that the two would spend the week training to beat Freakachu.
895 words!

We're back on a 2 chapter per week schedule because I have enough pre-written now to do that! So I'll be updating this on Mondays and Fridays for the time being

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