Chapter 27

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

That night, (name) ended up sleeping in the unfamiliar house. The place had no bed, no couch. The only furniture was a table and a lawn chair.
In addition to being plagued by worries about if he/she would be able to find Blake again making it hard to sleep, the floor was cold and uncomfortable too.
It took a lot of effort, but eventually (name) was able to get some rest.
When he/she woke up, there was a loud thumping noise outside. (Name) got up to investigate, which wasn't difficult at all since his/her ankle was feeling better, and opened the door. Once he/she had gotten outside, he/she found the source of the sound.
In front of the building was Asher, who was outside throwing axes at haphazardly painted red targets on trees.
He/she stood just outside the door, not moving. Simply observing in silence.
"Hey, at least close the door behind you. There's enough bugs in there as it is, you don't need to let more in," Asher had noticed (name)'s presence by this point.
(Name) shut the door and apologized. "Sorry... and good morning too I guess."
"Mhm, good afternoon to you too," Asher went back to hurling axes at the targets.
"Afternoon?" (Name) reached into his/her pocket for his/her phone but it wasn't there. He/she assumed he/she either lost it in the woods or back in Blake's game.
'Hopefully it's in the cabin still,' (name) thought, thinking back to where he/she had been staying on Mount Silver for the past couple of months.
"You slept a lot... especially considering that the floor is a pretty unforgiving spot," Asher mentioned. "Just how exhausted were you?"
"..." (name) didn't answer the question. "Why are you throwing axes?"
"You know what's in these woods. Think of it as self-defense from those fucking murderers."
"How do you know that there are creepypastas in the woods here? Are you sure you aren't delusional?"
Asher gritted his teeth some. "Delusional? Do you call this 'delusional'?!"
He rolled up his sleeve to show a gash along his arm. A scar.
"And that's not it. Ever hear of Eyeless Jack? That goddamn cannibal goes up to people when they're asleep and takes their kidneys. I'm lucky I woke up before he could get the second one!"
"Wait, someone took your kidney?!"
Asher lifted his shirt just enough to show (name) the stitches on his torso.
"... are you... okay?"
"Mhm, it hurt like a bitch, but I'm alive aren't ?"
(Name) nodded hesitantly.
"You know about Jeff the Killer? I've seen the trees painted red with his catchphrase. Same with Clockwork. They're over here, I'm NOT delusional."
Name nodded again.
"Listen, (name). I don't know why they're here and what the fuck those monsters actually are because they sure as hell aren't human. But I know they're here. I know A LOT of them are here. Don't get me started on how many times I've seen footprints and silhouettes in the woods."
"So..." (name) was trying to think of a question to be semi-polite. "What do you plan to do if you see a creepypasta in person."
"Kill them."
After his meeting with Slenderman, Blake went outside and sat in front of the mansion on the floor. He was looking into the dirt in with destitute expression.
Within the span of a few minutes, Bloody Painter and Sally were outside and checking on him.
"Balake, you good?" Bloody Painter tried butchering Blake's name intentionally, hoping to get a response out of him.
"... just leave me alone," Blake sighed.
"What's wrongggg," Sally knelt down to ground level so she could make eye contact with Blake.
"... I don't want to talk about it."
"Come onnnn, it's ok just tell us what's wrongggg," Sally was trying to help, she had good intentions even if Blake didn't take it that way.
"I really don't want to talk about it," Blake's voice cracked a bit on the word 'really.'
"Is this about that person in your game?" Bloody Painter asked, deciding that'd be the only thing that could've possibly hurt Blake this much.
"Did he/she say something that hurt your feelings?"
"Did your pokémon thingy decided it likes him/her more than you?"
"Typhlosion likes (name) but not... never mind that's not the point. Now leave me alone, Helen. You too, Sally."
"Oh so they have a name. (Name) you said?" Bloody Painter knew he was getting somewhere.
"GOODBYE, HELEN!" Blake's head was still looking down.
"What happened?" He insisted.
"Blake..." Sally said, trying to get him to speak.
"... (name) and I got separated. They got out the game, but it was on accident... I miss him/her... NOW LEAVE ME ALONE."
"So you never were going to kill them?" Bloody Painter asked.
"No, why would I kill the person I love?"
"We'll help you find them, Blake!!" Sally chimed in.
"What she said," Bloody Painter agreed. "We're your friends. We're gonna help you find your boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever they are to you."
"Really?!?" Blake thought this was fake.
"Yep, now get your sorry-ass off the floor and cheer up."
Blake nodded and slowly began to get up. When he was finally standing, he looked at the sky and thought to himself:
'I'll find you, (name). Even if it takes weeks or months.'
898 words.

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