Part Four

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Word count: 1002


I accidentally fell asleep on the couch.

When I woke up, it was dark outside.

I found my phone and checked the time.


I walked to my bedroom and turned the light on so I could get changed.

I put my pyjamas on and climbed into bed, turning off the light.

Once again, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm.

I picked up my phone and turned it off.


I sat up and stretched, yawning.

I opened Google and searched the time of Rhea's match versus Asuka.

It started at 13:30, but you were advised to be there at 13:15.

I resolved to be there at 13:00 sharp, so I might be able to chat with Rhea.

I mentally did the maths to see if I could stay in bed until nine and still have me schedule so everything happens with the minute being a multiple of five.

It turned out I could, so I pulled the other pillow in my bed to my chest, holding it tight as if it was my lover.

I even started whispering to it at some point.

God, I'm so sad sometimes.

Before I knew it, it was 09:00.

I got out of bed and pulled on the outfit I'd chosen so carefully the night before.

I decided to do some dramatic hair and makeup, so I played around with my eyeliner and hair ties.

I ended up with comically massive (and probably wonky) wings, and two small pigtails.

Then I realised I kind of looked like Alexa Bliss (A/N: no hate to Alexa Bliss, she's my second favourite) so I untied my hair and just left it down.

I looked at my pile of yesterday's clothes and pulled out the patches from the pocket of my jeans.

I went to the kitchen and pulled the ironing board down from the wall.

I grabbed my bucket hat and started ironing the patches onto it.

After five minutes, I finished ironing the patches on and I checked myself out in the mirror with that hat on.

I thought I looked pretty good.

Although, I would look better without the leather jacket.

I went back to my room, hung the jacket on the back of my chair and delved into my drawers for the white leather jacket I knew I owned.

I also pulled out my white Adidas Gazelles to match the outfit.

By now it was about 09:15.

I went to the kitchen and quickly poured myself a bowl of cornflakes.

I ate them right there, and within five minutes I was off.

Then it hit me.

The match was in New York City.

I was in (Place that's an hour's drive from New York City).

I called my other best friend, Gabriel.

He picked up quickly.

Gabriel: Hey, y/n, what's up?

y/n: I need you to drive me to New York City.

Gabriel: Woah, at this time? Why?

y/n: There's a WWE match, Rhea Ripley versus Asuka, I need to be there.

Gabriel: *laughter* You and your silly wrestling.

y/n: Just come get me, okay?

Gabriel: okay, okay.

Ten minutes later, I heard a car horn from outside the apartment lobby.

I went outside and there was Gabriel, sitting in his shiny BMW with the window rolled down.

'Hop in,' he said, beckoning me.

I walked round the front of the car and got in beside him.

'So you really want to go to this match, eh?' he asked as he started driving.

'Really. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else,' I said as I fastened my seat belt.

'So, how's Georgia?' Gabriel asked.

'She's good. She hasn't changed since we all left high school,' I said.

Gabriel laughed. 'I didn't think she would've.'


Gabriel, Georgia and I had be friends since the start of secondary.

We'd all be put in the same form, and forms don't change throughout the whole five years.

We were inseparable

Then, when we graduated, things changed.

Gabriel went to college to study business so he could take over his dad's business.

Georgia had taken on an apprenticeship with a fashion company.

And I'd just withdrawn myself from society, with no desire to become anything.

We were no longer Gabriel, Georgia and y/n.

We were now; Gabriel, Manfred Newton's son; Georgia, model and influencer; and y/n? Who's that?

Only recently had I become more comfortable with myself, had I got back into contact with my mates.

~End of Backstory~

I smiled at Gabriel.

'Can I play music?' I asked.

'Sure, you know how the Bluetooth works,' he replied.

I sorted out the Bluetooth and started playing my playlist.

Gabriel laughed, 'I don't think you'd get along very well with this Miss Rhea Ripley.'

I reached and out slapped his arm.

'Don't crush my dreams.'

'I'm sorry, you two just have very different music tastes!' Gabriel protested.

I closed my eyes and just zoned out to the music.

Before I could say, 'Kiss me hard before you go, summertime sadness.', we were there.

Gabriel practically kicked me out the car.

I smiled at him and checked the time on my phone as he drove off.


I could walk around for a bit before the match.

After all, I'd never been to New York City before.

All I knew was the revolution's happening in New York (New York!).

(A/N: Okay, I'll stop with the references.)

I wandered around for a few hours, doing things you'd do in New York City.

Then, I checked the time on my phone once more.

It was 12:50.

Well, it was actually 12:49, so I waited for a minute.

Then it was 12:50, and I started heading towards the place the match was happening at.

People were already there.

Lots of people.

Too many people for my liking.

But, I took a deep breath and joined the queue.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now