Part Twenty-three

705 17 6

This is part of a collab with whois_jess ! We have the same prompt, and are both writing it. Make sure to check out their version!

Word Count: 1022

•.•.• A few months time skip •.•.•

'Where are you taking me?' I asked excitedly.

Demi smiled, keeping her eyes on the road.

'I can't tell you, it'll ruin the surprise,' she laughed.

'I hate surprises!' I complained.

'You'll love this one.'

Demi took my hand and tenderly kissed it.

I waited until we got there to ask any more questions.

Demi had asked me to wear my pink and white checkered dress, and my white heels.

I knew it was her favourite outfit out of the ones I owned (that was modest), so I knew she was planning something.

Eventually, we stopped at a small, quiet park.

Demi got out and rushed around to open my door for me, taking my hand as I climbed out.

The park was beautiful.

There were benches surrounding a white stone fountain, on a stretch of green grass. In the corner, was a willow tree, it's green shelter leaving what I imagined to be a nice little spot underneath.
There was a very small, but rather charming cafe, in the corner.

'That cafe's so cute!' I cried, absolutely in love.

'Not as cute as you are,' Demi said, patting my cheek.

I blushed.

'Shall we go sit under the willow tree? I brought us a picnic,' Demi asked.

'Oh my word, that's so cute. Yes. Let's go,' I responded.

I waited for Demi to take the basket out the boot of the car.

Then, I grabbed her hand and skipped towards the tree, dragging her with me.

Under the tree, it was a green paradise.

It was perfect.

Demi pulled a picnic rug out of the basket and laid it on the soft grass.

She sat down and patted her lap, encouraging me to sit on her.

I did, and Demi's arm automatically snaked around my stomach.

I pulled her arm away, and she looked at me, concerned.

'Just got a stomach ache,' I said truthfully enough.

'Should I rub your stomach for you? That should make it better,' Demi asked.

'No, it's okay.'

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now