Part Twenty

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•A/N: I'm going to give y/n a little phase where she's insecure about her weight as I can write a view of that quite easily. Please don't read it if it's triggering to you.•

Sorry I didn't post yesterday I literally fell asleep while writing

Sorry abt how emotional it gets half way through, smth happened irl

Word Count: 1035

I smiled up at Demi.

She kissed me and pulled me onto her lap, hugging me to her chest.

She was soft and warm, and I clung to her.

I felt safe in Demi's arms.

'Demi?' I asked into her shoulder.

'Yes, my sweet?' Demi asked, pulling me closer to her so our bodies were touching.

'When will you tell the public about us?'

'I could tell them now if you want.'

I was taken aback.

'Now?' I questioned.

'If you want,' Demi replied nonchalantly.

'How? How will you tell them?'

'You snuggle down with me, and I'll take a selfie and post it.'

Demi lay down and held out one of her arms to me.

I crawled into her embrace and rested my head on her chest.

'There,' said Demi. 'Now the internet can see how cute you are.'

I saw a flash of light as Demi took a photo.

I opened my eyes and watched as Demi posted the photo.

Cutie xxx
+1 photo

I smiled.

Demi read me the comments as they came in.

'Miss Ellie Lou says bitch got lucky,' Demi said with a laugh.

'Everyone's jealous of you,' she added.

I smiled.

Suddenly, Demi's face fell and she put her phone down.

She held me close, pushing my face into her chest.

'What is it?' I asked, my voice muffled.

'Don't worry about it,' Demi said. 'Just know that you're beautiful no matter what anyone says and I love you, okay?'

'Did someone say something?'

'You don't need to know that.'

'Please tell me.'

'... Someone said something about your body. But you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, okay?'



Why would someone say something about me?

I felt tears forming in my eyes.

Due to the fact my face was still buried in Demi's chest, she felt them too.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now