Part Twenty-five

602 18 5

Word count: 1004

A/N: Im back from the dead people

I felt Demi's soft lips brush my hair.

I opened my eyes and smiled up at her.

'Morning, love,' I said.

'Morning,' Demi said in return.

'Do we have any plans for today?' I asked, my memory still foggy.

'Yes, we do, my precious,' Demi said cheerily.

She caressed my cheek, her thumb resting on my cheek bone.

'Do you own any bikinis?' Demi asked.

I was slightly surprised, but not in a bad way.

'I think I do. Why?' I asked.

'We're going to the beach,' Demi replied.

'Oh, yay!'

I loved the beach.

It reminded me of being a little girl.

I hurriedly rushed off to get ready.

I pulled on a white bikini with lilac flowers on it and slipped a long white shirt over top.

I went back into the bedroom and took Demi's baseball cap right off her head.

'Completes my look,' was my lame explanation.

We packed our bags and headed down to the beach.

As it was still early, we were the only ones there.

I took off my shirt and ran down to the sea, Demi following behind me in shorts and a T-shirt.

I splashed around in the shallows for a bit, before swimming out to where my feet couldn't touch the ground.

It was rather embarrassing when Demi appeared beside me and put her feet down with ease.

I swam out further, until I was certain Demi wouldn't be able to reach the bottom.

I was right.

We just stayed there, treading water, until eventually we got to tired and swam back to where we could touch the ground.

I say we, but it was purely me.

Demi looked as if she could keep treading water for hours more.

But we never found out, as she followed me back to the shallow waters.

The water came up to my neck, and any relatively big waves would've knocked me over, if Demi hadn't insisted she held me tight after the first wave pulled me under.

The water was warm, and I bobbed around, swimming properly every now and then.

Demi watched me with a smile on her face.

Eventually, the beach crowded and Demi made her way over to me.

'Do you want to get something to eat?' she asked, gripping my waist from behind.

'Sure,' I replied.

I started to swim inland, Demi walking after me.

We got our towels and wrapped them around ourselves before going to the little cafe.

'Y/N, look at the menu. What do you want?' Demi asked, scanning it herself.

I read the menu.

'I'll have a cheese and tomato panini. I love a panini.' (A/N: I think I've mentioned my love for paninis before)

Demi laughed.

'A cheese and tomato panini it is, then. I'll have a hotdog,' Demi ordered our food and we sat at a little picnic table to wait.

'The sand's sticking to my feet,' I complained.

'There's nothing to be done about that,' Demi replied, watching the order numbers.

'Oh, that's ours,' she said, getting up.

She returned with a cheese and tomato panini, and a hotdog.

She handed me my panini and I smiled, biting into it.

The flavour flooded my mouth, it was delicious.

Demi ate her hotdog, which I assumed was no where near as delicious.

We finished our food and decided to go climb about the rock pools.

(A/N: This is all very confusing unless you know the beach I'm talking about. Kynance Cove, down in Cornwall?)

We climbed in between two rocks, using them to pull ourselves upwards.

Then we moved alongside a rather deep crack in the stone that was filled with water, holding onto the wall as support.

Demi pulled me up onto the higher level of rock, and we had a clear view of most of the beach.

'I love beaches,' I said, gazing around in awe.

'I love you,' Demi said, lifting me up effortlessly and kissing my lips passionately.

I kissed her back and put my hands on her shoulders, even though I know I wouldn't fall.

Demi broke the kiss and rubbed her nose against mine, smiling adorably.

'I love you,' I whispered.

'Love you more,' Demi whispered back.

I kissed her quickly before looking around.

'Now, how do we get back down?' I asked.

Demi laughed.

'Just hop down there, into the water,' she explained.

She demonstrated and I followed nervously.

When it came to the final jump, I hovered, slightly scared.

Demi reached her arms out.

'I'll catch you,' she said kindly.

I took a deep breath and jumped down, landing in Demi's arms.

She held me for a minute before putting me down.

'Shall we go get ice cream?' she asked.

I nodded eagerly.

Demi laughed and we walked across the beach, back to the cafe.

We ordered two plain vanilla ice creams and sat down with our bags.

I was dry now, so I took off my towel and put my shirt back on.

Demi smiled over at me and reached for my hand, kissing it gently.

I blushed and giggled.

Demi went slightly red herself, and I chuckled.

I leaned against her, and she wrapped her strong arms around my waist.

I rested my head against her soft chest and closed my eyes, relaxing in the sun.

Demi kissed my head fondly.

'I love you with all my heart, y/n y/l/n,' she said.

I smiled.

'Bringing out the full name? Are you planning something, Demi Bennett?' I asked with a smirk.

'Yes. Yes I am.'

Demi moved away from me, turning me around so we were facing each other.

'y/n y/l/n. I love you so much. You have made my life so much better. I would genuinely sell my soul to be guaranteed a life with you. I actually mean it when I say this... Will you marry me?' she said.

I was shocked.

'Yes!' I cried.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now