Part Eight

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Author's Note: The Zelda thing is a bit out of place but I love writing about my special interests (that's why I'm writing this fanfic) so it's here.


Word Count: 1048


'No, no, no! Go to Divine Beast Vah Naboris first, then Thunderblight Ganon will have less health and will be easier to defeat,' Demi said.

We'd decided to play The Legend if Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Demi sighed impatiently.

'Just give me the contro- No! Don't talk to him, he's a Yiga foot soldier, and we don't need any more trouble. Give me the controller.'

I refused, so Demi resorted to instructing me on what to do.

'Use fast travel to get to the Great Plateau, yes, the shrine up in the mountain, that one. THAT ONE!'

Eventually, I found the right shrine, and travelled there.

'Now what?' I asked.

'You see that tower there? No, that's the rito tower. That one. Yes. Open the thingy - I can't remember the name - and put the light thing on the tower, like you did with the shrines at the start. Good. Now, use your paraglider and go that way.'

I did as she said.

'Is that a stable?' I asked.

'Yes. It is. I'd get the shrine beside it if I were you, so you can just go back there. Don't get your horse out, they can't enter the desert.'

'Why not?'

'They just can't. Use a sand seal instead.'

'A sand seal?'

'That thing there. If you have a shield you can surf the desert with it. Go to the bazaar. That thing on the horizon. YOU JUST WENT PAST THE MEMORY, GO BACK AND GET THE MEMORY!'

So I went back and got the memory.

After a half hour of playing, and several, 'RUN FROM THE GUARDIAN, YOU CANT PARRY YET!'s, I saved the game and put down the controller.

'Are you quitting?' Demi asked.

'I have to go home,' I said.

Demi checked the time on her phone.

'You probably should,' she said.

I said goodbye to Demi and promised to text her when I was home safely before calling Gabriel.

Gabriel: You want a lift home, I assume?

You: Yes.

Gabriel: I'll be there in an hour.

You: okay, bye

Gabriel: bye!

I now had nothing to do for an hour.

I walked around New York City for a while, but there was nothing to do, so I just sat down in a bus shelter and waited.

Eventually, Gabriel showed up and drove me home.

He didn't say anything on the journey.

'Thanks for the lift,' I said as I got out the car.

'Bye,' Gabriel said before driving off.

What's up with him? I thought to myself.

I brushed it off and went to my apartment.

I was greeted by Molly, who led me to the kitchen to show me her empty bowl.

I filled her bowl and put the remainder of the sweets in one of the drawers.

I went through to my bedroom and got undressed.

I grabbed a towel and showered.

I put my dressing gown on and sat on my bed, crossing my legs.

I remembered I had to text Demi.

You. 19:57
I got home safe, but forgot to text you haha

Rhea / Demi. 19:58
That's good 👍

I put my phone down, took my dressing gown off and got into bed.

I pulled the pillow from the other side of my bed towards me and I held it tight, wishing it was a person.

Wishing it was Demi.

Still cuddling the pillow, I grabbed my phone and opened Google.

Is Rhea ripley single

It seemed to take years to load.

Australian wrestler, Rhea Ripley (Demi Bennet) is single as of DD/MM/YYYY when she broke up with (Name).

I turned off my phone and held the pillow even tighter.

I had a chance.

Unless someone else got to Demi first.

I fell asleep with mixed emotions; joy, from knowing Demi was single; and anxiety, knowing someone else could claim her before I could.

My worst fear came true in the morning.

I was scrolling through my for you page, half asleep, when a certain video caught my eye.

This is a close enough recount of what the video said:

Yesterday, singer (Name) (Surname) asked out WWE star Rhea Ripley, over instagram.
(Surname) was then publicly embarrassed when Ripley replied with this when it was brought up in an interview:

So, Rhea, what is your response to (Name) (Surname) asking you out?
Demi: He seems like a nice guy, but sorry to break it to him - and to the fans at home - I already have my sights set on someone.

Demi liked someone else.

But I didn't want it to get in the way of our friendship.

I texted her.

You.      07:04
Morning Demi

Rhea / Demi.      07:04
Morning y/n! Did you sleep well? ☺️

She'd replied faster then I thought she would've.

You.      07:05
I did, thank you for asking. :)

Rhea / Demi.      07:05

Demi was extremely quick to reply this morning. Maybe she had nothing else to do.

I smiled.

I decided to stay in bed for another half hour at least before getting up.

I held the pillow against my chest again, wishing one day it would be Demi.

I decided to change her contact name before texting her again.

You.      07:23
Is your nose better now? :)

Demi ☺️       07:23
Yes, thank you for asking. Want to video call?

You.      07:24
I would but I've got no clothes on haha

Demi ☺️.      07:24
Okay, maybe we shouldn't video call.

You.      07:24
I'm gonna go get changed now.

Demi ☺️.      07:25
Okay then 😊

I wasn't going anywhere that day, so I pulled on a pair of leggings, an oversized T-shirt and stripy socks.

I grabbed a bag of crisps from the kitchen and sat in the living room with them.

Molly jumped onto the couch beside me as I watched the Rhea Ripley versus Asuka match, even though I'd seen it in person the day before.

I saw myself at the front of the crowd.

And I noticed something I hadn't seen the day before.

Demi was looking at me for most of the match.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now