Part Fourteen

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Author's Note: Idea by whois_jess

Word count: 1014

I took the keys and just as I turned back around, Demi walked in with my bags.

I held up the keys and we entered the lift.

When we got to our floor, we turned right and our room was the second one.

I opened the door, as Demi had her hands full and walked in.

The room was nice, it had two wide wardrobes and two twin sized beds, each with a side table.

Demi put my bags down.

'Which bed do you want?' she asked.

'I have an idea, but I'll need your help,' I said.

'What is it?'

'You move that table, I'll move this one, put them by the door for the meantime.'

Demi picked up one of the tables with ease and carried it to the door, and I did the same, just with a bit more difficulty.

'Now, push the beds together,' I instructed.

Demi's face lit up, and she pushed the bed closest to the bathroom door to the centre of the room.

I pushed the other beside it.

There was an ugly gap in the middle, so I just moved the mattresses so it was covered.

Demi smiled at me.

'So we can cuddle tonight?' she asked hopefully.

I smiled and laughed a little.

'Of course.'

Demi hugged me from behind, wrapping her arms around my stomach.

'Thank you,' she murmured.

'No problem,' I said with a giggle.

I put my hands on hers and leaned into her hold.

We swayed gently, rocking back and forth like a boat on the ocean.

'Do you want to do something?' Demi asked.

'We do have all day,' she added.

I thought for a moment.

'We could go and explore the area,' I suggested.

'That would be nice. We could make it a little date. I saw a theme park on the way down,' Demi said with a smile.

She looked at my puzzled expression.

'You were asleep.'

I laughed.

Demi brought a small bag and we got in her car.

It was only a short drive to the theme park.

Demi parked her car close to the entrance.

She got out and jogged around the front of the car to my door, holding it open for me.

I giggled and slipped my hand into hers as we started walking towards the entrance.

She handed a ten pound note to the guy at the entrance and we walked in.

Still holding tight onto my hand, Demi started wandering around.

'Anything you want to do?' she asked.

'Is there a Ferris wheel?' I asked.

I had an idea.

I was going to try and get Demi to kiss me on the lips.

Demi nodded and pointed to the Ferris wheel just behind the fun house.

I hates fun houses. They creeped me out.

I ran past it, when suddenly I tripped and fell.

I didn't cry; I hadn't cried at pain since I broke my leg aged nine and realised nothing compared to that level of pain.

Demi sprinted over to me and picked me up effortlessly.

She sat down on a bench and put me on her lap, inspecting my grazed knee.

'If it starts bleeding, let me know, okay?' she asked.

I nodded and stood up, despite the pain in my knee.

'Can we still go on the Ferris wheel?' I asked.

I didn't want my plan ruined by some stupid grazed knee.

'Of course,' Demi said, smiling and standing up.

She reached her hand out and I took it once more as we got in line for the Ferris wheel.

I set my plan into action.

'Demi, I'm cold!' I whined.

Demi, being the sweet soul she was, took off her jacket and gave it to me.

I put it on.

I wasn't cold anymore, but my plan had only just started.

'Thank you, Demi. But I'm still cold,' I poured my heart and soul into my performance.

I genuinely convinced my brain I was cold, although it was like 12*c.

Demi wrapped her arms around me, holding me close.

I admit, by that point I was actually quite hot, but I had to keep going.

Eventually we got into one of the Ferris wheel carriage things, just the two of us.

I sat beside Demi, ridiculously close to her, so our thighs were touching.

She pulled me close to her.

She put my head against her chest, and I could hear her heart beating steadily.

I smiled to myself.

'Are you still cold?' Demi asked.

I nodded, pretending to shake due to how cold I was.

'Oh, you're clever,' Demi commented, realising what I was trying to do.

'You could have just asked,' she said.

She pressed her lips to mine.

Her lips were warm and soft.

They were everything nice all at once, just like Demi was.

I kissed her back, and she tucked my hair behind my ear.

Eventually, Demi pulled away.

'I love you so much, y/n. Can I use pet names?' she asked.

'If you want to,' I said with a smile.

'Okay, let me do that again. I love you so much, baby. You are the best person in my life. Out of everyone I've ever met. And I've met a lot of great people.'

'Awww, sweetheart!' I exclaimed. 'We really need to make this official.'

As I said that, the Ferris wheel stopped, and the Ferris wheel man opened our door.

Demi and I stepped out.

'Sweetheart, do you want to go and find us somewhere to eat? Text me where you are afterwards,' Demi said.

I nodded.

I found a nice little restaurant and texted Demi my location.

Within minutes, she turned up.

Her eyes scanned the room before landing on me.

She walked over, her right hand in her bag.

'Baby...' she started.

'Yes?' I asked.

'I love you so much. Can we make this official? Will you be my girlfriend?'

My vision went blurry due to the happy tears in my eyes.

'Oh, Demi...' I said.


𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now