Part Six

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Word count: 1000


I grabbed onto the wall thingy and pulled myself upwards.

There was a throbbing pain in my head, probably from the fall.

I made a mental note to get it checked out, and I waited for the crowd to flood in.

Within a minute, they did.

I pushed myself into the the corner so I couldn't really be pushed about.

It was a good spot on top of that too; I had a clear view of the ring.

I'd never actually seen Rhea Ripley wrestling in person.

I'd watched her on TV many times, and I'd seen almost everyone else, but not Rhea.

I'd seen her jumping around at the side, shouting at people, but that was it.

I was finally going to see Rhea wrestle.

I'd waited two whole years for this moment.

I realised how special this actually was.

I took my phone out of my pocket and snapped a quick photo of the empty ring.

I put my phone back in the back pocket of my jeans and resolved to take a picture of the ring when the wrestlers were out, as well.

I also resolved to talk to Rhea again afterwards.

I didn't want this to be a one off occasion.

I know it sounds stupid, but I didn't want Rhea to know me as 'just a fan'.

She'd done so much to help my self esteem and mental health over the years, I really wanted her to know how much she meant to me.

I was dragged out of my thoughts by an ear splitting sound.

I felt bad for Asuka, really.

The crowd obviously had a favourite.

I saw Rhea, once my mind had calmed down from the noise and was able to register my surroundings.

In all her makeup and everything, she looked like a completely different person.

But, my word, she was so hot.

I wanted to kiss her, but I couldn't because:

•she was working,

•she didn't know me.

I also think she's straight, but the media have agreed to pretend she isn't.

I don't thinks she's actually confirmed her sexuality before.

So, even if it's smaller than an atom, my chance is still there.

I'd been in a daydream for so long, I'd missed the first few minutes of the match.

'Aaaaaaand Asuka's pinned her. 1... 2... How'd she get out of that?' I heard the commentator cry.

I kept my eyes fixed on Rhea as the match continued.

I saw Asuka roll under the first rope and lay on the floor for a minute few seconds.

Rhea used these few seconds to her advantage, climbing the top rope and throwing herself down onto Asuka.

... And Asuka rolled out the way, sending Rhea face first into the ground.

I heard a collective 'agh' from the audience as Rhea made contact with the floor.

The referee put a hand on Rhea's shoulder and appeared to ask if she was okay.

Rhea nodded and put a hand to her nose.

When she took her hand away, it was covered in shiny, red blood.

To stubborn to quit, Rhea climbed back into the ring, dragging Asuka in with her.

She stamped on Asuka's chest, causing the other woman to double up in pain.

Rhea once again climbed to the top rope and threw herself down, pinning Asuka.

'1... 2... 3... I now present your winner! Rheaaaaaaaa Riiiiipleeeeeeeey!' commentator yelled.

Rhea was inspecting her bloody nose, checking if it was broken, too busy to care about winning.

I tried to catch her eye, but she was facing away from me.

However, I was stood beside the entrance so she'd pass me on her way out.

'Rhea!' I cried as she left, pinching her nose to stop the bleeding.

She stopped and looked at me before walking to me.

'Yeah?' she asked in a low voice.

'Can I see you again sometime?' I asked.

Rhea thought for a moment.

'Straight after this I'm going to a restaurant with the rest of The Judgement Day, but maybe I can see you tomorrow?' she suggested.

'I'm not actually from New York,' I said quietly.

'You're not? Maybe I could see you after the meal then. I'll DM when we're done.'

Before I could answer, she walked backstage.

I waited until the rest of the crowd had flooded back into the street to leave.

While I was still in the venue, I contemplated what I could do for possibly hours before Rhea DMed me.

I wandered around NYC for a bit but that only brought me to 14:30 before I got bored.

I went back into the British sweet shop I'd found, but I'd bought all the good stuff. I did purchase another tub of dolly mix, however.

Then I walked down the street to purchase a bag as I'd left mine at home.

I purchased a tote bag like the one I had, but grey instead of white, with swirly marble designs.

That brought me to 15:00.

Rhea would probably be done in half an hour, I mean, it doesn't take more than an hour and a half to eat a meal.

Suddenly, I got a text.

Rhea Ripley.       15:01
Hey, I'm gonna be running a bit late as Dom's dropped everything.

I cursed and wondered how much later was 'a bit late'.

You.      15:02
How much later is 'a bit late'?

Rhea Ripley.      15:02
I don't know. About half an hour longer than I thought?

You.      15:03
So at four?

Rhea didn't reply, but she did heart my message so I assumed I was right.

I had to wander around for a whole hour more.

I looked around for something to do, but nothing caught my eye.

I did buy some ice cream from an ice cream shop though.

It tasted alright, but I think how inpatient I was kind of ruined it for me.

I plan to come back sometime just for the good ice cream.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now