Part Twenty-six

620 18 7

Word count: 1005

I jumped up and down on the spot happily as Demi slid the ring onto my finger.

I admired it; Demi had gone out of her way to get a different ring than the one from the hospital incident, as we referred to it.

I smiled at Demi as she stood up and kissed me.

I smiled against her lips and hugged her tight.

'You actually mean it this time?' I asked.

I knew she did, but my paranoia had to be sure.

'Of course I do,' Demi replied happily, pecking my lips once more.

Suddenly, Demi's phone buzzed.

Still holding me against her body with one arm, she checked her text.

'Worst timing,' she said to herself, reading the text.

'What is it?' I asked, trying to take a peek at her phone.

'I've got to go back in to work next week.'

'Oh,' I said sadly.

'Let's do as much as we can in one week, then,' Demi declared.

'Any ideas?'


'Alright, then.'

Demi grabbed my arm and practically dragged me to the car.

She drove home as quickly as she could without breaking any speed limits, and within twenty minutes, we were in the apartments car park.

Demi charged up the stairs, pulling me with her, and rocketed into her home.

'You pack your suitcase, I'll book us tickets on a plane to Paris,' Demi instructed.

'Now?' I asked, rather shocked.

'When else?' Demi replied, throwing herself onto the sofa, slamming her laptop onto the coffee table and aggressively googling plane tickets.

I jogged into the bedroom and flung my clothes into a suitcase, trying to match Demi's aggression.

I failed miserably, and probably looked quite silly.

But I flung my clothes into the suitcase and slammed it shut, before running back into the living room, where Demi was viciously printing out tickets.

'Voilà. Tickets to Paris,' she said, brandishing the sheet of paper with our tickets printed on them.

'When are they for?' I asked, trying to grab Demi's arm so she stopped waving the sheet about and I could read the tickets.

'Plane leaves at 8pm,' Demi said.

'Today?' I asked.


'O-okay,' I replied, trying to comprehend the fact in six hours I'd be on a plane to France.

Demi charged into our room, presumably to pack her things, and I petted my cat's head.

'What will we do with Molly?' I called to my fiancée.

It's exciting to say that!

'Just leave her with the next door neighbours, they have two cats already,' Demi replied.

'Shall I do that now?' I asked.

'When else?'

I picked up Molly and left the apartment, jogging to the next door along and knocking.

A short woman with blonde hair answered the door.

'Hello, I'm y/n, Demi's fiancée. She said I could leave my cat with you while we're on holiday?' I asked.

The woman smiled.

'Of course, what're they called?' she replied.

'Molly. She's not fussy about anything,' I said, kissing Molly's head and setting her down at the door.

Molly crept through and disappeared into the apartment.

I bid goodbye to the woman and ran back to Demi's apartment.

I opened the door to Demi standing there, holding both our suitcases in one hand.

I stood beside her other side, leaning into her so her free arm snaked around my waist.

'To Paris!' I exclaimed.

'To Paris indeed,' Demi replied, unwinding her arm and just holding my hand.

I say holding my hand, but she was mainly holding my fingers. (A/N: This always happens when me and my gf try to hold hands.)

We walked back down the stairs and out the apartment complex.

Cold wind whipped my face and I spluttered as my hair attacked me.

I tucked my hair behind my ear and stood beside the car as Demi put our luggage in the boot.

She sat in the car and I got in the passenger seat.

I checked the time on my phone, we'd spent two hours getting everything ready.

It would take another hour to drive to the airport, so we'd have three hours until our flight.

We could get dinner in the time in between.

I voiced my idea to Demi as she started driving on the main road.

'Sure, what do you want?' she asked, glancing at me quickly before looking back at the road.

It was nice to know she'd actually taken in what I said about the time she didn't look at me.

'Do they do pizza? We could share a pizza and sit on the grass outside,' I said after giving it some thought.

'They probably do pizza,' Demi said, now we were on the motorway, she put one hand on my thigh and gave it a light squeeze.

'When we're in Paris, we have to cuddle in the sunset. Preferably on a hill,' I said as Demi kept squeezing my thigh.

'Of course, but I booked us a nice little hotel room. And it's soundproof,' she said, winking suggestively. (A/N: It is time you get your smut.)

I blushed a deep shade of red and Demi laughed.

'Only if you want to,' she added. 'I'd never do anything against your will.'

'To be honest, I'd probably let you do anything to me. I genuinely trust you with my life, Dems,' I said truthfully.

'I'm glad. You should trust me, I'd never let any harm come to you.'

I smiled.

I knew Demi meant what she said.

'I hope you trust me too, Miss Bennett,' I replied.

My words made Demi suddenly say, 'I can't wait for you to also be a Bennett.'

'I can't wait either,' I replied dreamily, closing my eyes.

I felt Demi watching me in the mirror.

'I love you,' I said, opening my eyes and looking at Demi.

'I love you more,' she said.

'How can you be sure?'

'I mean, you were my gay awakening, and I've been around a lot of women.'

'Fair point,' I replied.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now