Part Thirty + Important A/N

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I'm sorry my updates are so inconsistent, I'm struggling with mental stuff right now.

Apologies if my writing style or other things have changed, I've done so much writing that's not been this.

Very important Author's Note at the end!

I awoke with no memory of falling asleep, buried in the duvet.

I stretched and groggily pulled myself into a sitting position.

I expected Demi to be beside me, or at least in the room, but she wasn't.

I looked around the room, and my eyes were caught by the bright moon out the window.

I'd slept long enough for it to be dark, with the shining full moon visible in the blanket of stars that covered the sky.

I searched blindly on the side table for my phone, wanting to turn on the light and search for Demi.

I found my phone, and the light of the screen alone illuminated the bedsheets.

There was a sign that Demi had been in bed - the messy duvet was a clear indication - but no sign of her still being there.

Glancing at my phone screen, there was a notification.

My Heart ♥️     11:34
Heya love, I know you're sleeping but I had to nip to the shops. Should be back at some point. Love you xxx

I read the text over twice, smiling to myself.

Even though Demi was my fiancée, I was blushing like a schoolgirl.

11:52     You
Alr bae, pls be back soon. I miss you and am cold. Wanting cuddles more than anything.  Dont die out there, love you more xxx

I put my phone back on the side table, screen up so I'd know if Demi replied.

As I was laying back down, I heard the door to the hotel room open.

I heard Demi's heavy footsteps as she put a bag down and took her shoes off.

She walked into the bedroom, but didn't turn to light on.

She soundlessly stripped down to her underwear, for she obviously wasn't going to sleep in her clothes.

I then realised that I too was in underwear, so Demi must have undressed me some point after I fell asleep.

For some strange reason, I was embarrassed by the thought.

But then the bed creaked, and two strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

I gasped, for Demi was cold from the night whereas I was warm from the duvet.

"You're cold," I murmured, trying to turn around to face my fiancée.

"Yeah. I know. I'm trying to warm up," Demi chuckled.

She loosened her grip around me so I could move, then tightened it again.

I turned to bury my face in her chest, smiling.


A/N -

I am SO sorry that this book has been abruptly discontinued. It's just that I don't find myself as obsessed with Rhea Ripley as I used to be.
Other autistic individuals will understand that when you drift away from a special interest, it is impossible to do much to do with it. I am in that situation and finding it hard to continue. That's why I haven't updated anything in a while.

My new special interest is Overwatch, so I shall start a one shot / scenarios series for the Overwatch heroes, if anyone is interested in that.

Once again, I apologise for discontinuing this. It hurts me, too.

Good morning / afternoon / night,

Lu x

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