Part Five

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This might be offensive to Texans and Wheezer. Us Brits have a good sense of humour though so we'll laugh at our bit.

Word count: 1019

I was queuing for ages.

Soon enough, I got hot and I took my jacket off, tying it around my waist.

I tied it tight, in an attempt to make it look like I had a figure.

Which I didn't, by the way.

I needed to keep my space in the queue, but I also felt like my throat was screaming for water.

I looked at my phone, I still had quite some time.

It had taken less time than I'd thought to travel on foot to the venue.

Apparently I hadn't gone that far.

I'd found the most AMAZING sweet shop though.

Full of British sweets.

They had all sorts of things.

Sherbet lemons, lion bars and lots of other British sweets.

They even had British chocolate.

Which, I have to say, is SO much better than American chocolate.

It's just richer, you know?

And they had dolly mix.

Oh my gosh, dolly mix.

(A/N: Unpopular opinion: Dolly Mix is 🔛🔝)

I had my bag of sweets on me in the queue, but now I wished I'd bought a drink.

Fruit pastilles don't keep you hydrated for long.

I learnt that the hard way.

I just wanted to see Rhea Ripley.

I opened TikTok and opened my DMs.

I clicked on my conversation with Rhea and started typing.

You 13:12
I'm in the queue and it's very loud

Rhea Ripley 13:13
I'll come get you really quick

Rhea Ripley 13:13
Wait no I can't, they'll see me

Rhea Ripley 13:14
I'll tell the guys at the entrance that you're here to see me. I'll pretend you're a friend or something. Just walk up to them, they'll let you in.

You 13:14

I left the queue and walked to the front.

As Rhea had said, the blokes let me in without a question.

This sparked a lot of anger and confusion among those who had been queuing.



'Why's she allowed in?'

I smirked and walked forwards.

I realised I had no idea where I was going.

I walked out into the main area, to see Rhea and Asuka already in the ring.

'So when you go like that, I go like this?' I heard Asuka ask as she demonstrated.

Rhea nodded with a smile.

'Can I grab your leg? Is that allowed?' she asked.

I stood awkwardly in the corner, unsure of what to do or say.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now