Part Twelve

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Word Count: 1020

'Do you want to set up your little bed in the corner there?' Demi asked.

'Sure,' I replied, grabbing Demi's beanbag and my blanket.

'Alexa, move it,' I heard Demi say.

'Why?' Alexa replied.

'Y/N needs the beanbags to make herself a bed. Off. Now.'

Alexa reluctantly scooted off the beanbag and sat on the floor, leaning against her bed.

Demi put the beanbag beside hers and I laid my blanket over them.

'Want to come with me to get a pillow?' Demi asked, holding her hand out.

I grabbed her hand and happily walked out of the room with her.

She led me to the laundry closet at the end of the corridor.

The room consisted off a stack of shelves, and a small cabinet underneath.

Demi bent down and pulled the inside bit of a pillow out of the cabinet, before picking a pillowcase off the top shelf.

She held out her hand again, waiting for me to take it.

I did so and skipped along beside her as we went back to her room.

She put the pillow down on the beanbag, just above my blanket.

I smiled at her and she smiled back warmly.

'Just kiss already,' Alexa muttered from across the room.

I hadn't realised she was still in there.

Demi looked over at her and frowned.

'Just get a life already.'

Alexa rolled her eyes and continued watching TV.

Demi smiled at me again.

'Ignore her,' she said with a smile.


I woke up that night severely dehydrated.

My throat was dry and scratchy; I desperately needed water.

As I got up, I realised Demi's bed was empty,  but I thought nothing of it.

I went out into the hallway and saw Demi.

With one hand, she was pinning a piece of paper to the wall, and with the other, she was scribbling rapidly on it.

'What are you doing?' I asked.

Demi shoved the paper in her pocket and turned to face me.


'Tell me,' I whined.




'Not even if I bat my eyelids at you?'


Demi sighed.

'You'd probably think I was weird. I don't want it to ruin our friendship, you know?' she said seriously.

I felt hope spark up inside me.

That's exactly how I felt about my crush on her.

Did she feel the same way?

'Tell me,' I said, taking her hands.

'Can we go to the bathroom to talk about this? I don't really want anyone knowing,' Demi said, glancing up and down the hallway.

'Of course.'

I let her lead me to the bathroom.

Once we were inside, Demi nervously said, 'Promise this won't ruin our friendship, right?'

'Well, if you've killed someone I might have to report you to the police,' I joked, trying to ease Demi's nerves.

It didn't work.

She looked at me, so serious, so scared, I felt so bad about joking about it.

'I'm sorry, I promise,' I said, ashamed. 'What's wrong?'

I looked her in the eyes.

She looked at me, her eyes glossy, as if she was about to cry.

She murmured something, so quietly I couldn't make out what she said.

'Pardon?' I whispered kindly.

Tears started flowing down Demi's cheeks.

'Oh, y/n, I'm sorry. The first time I saw you, on social media, something happened to me. I felt something. Something I'd felt before, but never for a- a woman.
When you messaged me, I felt butterflies. I invited you to my match and got to meet you face to face. You were so kind. It felt so nice, but, for some reason, so wrong.
That's why I invited you to travel with us. I thought that spending more time with you would make me realise why it felt wrong.
And now I know.
I couldn't just have you as a friend. I needed you closer. I needed you always.
So I decided to tell you what was going on. That's what that note was.
I- I'm scared to admit it, I don't know how you'll react, but...
I think I want to be more than friends.'

I stared at Demi for a second, thinking my ears were deceiving me.

No, this was really happening.

I started crying too.

'Demi...' I uttered.

Demi looked up, to scared to say anything.

'I feel the same way.'

I hugged Demi close, pressing my head into her chest and wiping her tears away.

She buried her face in my hair and continued crying.

But this time they were tears of happiness.

We stood there for a minute, holding each other close.

Still holding Demi with one hand, I reached for the cupboard above the sink and pulled out a glass.

I filled it up and drank, even more dehydrated from all the tears.

I put the glass down and hugged Demi tight again.

'Shall we go back to our room?' Demi asked.

I nodded and we walked back to her room, hand in hand.

Alexa was sat up in her bed when we returned.

'Had a little make-out sesh, did you?' she asked teasingly.

She saw the tears on our faces and her expression immediately changed.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I won't question it.'

She went back to using her phone.

'So you want to climb in bed with me or is that too soon?' Demi asked.

She didn't sound as nervous as earlier, but she didn't sound as confident as she usually did.

'Demi, as much as I'd love to cuddle with you, I think it would be better to save it for another time,' I said with a smile, gazing into her eyes.

Demi stroked my hair fondly.

'That's okay,' she said. 'If you change your mind, just crawl in.'

Demi got in her bed and I got in mine.

I pulled out my phone and changed Demi's contact name.

Dems ♥️

That night, I drifted off to sleep dreaming of what our relationship could evolve into.

Author's Note:
I poured my heart and soul into that confession. Too bad I'm in a relationship so I can't use it. :/
Oh and pretend they filled out the room thingy I mentioned and got a room together.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now