Part Twenty-nine

458 16 3

A/N: I'm back, yall. Probably going to disappear again soon though.

Wordcount : 840 (short I know)

'So am I allowed to become a baker now? I've proven I can bake,' I said.

Demi put her mug of cake on the counter.

'I didn't say you weren't allowed. And yes, if you can figure out how to start a business.'

I paused.

'I didn't think about having to figure out how to start a business,' I said slowly.

'I can help you gather customers,' Demi said. 'I can just post on my Instagram or my TikTok and say "Hey, you know that girlfriend I mentioned once? She's starting a bakery, support her or else."'

I nodded before Demi had even finished talking.

'Don't forget I'm your fiancée now,' I said.

Demi smiled.

'I couldn't forget something that makes me so happy.'

I smiled back at her.

After a few seconds of us gazing at each other sweetly, Demi lifted my chin and kissed me.

It was short and sweet, but it captured all our feelings in that moment.

'I love you, Y/N. I don't feel like I tell you that in words enough.'

'You show me a lot, though.'

'That I do.'

Demi kissed me again.

She picked up the mug cake and put an arm around my shoulder.

'Shall we watch a movie on my iPad? We can curl up together in bed,' she suggested.

I nodded.

We went back through to the bedroom.

I sat on the bed and tucked my knees to my chest, before lifting the duvet and sliding my legs under.

I waited for Demi.

After a few minutes, I assumed she was struggling to find her iPad.

'Have you found it yet?' I called out to her.

It took a few moments for her to respond but she replied in a muffled voice, 'Not yet, but I swear it's in here.'

I went to where she was and looked at her.

I then looked up, and back down at Demi.



She looked up at me from where she was knelt on the floor, searching for her iPad.

I pointed up, to where her iPad was on top of the cupboard.

'Oh!' Demi exclaimed, getting up embarrassedly.

She reached up to her iPad, and took it in her hands.

'There it is,' she said. 'Shall we go and watch a movie now?'

I laughed slightly, and accepted her offer.

I once again slid under the duvet, waiting for Demi.

She appeared beside me much quicker this time, and she scrambled into bed beside me.

I was slouched slightly, whereas Demi was sat upright, so I reached her elbow.

Demi went onto Netflix on her iPad and handed it to me.

'Pick something to watch,' she said.

I scrolled through until I found a movie I wanted to watch.

I clicked on it and handed the iPad back to Demi.

'What, can you not click play yourself?' she teased.

I lightly hit her upper arm.

Demi chuckled and played the movie.

I got comfortable beneath the duvet, snuggling up beside Demi and moving against her like some sort of animal.

'Hey, what are you doing?' Demi asked as I accidentally elbowed her in the hip.

'Getting comfortable,' I replied bluntly.

I eventually found a "comfortable" position, buried so deep beneath the duvet I couldn't see the iPad screen.

Demi noticed this, and gently pulled the duvet down slightly so I could see.

'Do you want to watch the movie or not?' she asked.

'I do!'

'Then actually look at the screen.'

I opened my eyes as wide as I could, staring at the screen like it was the most important thing in the world.

Demi laughed slightly, but I could tell she was becoming irritated.

'Alright, I get it, you are looking at the screen.'

I dropped the act, as it was hurting my eyes.

I did watch the movie, but I had a better view of Demi's arm half the time.

I couldn't be arsed to tell her to move it, so I just watched the parts of the movie that weren't hidden by her arm.

The movie ended, and Demi finally moved her arm.

There was an awkward silence, before Demi said, 'Why did you pick that?'

'It's a good movie!'

'No it's not!' Demi said.

She sounded as if she was going to laugh.

'It's a great movie, we just don't like the same stuff,' I said.

Demi didn't disagree, but she didn't agree either.

In fact, she didn't say anything.

She just wrapped her arm around my waist and squeezed gently.

I took this as an invitation to stop arguing and just start cuddling, so I slid further down the bed (Demi lost her hold on my waist) and rested my chin on Demi's lap.

'I love you,' I said.

'Mmm, love you too,' Demi replied.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now