Part Twenty-Four

658 18 1

A/N: Guys I decided to keep writing!

Word Count: 1016

I hugged Demi tight.

'Oh my gosh, this is really happening,' I said, crying tears of joy.

'Do you want to get back into bed before a nurse comes?' Demi asked, holding me tight.

I nodded, once again remembering this probably wasn't a good idea.

Demi helped me back into the hospital bed.

'I can't wait to be Mrs. Bennett,' I said, admiring my ring.

Demi smiled at me, although I felt like something was missing.

'Are you okay?' I asked.

She looked rather... sorrowful.

'I'm fine. As long as your happy,' Demi replied.

She took my hand and gently kissed my knuckles.

Although I didn't quite believe her, I left it at that, not wanting to pester her any longer.

Demi was staring at my ring, as if pondering something.

'Are you alright?' I repeated.

Then it dawned on me.

'Hey, Demi, if you don't want to marry me-' I started.

I cut myself off, trying to hold back my tears.

'Y/N, of course I want to marry you! It's just part of me is being stupid and saying it's too soon to know if your the one,' Demi said.

Her voice sounded off.

She also had tears forming in her eyes.

I put my hand on the ring, preparing to take it off.

'If you want to give it some thought, you can,' I said.

Although it pained me to do so, I took the ring off my finger and pressed it into Demi's palm.

I felt tears burning in my eyes.

They started sliding down my face, an unstoppable river.

Demi was having second thoughts about proposing.

I turned over in the bed so I was facing away from Demi.

'I'm going to sleep. You can give it some thought,' I said before closing my eyes.

- Dream -

I woke up in bed. The patchwork quilt was warmed by the dancing sun, that had crept through the curtains.
Demi wasn't beside me, but then again, she always let me sleep in on Sundays.
I checked the time.


Of course, Demi would be with the kids.
I heard a call from the living room that confirmed my thoughts.
'I want to go to the beach now!' I heard my son scream.
I chuckled to myself.
I heard Demi respond to his pleas.
'S/N (Son's Name), we have to wait for your Mama. We can't go to beach without her,' Demi reasoned.
I imagined s/n had folded his arms and pouted.
'Why can't I go to the beach on my own? You and Mama say I'm a big boy,' he whined.
'Yes, s/n, you are a big boy. But even big boys have to wait for their Mamas,' Demi said.
Suddenly, the door to our bedroom opened a crack.
It was d/n (Daughter's Name).
'Hey, baby,' I said gently, holding my arms out.
D/N was only three, and incredibly shy at that, even around Demi and I.
She crept towards me, and I picked her up and sat her on the bed.
She lay down on my stomach.
'S/N's being all screamy again,' she sniffed.
'Your poor Mummy,' I said, stroking     d/n's hair.
D/N nodded into my stomach.
Demi walked into the bedroom, holding a now laughing s/n upside down by the ankle.
'Having family time without us?' she said in mock hurt.
She sat beside me and d/n on the bed, letting s/n run wild.
'Are you alright, my love?' Demi asked.
'I'm tired,' I said.
I'd been up all night with the kids.
'Sleep a while longer,' Demi said, kissing me softly.
'Ew,' I heard s/n say.
I'd almost forgotten he was there.
'If you don't shut up, I'll kiss you,' Demi threatened.
S/N squealed and ran out of the room, Demi chasing after him.
I giggled and drifted off to sleep, utterly in love with my family.

- End of dream -

I awoke to the stale hospital smell, instead of the ocean smell in my dream.

I looked down at Demi, who had fallen asleep leaned against my bed.

She was smiling; I wondered if she was having a similar dream.

'Hey, Demi,' I whispered.

Demi stirred slightly before jolting awake.

'What is it?' she asked.

'I was wondering if you'd made your mind up,' I replied.

'About what?'

'About the engagement.'

'Oh... that.'

Demi looked at the ring in her hand once more.

'I do want to marry you, but I want to make a bigger thing of it, you know? I'll propose another time,' Demi said.

She pulled the box out of her pocket and put the ring back inside.

'Can we pretend this never happened?' she asked, gazing into my eyes with all the emotion the world could hold.

'Of course,' I said, gifting Demi a warm smile.

'I had a dream,' I told her.

'Really? Tell me about it,' Demi replied.

I told Demi about my dream, and she smiled, obviously imagining it.

'That's so sweet,' she said when I was done.

'It's just as I said, too. A cottage by the ocean with two kids. I imagine we had a cat and a dog too, but they weren't there,' I said.

Demi nodded.

'I'd love that life. Especially if I earned enough money from wresting to just be able to chill and be a mum,' she said dreamily.

'Would you like to be a mum as soon as possible, then?' I asked.

'If we had a stable income and a good house, then yes. I'd love it.'

'I'm overthinking this here, but with IVF, who would carry the children? It could be either of us.'

'If you wouldn't mind, maybe you? I'd have to stop work if I was pregnant, and you'd look great with a baby bump.'

'You've been imagining that, have you?'

'Is it such a crime?'

Demi got up close to me.

'It isn't a crime to imagine my future wife carrying my baby,' she said, kissing my hand.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now