Part Fifteen

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Word Count: 1006

Demi pulled a single rose out of her bag and handed it to me.

I took it and put it on the table, before jumping up and hugging Demi tight.

She slipped her bag off her arm and hugged me back.

I rested my face in the crook of her neck and Demi put her hand on the back of my head.

'I love you,' she whispered.

'I love you too,' I murmured into her neck.

We stood there, like that, for a moment before Demi said, 'Shall we sit down?'

I nodded, still holding on to Demi.

'You're awfully clingy today,' she commented with a laugh. 'It's cute though.'

She lifted my legs and sat down, holding me tight against her chest.

It felt like we'd been together years, not a day.

It was nice though.

We were comfortable with each other.

'Do you want food or should we just go back to the hotel?' Demi asked.

'Can we just go home? I'm tired,' I said.

Demi smiled.

'Of course, my baby,' she said. She gently tapped my back twice, indicating for me to stand up.

I did as she said and grabbed her hand as we left.

We walked back through the theme park to Demi's car.

I got in the passenger side and waited for Demi to get in.

I smiled at her as she got in.

'You're smile's so adorable,' she said.

This made me smile even more, and Demi tapped my lips with her index finger.

'I'll kiss you when we get back to the hotel,' she said, driving out of the car park.

Demi pointed out random things on the drive back, such as a family of ducks by the river and a row of trees with paper faces stuck to them.

Soon enough, we were back at the hotel.

I got out and waited for Demi as she grabbed her bag.

We walked upstairs to our room.

I sat on our bed and checked my phone.


I lay down and Demi sat beside me, putting her arm around my shoulder.

'Shall we watch something?' she asked, looking at the small TV on the wall.

I shook my head and closed my eyes, resting my hands on my stomach.

'Cutie,' I heard Demi whisper under her breath.

I don't think she realised I could hear her.

I decided to give her a fright.

'You're cuter,' I said.

My suspicions were correct; Demi hadn't thought I'd heard her.

'No. You are. You've got your cute little smile which I promised to kiss.'

She bent down and kissed me.

It felt like heaven.

I was so lucky.

Demi smiled down at me (she appeared upside down in my eyes due to the angle) and stroked my hair.

She kept whispering one phrase over and over.

'My perfect little princess.'

I loved being called that.

I felt so special.

I turned over and hugged Demi, pressing my face into her stomach.

She caressed my back, pulling me up so my head was on her chest, peppering my hair with light kisses.

I enjoyed being pampered.

I enjoyed being loved.

All of a sudden, Demi stopped.

'What's the matter?' I asked.

'Don't you feel it's too early for this?' she asked quietly.

'No, of course not. If we both feel comfortable with it, who can stop us?'

Demi didn't say anything.

I grabbed her hand gently and placed it on my back again.

She didn't continue caressing me.

I sat up so I was straddling her, and hugged her tight.

Slowly, Demi reached up and hugged me back.

She's great at hugs.

She's got strong arms, so I feel safe.

'I feel safe in your arms,' I muttered.

'That's good. Nothing can hurt you when I'm here, don't worry.'

I knew nothing could hurt me.

I checked the time on my phone once more.


I felt my stomach rumbling.

Demi noticed, and said, 'Is my baby hungry? Hop off, we can go get a snack.'

'I need a whole meal,' I laughed.

I was actually really hungry.

Demi smiled at me pityingly before leading me out of our room and taking me downstairs.

We went to the little canteen in the hotel and walked to the counter.

I eyed the menu, choosing what I wanted.

My eyes landed on a rather childish meal, sausages and mash.

I felt my cheeks go red due to the embarrassment.

Demi whispered to me, 'Don't be embarrassed, no one will judge you. And if they do, I'll fight them. And win.'

Demi had some kind of magical power which meant she could instantly make me feel better.

I ordered the meal I wanted and Demi ordered a cheese and tomato panini.

(Author's Note: I really want a panini.)

We waited at the side while they prepared our meals, talking and giggling.

Eventually, two plates were placed on the counter and we went to get them.

We sat down at a table by the window.

Demi took a bite of her panini.

It was steaming, so I don't know how she didn't burn her mouth.

I speared a sausage with my fork, blew on it before sticking it in my mouth.

It was still too hot, so I sat there doing the hothothothothot thing, if you know what I mean.

Demi looked at me.

'Do you want some of my panini while you wait for your food to cool?' she asked.

I nodded, still fanning my mouth.

Demi handed me her panini and I took a bite out of it.

I have to admit, it was good.

Definitely getting one next time.

I handed Demi her panini back when I'd taken a bite and she continued eating.

I watched my sausages and mash until they were no longer steaming, before taking a forkful of mash and eating it.

Author's Note: I'm sorry, there won't be another chapter today, I got severe writers block earlier.

I'll try and give you an extra chapter tomorrow though.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now