Part Thirteen

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Word Count: 1031

I woke up to Demi lightly tapping my shoulder.

'Morning y/n,' she said with a smile.

I smiled back at her, sat up and stretched.

'We're leaving in about two hours. I made a deal with Dom so that he could take my car and we could sit in the bus. I wanted to devote all my attention to you,' Demi said.

'I'm going to get changed,' I said.

I grabbed the clothes I'd worn yesterday and went to change in the bathroom.

When I got back from the bathroom, Demi walked over to me and stroked my hair fondly.

'You look beautiful,' she said softly.

'Can I kiss your forehead or is that too much?'

'I think I should make clear that our first full kiss should be special, but you can kiss me on the forehead or cheek whenever,' I replied.

Demi kissed me on the forehead, gently but passionately.

I hugged her tight.

'Shall we go and get breakfast?' I asked as I heard my stomach rumble.

'Can I just ask you something first?' Demi asked.

She sounded nervous.

'Of course, what is it?' I asked.

'Can we not let anyone know?' Demi questioned nervously.

'If you want,' I said.

We walked down to the lobby and into the mini restaurant.

Most of the others were already there.

Demi led me to a corner and waited for me to sit down.

'What do you want to eat? I'll get it for you,' she said.

'You're so sweet. I'll have pancakes,' I replied.

Demi blushed slightly at my compliment and disappeared to get breakfast.

I sat at our table, using my phone until she returned.

Demi returned with a tray of food and sat beside me.

We ate in silence and, once again, Demi finished first.

She scooted closer to me so no one could see us and gently kissed my hair.

I finished eating and pushed my plate away.

Demi wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me towards her so our thighs were touching.

I smiled up at her and she smiled back.

I put my head on her shoulder and got comfortable, closing my eyes.

'Are you falling asleep?' Demi asked, laughing slightly.

I shook my head.

'Just resting my eyes.'

Demi kissed my hair once more.

'Shall we go grab our stuff from upstairs?' she asked.

I nodded.

We went upstairs, dismantled my mock bed and packed our hand luggage.

My suitcase and other bag were in Demi's car, and she said we should leave them there.

I called for Molly and she hopped back into the room through the window.

I put her in my bag to keep her hidden and went back to the lobby with Demi.

By now, everyone was outside with their luggage.

'If we push to the front we can get good seats on the bus,' Demi whispered to me.

We slowly moved to the front of the gathering.

I grabbed Demi's hand and she squeezed mine.

'You alright?' she asked.

I nodded and peered down at Molly in my bag.

She seemed content, sleeping curled up on my blanket.

Soon enough, the bus arrived.

Demi steered us to the door just as it opened.

We entered and walked to the back of the bus.

'Do you want the window seat?' she asked.

I nodded and slipped through to the window seat.

Demi sat beside me and put her bag at her feet.

I did the same.

I clicked my seatbelt in and reached for Demi's, as she didn't show any sign of moving to do it herself.

She smiled and let me do it.

Eventually everyone filled in the seats in the bus.

I saw Demi had picked a good spot; I couldn't see anyone, so that meant no one could see us.

I put my head on Demi's shoulder once more.

She gently put her hand on the back of my head.

I smiled at her.

'Unclick your seatbelt for me,' Demi said suddenly.

Curious, I did as she said.

She pulled me closer to her, so I was almost sat on her lap.

'It's awkward when you're strapped in place,' she muttered into my hair.

I smiled and leant on her once more.

She wrapped her arm around my waist, holding me tight.

She had an extremely strong grip, but I felt safe in her hold.

No one could harm me while Demi held me close.

I looked up and gently pressed a kiss onto Demi's cheek.

She blushed slightly, but lifted my chin and kissed my nose in return.

'You have such a cute little nose,' she said, gazing at me and running her finger along my nose.

I smiled at her and yawned.

'If you want to go to sleep, go to sleep. I'll keep you safe,' Demi said kindly.


'Hey, y/n, wake up,' I heard Demi say in a soft voice.

I blinked at looked Demi in the eyes.

I must have fallen asleep.

Demi took both our bags and moved into the isle.

Everyone else was getting off the bus, and we followed.

The new hotel had a homely feel to it.

It felt more like a house than a hotel.

I saw everyone crowding around a piece of paper in the lobby.

Demi and I stood by the entrance, waiting for everyone to disappear into the lift.

When most people had disappeared to the floor we were on, Demi and I walked over to the sheet of paper.

Floor 3 was scribbled in the corner.

Demi's eyes darted across the page, trying to find our room.

Eventually, her eyes rested on a room that was (fortunately for us) close to the lift.

'You go get our keys, I'll go get our luggage,' Demi said, pointing me towards the counter.

I walked over to it as Demi went outside.

'Hi, can I have the keys for Room Four on Floor Three please?' I asked.

The lady at the counter smiled at me.

She was pale, with split-dyed hair: half blue, half pink.

She turned around, pulled two keys off the wall and handed them to me.

𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕒𝕥 - Rhea Ripley x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now