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𝗔𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲, 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲.


Voyage of the Damned - Part Four

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Voyage of the Damned - Part Four.

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Max Capricorn stared at the pair for a moment, not responding. It was almost like his mind was eroding away, nothing was quite right anymore. Finally, he managed to respond with a high-pitched arrogance, "One hundred and seventy-six years of running the company have taken their toll."

"Yeah, but...nice wheels," Murmured the Doctor awkwardly.

"Yeah, very Sid from Toy Story," Hummed Lynnette, delighting in the way the Doctor's eyes widened as he swiftly pressed a hand to his mouth to cover his shit-eating grin.

And to make it even better, Capricorn had no idea that what Toy Storyu was or that Lynnette was insulting him. Instead he seemed to gloat at his ingenious as he spoke, "No. A life-support system, in a society that despises cyborgs. I've had to hide away for years, running the company by hologram. Host! Situation report!"

He was eager to get to business. He was nervous, Lynnette released and something dark in her smiled.

One of the Host stepped forward, "Information: The Titanic is still in orbit."

Capricorn seemed to clench his jaw, a spark of irritation -that Lynnette just wanted to ignite into full-blown anger- in his eyes as he grumbled, "Let me see."

Swiftly, The Doctor and Lynnette moved to the side, allowing the Frankenstein of a man move forward towards the Nuclear Storm Drive as he continued to grumble and mutter under his breath, "We should've crashed by now, what's gone wrong? The engines are stilling running! They should have stopped!"

"And your heart should have stopped a long time ago," Lynnette murmured under her breath. The Doctor glanced at her, something glittering in his eyes, telling her that he had heard her words.

Carefully, the pair walked towards the deranged man, the Doctor taking the lead, knowing Lynnette had an arsenal of insults prepared, "When they do, the Earth gets roasted. We don't understand. What's Earth got to do with it?"

With a glare, Max hissed, "This interview is terminated."

"Just like you should've been," Snapped Lynnette under her breath, eyes glinting dangerously.

The Doctor clicked his tongue, darting in front of the insane man, stopping him, "Just wait, wait wait! I can work it out, it's like a task and I'm your apprentice, just watch me. So!"

"Remember what Rickston said earlier! when we first got here," Lynnette called, just a few steps away from her partner.

The Doctor clicked his fingers at Lynnette, a smile painting his lips, "Yes! The business is failing, you wreck the ship, which makes things even worse...Oh! Yes! No...Yes! The business isn't failing, it's failed, past tense."

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