The flowers have their smell,
the sea has sound and is synonyms of life,
the birds sing every morning and fly in the sky.
What do I have, could you tell?
I'm not dressed in white,
like a wife.
Poemario de mi adolescencia
Puisi⚠️Atención, algunos de estos poemas tratan temas como los desórdenes alimenticios, comportamientos autolesivos y el suicidio. No voy a poner restricciones de edad porque trato temas que la gente vive en diferentes etapas y cada uno se conoce a sí m...
Poema n°140
The flowers have their smell,
the sea has sound and is synonyms of life,
the birds sing every morning and fly in the sky.
What do I have, could you tell?
I'm not dressed in white,
like a wife.