When I'm Miles away...I'm Still Next to you

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Day 14

Baylee had cried herself to sleep, her head laying on Taylor's chest. Dave had nodded off in the chair but jumped awake with a start and just watched his friend, smiling softly as he saw Taylor's arms move to Wrap Bay into a hug. When the drummer opened his eyes Dave smiled again.

"We got you brother. Everything's going to be okay"

Taylor gave him a cheeky grin and replied "Oh Fuck off"

Which caused Dave to start laughing, Taylor just looked at him  and pointed "Don't go doing any pills or I'll kick your ass"

Dave's eyes widened "The Fuck? how did you?"

Taylor shook his head and brushed a hand through Baylee's hair "Doesn't matter. Just don't."

Dave nodded brushing a hand through his own hair "Not planning on it T. I'm going to go find mom. She went to stretch her legs"

The blonde drummer nodded and waved him off, concentrating solely on his girl.

"Bay, wake up for me ok?" When she stirred she looked at him and tears started to fall

"Is this another dream?"

Taylor smiled "No Angel, I'm here. I'm awake and I am so so sorry that I scared you."

Baylee sat up and leaned over kissing all over his face "Don't you ever do that to us again. Our son needs his daddy. Please T no more drugs."

Taylor nodded hugging her tight to him as he placed a kiss on her forehead "Anything for you angel. I'm so sorry" Baylee leaned against him sobbing softly torn between being happy that he was awake and terrified that this could happen to him again.

She whispered softly through her tears "I'm sorry that I hung up on you. I was just upset. I wasn't going to leave you"

He kissed her softly and just held her tight "I know babe. I was high and I was stupid. I made a mistake. I'll never scare you like that again"

Baylee looked to him placing a gentle hand on his stubbled cheek and made a face "You need to shave" that comment alone made him laugh softly and kiss her forehead "Maybe I'll keep it for awhile. So the baby is Definitely a boy?" He placed his hand on her stomach rubbing gently as she nodded "yes. I'm thinking We should name him Ollie."

Taylor made a face "Oliver Shane and we can call him Shane right?" She laughed softly "What do you have against your first name?"

Taylor made a face "Oliver is so not a cool name" She chuckled "I think it's a good name but If you insist on calling him Shane then we can do that."

She laid her head against his shoulder and let her hand creep up to trail over his neck causing him to shiver as he leaned in to kiss her softly "I love you beautiful" she smiled kissing him back "I love you too Gorgeous"

When Dave and Virginia returned to the room a few moments later they found the two cuddled together stealing little kisses. Virginia cleared her throat getting Taylor's attention, he looked up to her and smiled as the older woman moved to his side and kissed his forehead "No more of this hurting yourself business, you hear me Taylor?"

He nodded looking away "I am so sorry that I scared you all" Virginia smiled "You'll come home with us when you're released" He squeezed his future mother in law's hand gently "Of course. you're still staying in LA Ginny?" Virginia smiled "yes for the time being. Baylee has an album to finish." He frowned remembering what he had said to Baylee on the phone "Bay, you don't have to quit working with Homme. I'm sorry I shouldn't have demanded that you do that"

Baylee kissed him again "It doesn't matter T. you're too important to me for me to jeopardize our relationship by continuing to work with Joshua. This incident was a huge wake up call for me, I don't want to lose you ever so until I figure out what comes next after Shane is born I'll be off work, we can call it mat leave. I might see if the girls want to start the band up again then maybe if David is cool with it we could travel together, if he thinks my band is good enough maybe we can open for you guys. But I don't want to be away from you anymore, not when it makes you so sad"

Dave looked to her "Is that why you were at the Rainbow the night T got sick?" She nodded "yeah we've been talking about getting back together for a bit, but it was never the right time, I was always busy with queens and stuff, but it looks like my schedule is clearing up a bit and soon."

Taylor looked concerned "are you sure? I don't want to be the reason that you're unhappy babe" She laughed shaking her head "T being in the studio with a bunch of drunken assholes is not my idea of happy....Well unless it's the foos because you guys are hilarious. But I'd like to get back onstage again not just be a session musician. Dave grinned and kissed his sister's forehead "Get your band back together and we will try to work something out for you. But no drinking you."

She just rolled her eyes "Pregnant, David can't drink" Virginia raised an eyebrow "And under 21. so no more trips to the bar" Baylee giggled "sorry mom, I promise I won't go to the bar again until I'm 21"

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