This Is A Call

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After she had walked out on working with Queens, Baylee had rallied her girls and put their fractured band back together, her band was called Fallen Sky, It was Made up of Baylee on Drums and some vocals, Lara on rhythm guitar and lead vocals, Kate and Haven on guitars, and the sole male in this all female group Declan on bass.

They had been in the midst of writing some new music when Baylee who had been sitting behind the drums went into labor, Bay was glad that the boys were home and not at the studio, the look on both their faces when they saw Declan carrying Baylee over his shoulder while the others girls ran after him was a sight.  Tay and Dave just looked on confused until Lara looked to Taylor.

"Hey Blondie you might wanna grab her go bag she's in labor and there's a hell of a mess to clean up in the music room"

Dave groaned at the prospect of having to clean up whatever fluid had gushed out of his sister, Taylor panicked and ran around looking for the bag, stopping once to look at Dave "DUDE HELP ME!" that was when Virginia the savior to all entered the room with the bag.

"Taylor sweetheart calm down. her bag was near the door. Declan put her down so David and Taylor can help her to the car."

The young man nodded putting Baylee back on her feet, she looked to her mother "You're coming too right mom??" Virginia nodded as she ushered the band out the door and locked up helping Taylor and Dave get Baylee into the van. "oh god Mama it hurts!"

Dave smirked "Then you shouldn't have screwed my drummer" Taylor smacked Dave in the head "Would you Fuckin' be serious for once. Sorry Ginny." the older woman chuckled

"Concentrate on Baylee sweetheart"

Taylor took his relationship with Baylee very seriously even more so since he had beaten death so to speak. He sat behind his girl holding her as she leaned against his chest, she was in pain and crying, he hated when she was hurting, He just leaned in and whispered so only she could hear him.

"It's gonna be ok Bay. Shane will be with us soon and there won't be any more pain"

The girl whimpered and looked at him "You're never taking your pants off around me again Taylor Hawkins!"

Taylor looked shell shocked as Dave started cracking up "No more sex for T" Baylee growled at her brother "Shut up David! You're not helping!"

Virginia reached back to the back and patted her daughter's knee "Remember your breathing. Taylor you went to the classes with her. rub her back and get her to breathe"

The young man raked his hands through his hair a moment before he gently started to rub his girlfriend's back, while softly whispering to her about finding her focal point and starting the breaths. When they arrived at the hospital Dave Jumped out of the van at emergency and raced in to get a wheelchair for his sister. He and Taylor as gently as they could got her into the chair, as Dave went to park Taylor ran inside pushing Bay in the chair, clearly nervous and freaking out. 

"Uhh my girlfriend's having a kid like now!"

the Grohls and Taylor were taken to a labor room where Baylee was examined and made as comfortable as possible, the nurse looked to Taylor as he drummed gently on Bay's arm with his fingertips seemed to be relaxing both. On the Nurse's confused look Dave smiled "They're drummers the beat is relaxing"

She nodded and explained that Baylee wasn't fully dilated yet but it shouldn't be too long perhaps a matter of hours. Taylor just held Baylee close kissing her cheek and then her neck just trying to keep her calm, when he kissed her neck she giggled "That's what got us here T"

It was funny he couldn't help but to laugh because a gentle kiss on the neck had in fact ended in them having sex that particular night. She looked over at him "Please come sit with me" He didn't hesitate to climb up on the bed behind her letting her lean back between his legs her head on his chest. He gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head "Hey, I love you"

The younger woman smiled and placed her hands on his that he'd put on her belly "I love you too Tay. but you're still not having sex with me anymore" He nodded "alright. Dave It's gonna be you, you can't get pregnant" Dave's jaw dropped a moment as both his sister and his best friend started laughing at him.

"So the tour rumors are true" Baylee giggled as Taylor kissed her cheek "Definitely not Bay"

Three hours later the baby was born and had surprised them all as it was babies plural a boy and a girl, seems their little girl was hiding behind her brother. Taylor got to cut the cords and just stared at both babies in complete awe of them, someone out there thought he was responsible enough to take care of these little lives, he stared at his daughter as a tear fell, Baylee was exhausted but looked to him concerned. "T are you ok?"

He nodded looking at the perfect little angel in his arms "They're so beautiful Bay" Baylee smiled holding little Shane "They are. What's her name Tay? We've got Shane here." He looked down at the baby girl "I-I don't know. She's perfection. She's a total Angel" Baylee smiled "How about Belle?" Taylor looked up "Annabelle?" a nod and a smile "Annabelle Hawkins. I love it."

Dave and Virginia were finally allowed in "Let's see him" seeing two babies he froze letting out an exaggerated gasp as he pointed between the two babies a la Joey from friends, making Baylee giggle. "Easy now David. They surprised us too. come meet Oliver Shane and Annabelle Hawkins"

Dave stole Annabelle from Taylor and stared down at her having a full on conversation with her which made Baylee cry tears of happiness. Dave kissed his niece's head "any time you want someone to kick your daddy's butt you come to me. I'll do it because mommy loves him too much" Virginia chuckled at Dave as she took Shane into her arms. "Oh Baylee sweetheart they're beautiful. but take it easy now maybe wait a couple years before you have any more"

Baylee giggled "Yeah I agree mom"

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