Up In Arms

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Taylor and Baylee made their way back to his room once there she sat on the couch curling up in a ball as he tried to pull her into his arms. "Bay I fucked up using again. But I would never ever cheat on you." She looked to him "I know you didn't. I know you didn't even know she was here. But for fuck sake Taylor you've ignored me for a week, I was already starting to think you were leaving me then I walked in to that. You gotta understand that seeing that..."

He nodded and tried pulling her close again, this time she let him she couldn't help the tears that fell, he may have been innocent but it still hurt. He kissed the top of her head "I was ashamed of myself angel. I didn't want to let you down and you always knew by the sound of my voice if I was high. I didn't want to put you through that again" He couldn't stop his own tears as they clung to each other, she nodded and placed her hands on his cheeks "When did you start using again?" He looked away "Start of tour." she nodded and held him tight "We need to get you detoxed again. We'll call your therapist and we will get you straight again. I just wish you had told me what was going on."

He held onto her tight he was full on ugly crying though she could never think someone as beautiful as he is could ever look ugly. "I'm so sorry Bay. I missed you so much and the drugs just made it easier to cope alone." she nodded "do you want me to see about staying out the rest of the tour?" He nodded sadly laying his head against her chest relaxing as she brushed her fingers through his hair "can you forgive me?" She smiled and kissed his forehead "there's nothing to forgive Tay. addiction is an illness and I will be here to help you through everything. I'm your wife there's nowhere else I would ever want to be" He looked up at her "can I make up for messing up our anniversary?" She kissed him "We'll do something tomorrow. you look exhausted babe"

He looked up at her tears still falling "I love you and I never want to let you down again" she shook her head "Oh baby, you haven't let me down. The only way you could ever let me down would be if you cheated on me or abandoned me and the kids." He looked to her his eyes wide and red rimmed "I will never cheat or abandon you or the kids. Never!" She smiled hugging him tight "Then we have nothing to worry about right?" He nodded and started to kiss her neck "I want you" She stopped him and kissed him softly on the lips "Babe. I just want to cuddle tonight ok? I'm not going anywhere I will be here in the morning there's no need to rush" He looked at her almost afraid "Promise?" She smiled kissing him again "I will never ever leave you T"

She got up from the couch and pulled him up "let's go take a bath yeah?" He nodded wrapping his arms around her "So I get to see you naked tonight...maybe I can change your mind" she giggled as he started to kiss her neck again, she turned and started kissing him as they starting pulling each other's clothes off. So much for mere cuddling, they stumbled into the shower pawing and groping at each other, both panting as Taylor slowly made love to her as the water cascaded over their bodies they didn't even part as they stumbled back to the bedroom to continue where they left off in the shower.

When Baylee woke the next morning she smiled and looked over at her husband who was laying half way on top of her, she gently grabbed his hand and kissed it then kissed his wrist and up his arm, he wiggled slightly alerting her that he was awake, she kept kissing until she reached his neck and gave it a nibble making him groan, she could feel him grow hard against her, without warning he wrapped his arms around her and flipped her back so she was fully underneath him he started to kiss down her body, before he reached the fabled promised land she stopped him "T wait babe"

He looked up at her with a pout "but..." She giggled "Easy tiger It's not stopping forever get up here" he crawled back up her body kissing her neck again making her giggle "No...love me now baby...we can talk after. can't you feel what you've done to me?" He thrusted gently against her making her moan softly "Taylor, Angel I have to tell you something" He looked at her "oh my god you're divorcing me" She perked a brow "Taylor if I wanted a divorce I wouldn't tell you that before sex it wouldn't have even gotten this far"

He nodded "You're right. What's on your mind beautiful" She smiled "Do you remember what we did the morning before you left for tour" He smiled and kissed her neck "Yeah...it's what I'm trying to get you to do now babe" She laughed softly "Well you remember what can happen when a man and a woman love each other very much?" He stops and just stares in her eyes "Babe are you pregnant!?" She grinned "Happy Anniversary you're gonna be a daddy again"

all thoughts of him having sex at that moment flew out the window as he kissed her deeply then jumped out of the bed pulling his pants on. Baylee laughed watching as he raced out the door and ran up and down the hall singing at the top of his lungs a song called 'she's having my baby, my baby and me'. She got up and pulled on one of his t-shirts before heading to the door, giggling as she saw Dave open his door and yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP TAYLOR WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP". Taylor stopped dancing around the hallway as Bay stuck her head out the door "Sorry David. He just got good news he's happy" Dave grumbled looking to his sister "Yeah well fuck him back to sleep we don't leave for another four hours"

As Taylor went to dance past the door again she reached out and grabbed his arm "Babe get in here. We can share the happy news in a few hours, David's grumpy" Taylor pouted adorably but nodded and let her pull him back into the room, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply "I'm so happy bay" she smiled "So am I T. Just come back to bed we'll order some coffee for us and the guys so they forgive you for waking them up" He picked her up heading back towards the bed "Fuck them. I want you" She giggled as they spent the next hour or so making love.

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