Here We Go...

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As soon as he was cleared to leave the hospital, Taylor and the Grohls made their way back to California so that life could go on. Baylee had finished her part on the Queens album fairly quick and was currently packing up her drum kit when she felt someone grab her ass, just from the force behind the touch she knew that it wasn't Taylor, she wheeled around to smack the offender only to find that it was Nick, who had no idea that she was leaving, when she had wheeled around to smack him he caught her hand.

"Naughty girl. What the fuck is all this?"

Baylee pulled her hand away from him glaring "Don't fucking touch me. What's it look like? I'm done. I'm packing up"

Hearing someone coming in Nick backed off "Shame. you're giving up your career for Hawkins"

She shook her head "I'm not giving up my career. I'm just not working with you and Joshua anymore." Nick turned towards the door seeing Joshua there and groaned "Yeah I know Josh, Leave her alone. I'm going" with that Nick trudged out of the room and Baylee went back to packing up her kit.

Joshua stood there a minute before speaking "Bay...He's right. you're basically quitting your job for Taylor of all people" She looked up from what she was doing giving him a look "I was actually in a band before I became your session drummer ass. I'm pregnant and want to spend time with my family. you know plenty of drummers get one of them to work with you"

Joshua bit his lip and took a step towards her "come on Bay, you know I was gonna ask you to tour this record with us" she laughed slightly and shook her head "I would have said no either way. I'm not interested in touring with Queens. I'm interested in getting my own band back together and I'm interested in the ongoing welfare of my own family. I love my Taylor and I'm not doing anything that could jeopardize him or my family."

It happened in a flash, Josh had grabbed her and pushed her into the wall forcing himself into her personal space as he kissed her none too delicately, she could hear Dave walking through the place, he and Taylor had come to pick her and her drums up, though Joshua had scared her she quickly raised her leg and kneed him in the nuts to get him off of her, as he hit the floor both Dave and Taylor came through the door, seeing her looking terrified Taylor went straight to her and pulled her into a tight embrace "What happened? What did he do to my Angel?"

Dave looked down at Joshua who was writhing in pain on the floor "yeah that's what I would like to know" Baylee clung to Taylor "He fucking kissed me!", That had done it both Dave and Taylor were pissed, Dave looked to his friend "T, take Bay out of here. Seems Homme and I need to have a discussion"

Taylor nodded and gave Baylee a soft kiss before leading her out of the studio "Come on Angel. let's get you out of here"

Once they were out of earshot Dave started to finish packing up his sister's drums "I can't actually believe that you would try to force yourself on her man. You know how much she loves Taylor" Joshua finally managed to get up "She over reacted. I was saying goodbye"

The look in Dave's eyes told Joshua that he didn't believe him in the least, he eyed the red haired man and shook his head "You're gonna stay away from my sister or else." Dave had let the silent threat sit there, Joshua looked completely stunned that his buddy Dave could turn on him so fast. "Dude it was just a kiss. It was nothing. "

Dave looked back at him shaking his head "You're not helping your case any. Leave my little sister and her family alone, if you're lonely go find a fucking girlfriend Bay is taken and she won't leave Taylor ever."

Josh frowned looking at the floor and mumbled "I love her" Dave rolled his eyes "Fuckin deal with it. She's not interested" with that Being said Dave started hauling his sister's kit out of the studio. Joshua followed behind him to get the door etc. "Dave you can't seriously be pissed off at me about this? She knows the affect she has on guys, she uses it to her advantage"

The dark haired front man turned on his friend "You seriously did not just say that she deserved to be assaulted by you" Joshua bit his lip "Well look at how she dresses man"

that had done it, forgetting his peaceful nature Dave set the drums down and to the shock of everyone involved, he punched Joshua making him hit the floor for the second time that day, Dave's dark eyes sparkled with anger "My sister is a fucking saint to have put up with you and your fucking drug addicted friends. You will keep your hands and eyes off of my sister and if you so happen to be in a building that she's will leave."

Josh smirked "What if it's the Grammys Dave?" the former Nirvana drummer shook his head "you're not getting any Grammys Homme." with that he grabbed the drums again and stuck them in the back of his van before grabbing whatever was left and getting them all the hell out of there.

(A/N: The Grammy comment while mean is kinda real. QOTSA have been nominated 7 times and not won any Grammys)

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