Learn to Fly

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Baylee and Taylor didn't say anything to Dave about who hurt her until they were in the air and on the way to Virginia, The boys would be recording in Dave's house, and Baylee and Taylor had rented a place down the street for themselves and the kids. Once they had taken off from LAX holding on to Taylor's hand Bay looked to her brother. "David, I'm ready to talk about what happened at the festival" Dave nodded "T knows already?" She looked down clearing her throat "Yeah. We held it back from you to protect you"

Dave perked an eyebrow "I'm supposed to protect you. not the other way around little sister" She bit her lip "you didn't need the lawsuit David. It was Joshua Homme. He didn't like being told no" Dave's eyes widened "Did he..." leaving the words 'rape you' hanging in the air, Taylor shuddered at the thought but just squeezed her hand as she shook her head "No David. He came to his senses before it came to that. He grabbed my throat and threw me down. He ran off when he realized what he was doing. He even apologized...then begged me not to tell you"

She looked down as Dave took a breath "You should have told me. I wouldn't have done that show!" She looked up "I know. That's why we stayed quiet you didn't need to be sued because of me or arrested because of him." Dave nodded not impressed but he understood why his sister felt the need to protect him, he gently grabbed her free hand "Never be scared to tell me anything. I will never work with Homme again. I'll do everything that I can to protect you from that bastard."

Wanting to change the subject Baylee laid her head against Taylor's shoulder then smiled "So I have some news about Fallen Sky" Dave nodded "What's that?" She smiled looking between them "Soooo when we get back to LA We're due to go into Sound City and get our record started" Taylor leaned over and hugged her tight "That's great babe! I can't wait to hear what you guys have got" Dave smiled "Yeah you're gonna do great things Baylee Grohl" Bay smiled and cuddled up against Taylor the fact that her boys were so happy for her and proud of her always made her a little fangirly.

When they arrived at the airport Dave rented a car and they all headed for his house and the place that she and Taylor would be staying by extension. Once settled Baylee made sure to call Virginia to let her know that they had arrived and promised that she would bring the kids over the next day, Baylee even giggled as her mother referred to the twins with Taylor's nickname for the kids, yes she wanted to see Shanabelle.

When Baylee and Taylor made their way to bed that night they cuddled close, Taylor kissing the bruises on her neck he gently held her hand as he tried not to tear up, he hated that she was hurt. She heard him sniffle and felt his tears as he hugged her tightly to him. Bay brushed her fingers through his hair hugging him tight "Babe I'm ok. I know you're upset about what happened, but I'm ok and I'm never going anywhere. I will never ever leave you" he looks at her tears on his cheeks voice breaking as he finally speaks "That fucker could have killed you."

Baylee sat up and kissed him gently "But he didn't babe. He stopped." the blond drummer frowned "please don't say you've forgiven what he's done." She shook her head "No, not at all babe. He's just not worth you wasting your energy on being upset. I love you so much T and I will never leave you, not by my own power and not by death. Nothing and No one can force us apart." She finally shifted back down and laid her head against his chest relaxing as he ran his fingers through her dark hair.

The next day when Taylor had gone to start recording Bay took the car and headed over to her mother's house. While concerned about the bruises on her daughter Virginia instinctively knew that Taylor would never have caused her harm, Lisa on the other hand had to be talked down and reminded that Taylor would rather harm himself than her or the kids. Baylee did tell them what had happened at the festival and while Virginia believed that Josh Homme should be charged for assault she also understood her daughter's desire to just forget about it.

Both Lisa and Virginia loved the twins and and were enjoying their time together, and they did briefly discuss wedding plans, Baylee wanted to discuss it with Taylor but she kind of wanted to get married on a beach somewhere she just didn't know where yet. The boys had turned up later on at the request of Virginia for dinner, Bay knew immediately that Lisa was trying to convince Taylor to have Bay charge Joshua Homme for assault when she pulled Taylor away claiming she needed to talk to him.

When they returned later Taylor looked like he had been scolded and just sat as close as he could to Bay wrapping his arms around her, but he said nothing. Dave looked to their older sister "Lees you best not have broken my drummer" She put up her hands shaking her head "I did not break your drummer David. I was just checking in on my baby sister" Baylee turned to Taylor and put a hand on his cheek "What is it T?"

The blond shook his head "It's nothing Bay. I actually agree with her but I told her that I wouldn't force you to do anything you didn't want to" Bay looked to her sister "For fuck sake Lees, I'm not pressing charges and T is stressed enough without you getting all over him, I'm a grown ass adult for crying out loud. I get that you're worried about me, But I'm good I'm happy and I don't want to dwell on the likes of Joshua Homme ok. Please just let it die already"

Sighing Lisa finally gave in and nodded "Alright, alright I'll let it go. I'm just worried about you Bay" the younger girl laughed softly "Story of my life. Everyone worries about me even T does all the time. But I'm big enough and ugly enough to handle whatever comes along to try to throw obstacles in my path." Taylor frowned then kissed her softly "You're not Ugly."

Things got relatively quiet after that and after they all left Virginia's, the boys went back to record some more while Baylee and the kids went back to their rented little house up the street. hours went by and Taylor came home to find Baylee sitting on the couch curled up in a ball, he frowned and crossed the room quickly to pull her into his arms "What's wrong angel?"

She looked to him and kissed him softly "I missed you." he smiled and replied that he missed her too and just hugged her tightly, feeling that her missing him wasn't the problem but that she just wasn't telling him everything. He sighed and got up he picked her up and took her up to their bed before taking a quick shower and joining her in bed.

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