The Nightmare II

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A/N: mentions of sex and sexual situations but I'm not great at writing sex scenes so you get what you get.


Baylee sat in the tub behind Taylor as he laid his head against her shoulder, her arms wrapped around him as she hummed a soft song to him. Little by little his fear had subsided and his skin grew warmer. He took a breath and gently squeezed her hand "I'm ok now baby. The nightmare really messed with my head" She nodded kissing his cheek. "I know babe. I will be here through any and every nightmare you have. I will always fight to protect you and your heart"

Taylor smiled peacefully squeezing her hand again "Me too babe. I would die to keep you and Shanabelle safe." Baylee giggled and kissed him softly "Shanabelle?" He nodded to "Yeah, Shane and Annabelle" She giggled again as she wet his hair and gently started massage shampoo into it "You know you could just say the kids or the twins"

The blond shook his head "I like Shanabelle." He relaxed against her groaning softly as she massaged the soap into his hair, Baylee just smiled "I do love how your mind works T." He grinned "Hopefully you love how other parts of me work too" She couldn't help but to grin back "Let's get this soap out of your hair and you can show me some of your moves Hawkins" Taylor shuddered in excitement "Babe you'll be walking funny when I'm done with you."

Good to his word after their bath he carried her to the bed and grinned down at her as he kissed her passionately "I love you and now I'm gonna fuck you into this mattress" Baylee's eyes widened as she shivered just from the tone of his voice. They made love for hours and as he promised Baylee was left walking funny as she went to take care of the kids who had just woken up and Taylor lay on the bed with his arms crossed behind his head the complete epitome of a happy man.

Later in the day when Baylee was in the kitchen preparing dinner Taylor's amorous side struck again, he walked up behind her and started to kiss her neck as he let his hands slide up her shirt to cup her breasts, he whispered "I want you so bad right now" she groaned softly giving in to the sensations of his touch having forgotten that they had told Dave he could come over for dinner. Taylor had started to slide her shorts down so he could have access, this was unusual for them a first time for the kitchen. Taylor bent her over the counter and growled into her ear "ready for me baby?" Baylee whimpered and moaned nodding "Oh god yes"

They didn't hear the front door open and close and were losing themselves to their feelings when they heard a yell of "FOR FUCK SAKE YOU TWO PEOPLE EAT IN HERE!" Dave was there as they scrambled apart to redress and compose themselves, Dave turned away and raced out of the room so he didn't have to see more of his sister than he just had seen.

Baylee was thoroughly embarrassed, Taylor grabbed himself and Dave a beer and was trying not to laugh at the situation, before he left to go to talk to Dave he pulled Baylee close kissing her deeply as he grabbed her ass "To be continued babe." She nodded still blushing "Yeah go make sure we didn't blind my brother please"

As Taylor walked into the living room he stopped looking at Dave sitting there with his head in his hands "You ok man? you're early" Dave didn't look up but took the beer his friend offered "No T. I'm on time. You two should lock your door in the future. I never want to see that again dude"

Taylor couldn't help but to laugh at Dave's reaction to it "Dude, It's my house. Learn to knock!"

When dinner was ready, Taylor and Dave seemed fine but Baylee was still extremely embarrassed she found herself sitting quietly as the boys sat and talked joking around and smoking their cigarettes. After about an hour of her silence Dave looked at her and put his hand on hers "Bay, let it go. It's ok The embarrassment is over." She finally looked up and grabbed one of Taylor's smokes and lit it surprising her brother because he didn't know that she had started smoking.

Taylor looked over at her "Babe you only smoke when you're stressing. you alright?" She nodded "Yeah I'm ok. just trying to put the kitchen behind us" Taylor smirked "Baby It's ok he's going to learn to knock in the future" Baylee nodded and took a drag "yeah ok. I'm alright." She leaned over and kissed Taylor softly.

The three of them drank and hung out for another few hours before Dave headed home and Taylor and Baylee went in to cuddle with the kids and watch a movie as they all snuggled together on the sofa as a family. Later that night after the kids were in bed Taylor and Baylee made their way to their room to continue what they had started in the kitchen before Dave showed up and cockblocked them.

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