Weren't you adored?

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February 14,2003

The foos were on tour Baylee had stayed back with the kids in LA due to having her own band stuff to deal with. She hadn't spoken to Taylor in almost a week and it was driving her insane, she knew he was busy but even when she called when he was off he said he was busy. He still told her that he loved her all the time but she felt like he was pulling away from her and it was breaking her heart. She talked to Lara and Haven about her fears and they convinced her to go see him for their anniversary.

She packed up the kids and herself and got on a plane to Sydney, She had let Dave know and told him not to tell Taylor as it was supposed to be a surprise for their anniversary her brother hesitantly agreed to keep the secret but she still couldn't get the nagging feeling in her gut that she was losing the love of her life. Dave and Shifty met her at the airport and they seemed happy to see her at least. Dave had gotten her a keycard for Taylor's room and when they got to the hotel Dave took the twins to his room and Baylee went to Taylor's room.

The room was in darkness and there were clothes all over the place, she just shook her head and made her way toward the window careful not to make any noise as she didn't want to scare him. She opened the curtains and gasped as she first saw a needle and other drug paraphernalia on the table beside him, by his side in the bed was a dark haired woman. Heartbroken and angry she decided to leave but not before slapping him across the face waking him up. He jumped awake and stared at her wide eyed "Bay..." Tears sprung to his eyes as he followed her gaze to the woman beside him "It's not what it looks like"

She shook her head "Happy Anniversary. I'll be with my brother" As she started to walk out of the room he scrambled out of the bed to go after her "Please Bay...don't go" She looked at him tears streaming down her cheeks "I can deal with you relapsing but cheating T. I can't deal with this now. just...leave me alone." She stormed out and went across the hall to Dave's room pounding on the door, when he opened it he saw her in tears and knew Taylor had fucked up again. She wasn't dragging him to a hospital so it wasn't another overdose. He saw Taylor in the hall "Bay please baby let's talk about this" Baylee just threw her arms around Dave a moment before turning back to Taylor "You cheated on me. on our fucking anniversary." She looked to Dave "can the kids and I stay with you until I can get a flight home?" He nodded and let her in "Yeah of course Bay. I changed the kids and they're sleeping" When he moved she went in not saying anything to Taylor.

Taylor was also crying, Dave stepped out of the room to talk to his friend "What the fuck T?" the blond drummer looked down "I don't even know Dave. I I relapsed....I don't even know who the chick is. I swear I was alone when I came back to my room" Dave shook his head "She planned this surprise for you T as a surprise because she thought you missed her, maybe she was the only one doing the missing" T shook his head "I miss her every minute we're not together D. please help me fix this. I am so happy that she and the kids are here, our reunion didn't go as she planned but I swear I didn't fuck that chick" Dave sighed "get rid of the girl. sober up and take a shower you stink. I'll talk to Bay but no promises you'll be lucky if she doesn't just ditch us all." Taylor looked confused "you're her brother. why would she ditch you?" Dave raised an eyebrow "Who introduced her to the man who broke her heart? Fix your shit T"

Dave went back into his room and gathered his sister into his arms "I'm so sorry Bay. I told him to get sobered up, you think maybe you can talk to him when he does that?" She shook her head "I don't know David. I feel like my heart is shattered into pieces. I never thought he would ever cheat on me" He sat her down on the couch and sat on the table in front of her "I'm not sure that he did Bay. He says he went back to his room alone" She gave him a look "He's using he probably forgot he picked her up" he just stared into her eyes "Bay" She sighed "Fine. I'll talk to him but he isn't getting off the hook easily." He nodded "I know sis. and he shouldn't I just want you to hear him out. He loves you, I know he does" She looked away "Funny way of showing it. You know he's ignored me for a week right?" Dave sighed "he was probably ashamed of relapsing."

A few hours later Taylor had cleaned himself up and everyone went to dinner. He had gotten rid of the girl finding out that she worked in the hotel and had snuck into his room hoping to seduce the stoned drummer, she admitted that she had gotten nowhere. Her behavior was reported to the management and she was subsequently fired Taylor was apologized to profusely by hotel management and it was likely to be the last time the foos stayed in that hotel. Baylee didn't say a lot at dinner she had mostly watched as the guys played with the kids. Taylor finally moved over to where she was and went down on his knees in front of her holding her hands in his "please Bay can we go talk alone? I didn't cheat" She nodded and looked at Dave "Can you guys watch the kids?" He nodded "Go fix your marriage little sister"

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