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Baylee was only asleep a few hours before she woke to the sound of voices in her hospital room, she frowned seeing a clearly worried and teary Taylor by her side "What happened? is she ok?" Taylor sniffed and nodded "She's perfect...needs a name but she's perfect. You gave us a bit of a scare babe" Dave kissed her forehead "yeah they said you were bleeding too much so they had to go in and make sure everything was fixed up before we could see you"

She looked back to Taylor and squeezed his hand "You must have been so scared" He shook his head "Nah. Me? Scared? Never. Dave was a complete mess though" Baylee giggled "you're deflecting but I'm sure he was scared too" Dave nodded "Fucking terrified. can you stop trying to give all of us a heart attack. Mom flew in but I told her to go to my place I'll bring her later to see that you're alright"

Bay looked at him "make sure she knows I'm awake and alright before you go to bed tonight David." Dave chuckled "it's morning Baylee Marie." She looked to Taylor "Can we see the baby?" He nodded and stood kissing her softly before he headed to the nursery to get their daughter. She looked around at everyone "Hey, I'm ok guys it was just a setback" Jordyn was the one to speak this time "The doctors want to keep an eye on you for a bit. They say that you could still have complications up to a year after." Baylee frowned "is that why T looked so frightened?" Jordyn nodded "They want to keep an eye on your heart" She stopped talking as she heard Taylor returning with a dark haired baby girl, Baylee laughed the twins had been fair haired like their father, it would figure this one would come out looking like her older brother. "Jesus she looks like you David" Dave grinned "Just means she's good looking like her Uncle"

Taylor rolled his eyes and gently tugged Bay's gown down a bit still keeping the important bits covered and laid their daughter on her chest. Baylee put a hand on the baby's back and teared up "She's perfect like the twins" Taylor nodded "Absolutely perfect in every way. What were you thinking for a name babe?" Baylee looked up "Stevie Jade Hawkins?" both Taylor and Dave smiled "After Stevie Nicks that's awesome." Taylor looked down at the baby and leaned in to kiss the top of her head "Welcome to the Family Stevie"

Soon enough everyone but Taylor had left to go get some rest, Baylee smiled and brushed her fingers along Taylor's cheek "Go get some rest T. I'm ok" He shook his head "No I'm here until you can come home" knowing there was no point in arguing she nodded "can you at least come cuddle with us?" Taylor didn't have to be asked twice, he climbed gently into the bed beside her and looked over at the baby in her arms "She really does look like Dave doesn't she?" She laughed "yeah though she screams like her daddy" he blushed "ya think so?" She giggled and leaned over to kiss him "I love the way you scream" He chuckled "I thought you loved the way I moan" She grinned "That too"

A nurse had come to take Stevie back to the Nursery for a bit, giving Taylor and Baylee a chance to rest and they definitely took the opportunity. When Bay awoke again Taylor was snoring softly in her ear as he held her to his chest, she saw Dave and her mom there and smiled softly "Hey Mama." Virginia kissed her cheek "My little dramatic girl. always keeping us on our toes aren't you?" Bay giggled "Sorry. I didn't mean to worry anyone" Virginia smiled and squeezed the girl's hand "It's not your fault. I'm just so thankful that you're still with us. I know you're not fond of doctors or taking orders but please take your health seriously enough that you listen to the doctors and keep yourself around please" Baylee nodded "Definitely Mama." She followed her mother's gaze to Taylor and frowned "He's so scared Mama but he won't admit it. He kept waking up to make sure I was still here." She couldn't help the tears that fell, Virginia nodded "He may be liked that for a bit sweetheart. This is the second time he has almost lost you. When he gets scared just hold him or let him hold onto you and love him through it." Baylee nodded "I will Mama. It just it hurts that he's in so much pain because of me" She felt Taylor's arms tighten around her again as his breath quickened and he jumped awake, She looked over at him "Hey it's alright Babe. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. Try to rest some more ok?" his eyes had barely opened but he acknowledged her with a nod and lay back down again falling right back to sleep.

Bay gently rubbed his arms and looked at her mother "I'm going to get him to call his psychiatrist after and make an appointment. It can't hurt right?" Virginia shook her head "no it can't hurt at all Baylee. Now...Where is my granddaughter?" Bay giggled "Stevie is in the nursery. They took her a little while ago so T and I could get some rest. David...can you see if they will let you bring her back?" Dave nodded and stood to go get his niece from the nursery. Taylor had only managed to sleep another hour and when he woke he saw Baylee feeding the baby and Dave across the room he smirked "She's your sister D stop looking at her tits" causing Dave to make a face, the color drained from Taylor's face as he realized that Virginia was there "Sorry Mom. I didn't even see you" She laughed and moved to his side of the bed to give him a warm hug "How are you doing sweetheart?" He shrugged "I'm ok. Bay's ok. the Baby's ok. I'd say we're all good"

He laid back on the bed taking a breath not wanting to burden any of them with the myriad of conflicting emotions that were coursing through him at that precise moment.

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