Under You

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A/N: Here be a time jump and some sadness. This is the final chapter of this particular story, please let me know if you want a sequel.


Shanabelle-Age 10

Stevie-Age 8

Violet-Age 7

Harper-Age 4

Taylor and Baylee were still very much together and very much in love their drama quotient had subsided quite a bit when Bay had decided to go back to being a session drummer instead of trying to tour with three children on her own, Taylor was obviously still a Foo and the foo's were sonically taking over the world and Baylee couldn't be prouder. David and Jordyn had married and had two daughters  Violet Maye and Harper Willow Grohl.

Bay was at Dave and Jordyn's with the kids, she and the kids would go stay there when the foos were touring. Luckily David and Taylor would be back soon enough their schedule since getting married and having kids was a two weeks on two weeks off thing with time for their families scheduled in. There were also blackout dates so that special occasions weren't missed.

Shane had gone to check on his mother who had gone to take a nap, being unable to wake her he panicked and Screamed "AUNTIE JORDYN MOM WON'T WAKE UP!!!!!" a stampede of children's feet raced toward Baylee's room as Jordyn also went to check expecting to see Baylee and Shane giggling at the joke they had pulled but what she saw was Shane in tears and Baylee clearly unresponsive, She looked to Annabelle "Belle call 911 and tell them we need an ambulance. Shane call your father or Uncle Dave ok?"

Annabelle called 911 and was truly fantastic on the phone with the operator as she gave the address and explained that her Aunt was trying to help her mother breathe. Jordyn was giving CPR, she glanced to Violet "Vi take Harps into the other room please" Violet nodded as Jordyn continued trying to help her sister-in-law. Medics arrived just as Shane had managed to get through to Taylor on his mother's phone "Bay, Hey beautiful what's up?" Shane's sobs came through the line "DADDY YOU GOTTA COME HOME! SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH MOMMY!" Taylor's eyes widened "Buddy where's your mom? let me talk to her" The boy sobbed harder and handed the phone to his aunt "T Bay is on the way to the hospital. you guys need to get here as soon as you can." She spoke softly as she hugged the Hawkins children gently, Taylor trembled "W-What happened?" Jordyn sighed "she wasn't breathing T. Belle called 911, I did cpr and Shane called you. I'm going to take them to their grandmother and then I'll head to Cedars to be with Bay. how far from LA are you guys?" She heard a muffled sob on the phone and Then Dave's voice "We'll be thirty Minutes Jor. We're on the way."

All the kids had been dropped with Virginia who had just told Jordyn to keep her in the loop of what was going on with Bay. When Jordyn arrived at the hospital she was allowed into the room but given very little information, machines were breathing for Bay. She grabbed her sister-in-law's hand and whispered "Dave and T are on the way Bay. you have to come back. T and the kids need you", exactly 30 minutes later Taylor and Dave burst through the door, Jordyn got up and moved into Dave's arms she spoke softly but both worried men could hear her "Shane went to check on her. she had just said she wanted a nap, next thing I knew there was a stampede of screaming children and Bay wasn't breathing" Dave kissed the top of her head "Have the doctors told you anything?" she shook her head "Not really, I'm not immediate family just that she's comatose"

Taylor climbed onto the bed with Baylee and gently hugged her close "You have to come back Bay. The kids and I won't survive without you" logically he knew that they could but he really just wanted her to wake up and give him shit for saying it, tears rolled down his cheeks as he placed kisses on her face, forehead and hands. "Please Bay feel me. I'm here. Just come back to me" Jordyn turned hiding her face in Dave's chest Taylor's words were breaking her heart, Dave stood stoic almost numb, this was his baby sister who he helped raise why wasn't he reacting? he loved her, what finally broke him was when the first alarm started to blare and Taylor jumped off the bed screaming "NO! Bay come on you have to stay with us?"

Dave stared at the machines watching as the heart monitor started to show signs that she wasn't going to make it, suddenly the room was filled with doctors and nurses pushing the three out. Taylor mumbled something about needing a smoke and stomped outside, he paced as he did something that he hadn't done since he was a little boy, he prayed out loud. "God, I don't know if you're really there but please you can't take her man. We need her she keeps me right and I don't think I can survive without her. Please God don't take my wife away"

he looked at the ground as tears fell, he finished his cigarette and 15 minutes later back in the hallway they were being told that Baylee's heart had stopped and there was nothing more that they could do. Silently Taylor sunk to his knees on the floor tears falling down his cheeks. Dave called Virginia and told her that they would be over there soon and that he would tell her everything when they arrived. He gently reached for Taylor "Come on T. Your kids need you" Taylor shook his head "I need to see her. Please." Dave took a breath knowing they hadn't taken her out of the room yet and helped Taylor stand pushing the door open, he held onto his best friend as they approached what used to be his baby sister. Taylor grabbed Baylee's hand and sobbed "You promised I could go first. You broke your promise. It's ok though I'll love you forever Bay. however long forever is" Dave's head snapped up looking to his friend "T"  Taylor shook his head "don't please D I can't not right now." He leaned in and kissed his wife's forehead "I'm so sorry that I wasn't here"

Dave pulled Taylor close "C'mon man we have to go. you gotta tell the kids" Taylor shook his head "I can't D. How do I tell them that she's gone?" Dave looked down "With help from me. We'll do this together buddy"

Taylor nodded sadly and allowed the Grohls to take him away to be with his kids.

A/N: as stated above this is the last chapter, if you want to see how Taylor and the kids survive without Baylee let me know!!!!

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