February Stars

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February 14, 2002

Taylor was nervous, He sat in his bedroom at the hotel that had been for himself and the groomsmen. He wasn't dressed yet and they were due on the beach for the ceremony in less than an hour. The guys kept pounding on the door only to be ignored, Taylor didn't know why he wouldn't respond he didn't even know why he was so terrified he loved Baylee and the kids. Sighing he pulled on his jeans and a t-shirt before ducking out of the terrace doors.

Dave waited only a few minutes before kicking the door open, he swore seeing the room empty "THAT COCKSUCKER!", Dave and the boys all split up to try to find Taylor and avert the impending crisis. Dave swore to himself that he was going to kick Taylor's ass if he stood Bay up at the altar. The blond drummer wasn't actually running away he just needed to see her, and he did. She was on the beach dressed in her street clothes like he was.

When they saw each other they ran across the sand and into each other's arms, they kissed a minute before Taylor leaned his forehead against her and whispered "I'm so scared Bay" She hugged him tight and brushed her fingers over his stubbled cheek "So am I T. We can call it off if the idea..." He shook his head "No. God Bay, I want to marry you today. It's just the penguin suit and everyone's expecting me to hurt you...They expect me to abandon you"

She frowned "Who expects that? not me or the kids. Who said it babe?" He looked away and mumbled "Doesn't matter" Bay put her hands on his cheeks turning his head gently so he was looking at her "Who said it?" she wiped away a tear that had slid down his cheek "We shouldn't have invited my family. It was my dad and brother"

Baylee nodded and kissed him again "Well let's prove them wrong then. Wear what you want, whatever makes you comfortable and I'll meet you to get married right?" He nodded "Board shorts?" She laughed and kissed him "Yeah. go for it babe." They kissed again before parting and making their way back to their rooms.

When the boys got back to the groomsmen's room they found Taylor in board shorts a t-shirt and his suit jacket over top, instead of getting pissed or telling him to change Dave started laughing "Bay's gonna kill you" Taylor shook his head "She told me to wear what I wanted. I just needed to see her D." Dave nodded and hugged his friend  "Alright man. So you want the rest of us in the penguin suits?" Taylor shook his head "Wear what makes you comfortable" The boys all laughed and started to throw on jeans and t-shirts.

Back in her room Baylee was also changing as well as informing her mother of what Taylor's father and brother had said. She had decided to make Taylor feel more comfortable and she herself was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a bikini top. She still got her hair and make up done professionally and she wore flats instead of heels.

since the bridesmaid dresses were just simple sundresses the girls wore those. Soon it was time for the ceremony, Dave and Virginia as planned walked Baylee down the aisle to where Taylor stood he was still nervous but he calmed when he saw his girl walking towards him, he smiled brightly and took her hands when Dave and Virginia gave her to him, he whispered before they officiant started "You look beautiful" She smiled "You look Gorgeous" He blushed a moment before they turned to the officiant.

When the Officiant stated that if anyone had reason they shouldn't be married to speak now or forever hold their peace, Taylor's father and brother simply got up and left, they had some belief that the whole wedding was a sham and that Taylor wasn't mature enough to be married. Taylor looked to her almost hopeless Baylee squeezed his hands. "Today is about us" once they had left the officiant continued and the I do's were said. When Taylor was told to kiss his bride he dipped Baylee and kissed her deeply making everyone laugh.

They were presented as Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Taylor Hawkins and everyone applauded except Dave who made a joke "It's about Time T!" everyone laughed as Taylor and Bay joined hands and made their way to go to the party since no one needed to change out of suits or awkward dresses. Taylor and Baylee were happy and together.

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