These Days

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Baylee let herself into Dave's house with the extra key that she had and none too delicately grabbed him by the hair and pulled until he woke up "WHAT THE FUCK BAY!?"

She glared at him "Get up and get in the car" confused he shook his head "No I won't be doing that" she nodded and started turning lights on as she grabbed a random container of beer bottle caps that were sitting on the table. "Fine. But you ain't sleeping either brother" He groaned sitting up to light a cigarette "What did I do this time Bay?"

she glared flicking a bottle cap at him and smiling as it pinged directly off of his forehead "What did you do!? Taylor asked you to do one fucking thing, go see his shrink with him and you his best friend couldn't even do that for him. Can't you fucking see that he is struggling?" The older man dodged the next cap flung at him "Struggling? WE FUCKING STRUGGLED BAY! He slept for two weeks"

She shook her head "You know David for such a smart guy you can be a real fucking idiot at times. Yes he's struggling and now he's questioning his life because he feels like you're taking the band he loves away. You have your head stuck so far up your own ass that you can't even see that the OD affected him too!" Dave nodded slightly "and what's his Trauma Bay?"

She stared at him incredulously "seriously? how about Guilt David? He knows he fucked up and nearly took himself out of our lives and he struggles with the guilt of that every day along with fighting the urge to get high, and trying to keep the kids and I happy. That's a lot of pressure for him and now he feels like his best friend...that's you by the way, He feels like his best friend is turning on him, not just that he feels betrayed because now he feels like he's losing you to Homme. You either need to agree to go to a session with him or the two of you need to have it out before he decides that he needs to go work at a guitar center."

Dave blinked and sat silent for a minute before finally nodding "Alright. Tell him I'll go to a session and I'll come by tomorrow and talk to him. Are we good now? can I go back to sleep?" She stood putting the caps down and nodded "Yeah go back to sleep. But we're not good not by a long shot."

With that Baylee Grohl walked out on her brother without so much as a goodbye or a go fuck yourself. When She got home she saw the downstairs light on and went in to see Taylor sitting on the couch cross legged staring at the blank tv screen, she smiled and went over to kiss him softly "What'cha watching?" he frowned and pulled her into his lap hugging her tight "Where'd you go?"

She wrapped her arms around him "I went to talk to David. He'll be by tomorrow so you can talk and he has agreed to go to a session with you." he looked at her surprised "you went and yelled at him for me?" she smiled and kissed the end of his nose "I will always go yell at people for you. I will do anything and everything that you need me to as long as you're happy and keep that bright beautiful smile on your handsome face."

He smiled hugging her tight "Babe, I think that we need to finally set a date. and if Dave can't make it then fuck him. The wedding is about us. Better yet let's really piss him off and make it on his birthday" the girl giggled shaking her head "No. I'm not into fighting with him over that day, that's his day. Besides I was kind of thinking about maybe Valentine's day...that's an important day for us" He nodded smiling "The day we met. And don't think I didn't notice you just because you were 17. I thought you were hot and I was gonna try and pick you up but then Dave jumped in and introduced us. He had talked about you a lot so I remembered that you were under 18 and pretended for the next damn year that I wasn't interested." Baylee kissed his cheek and smiled "I remember you were wearing yellow and you walked over to me just as David flew past you to hug me, you looked so pissed"

He nodded "I was. I thought he was stealing my girl. But then he introduced us and I realized that the most beautiful girl in the entire place was my buddy's sister and she was underage. It broke my heart" giggling she laid her head against his shoulder "The feeling was very mutual. except I knew who you were, I liked you when you were with Alanis. didn't like her music but I did like her drummer" the smile on his face was infectious "you liked me back then huh?" She nodded "Dude you're hot" causing him to blush and kiss her again "You're hot. And I love you so much"

She grinned as she trailed her fingers over his neck making him shiver and moan at the same time. She barely had time to react as he jumped up and threw her over his shoulder to run up to their room, she laughed as he carried her "horny bugger" He growled in a sexy tone "You fuckin' love it" she really did love the way he was and the way he loved her and the kids.

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