Too Far Gone To See

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Taylor clean of drugs once again and back to regularly seeing his therapist had noticed some changes in this pregnancy with Bay and he was worried. She wasn't sick per se and her mood swings were normal for pregnancy at least that's what the doctors were saying.  But he was still worried none the less. Her band was doing a mini club tour around California but he really wanted them to postpone it at least until the baby was born, but Bay sweet beautiful Bay just kissed him and said "I'll be ok Babe."

Tonight Fallen Sky was playing at the Troubadour, Taylor had gotten a sitter and threw on a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt then called Dave to see if he was able to go to the show. Dave had laughed at him as he was already at the venue acting as his sister's drum tech. Taylor frowned "She could have asked me to help" Dave frowned "T are you really getting pissy because she didn't ask you to lug her drums around?" the younger man sighed "No, I guess not. but she's been so quiet about this show. She even told me that I don't have to go. I'm going but why wouldn't she want me there man?" he grabbed his keys heading out to the car as Dave mumbled something he didn't quite hear "What was that D?" Dave groaned "You make her nervous for fuck sake. She thinks you're a far superior drummer to her"

Taylor frowned "The fuck? I've never once tried to make her feel that way. We all just have different styles. She's a fucking awesome drummer" Dave nodded "I agree with you she's the best. just come give her a hug and a kiss and remind her that she can kick your ass on the drums. It's just nerves T she wants you here. Trust me." Taylor nodded "Alright I'll be there soon." He hung up less frustrated now that he realized that she was just nervous and not pushing him away on purpose.

When he arrived Dave saw him first and led him back to the back, he could see everyone around them drinking and partying, Bay was nursing a ginger ale as she sat on a table just shaking her head at everyone's antics, she'd stolen a pair of his trunks and a t-shirt of his seeing her in his clothes made him smile, he walked over to her and gave her a soft kiss. "Hey Beautiful. how's the best drummer in the world?" She chuckled and shrugged "I don't know how is he T?" the blond pulled her into a tight hug "You're the best drummer in the world Bay. You don't have to live up to me or Dave. Be yourself you're a fucking legend" She relaxed in his arms and took a breath "Thanks Babe." She gently moved him so he was at arms length from her and smirked "Alright handsome give us a spin" he laughed and turned in a circle so she could look at his outfit, when she reached out and grabbed his hand to pull him to her again she smiled kissing him "You looking to pick up chicks tonight good lookin'?"

He leaned in to kiss her neck "Just this hot drummer that's playing tonight. you think I've got a shot?" she sucked a breath in when he kissed her neck and mumbled "You have a pretty good shot if you keep kissing her neck like that" he chuckled and kissed her neck again "I probably shouldn't get you all hot and bothered before you go on stage then huh?" She shook her head "noooo I don't want to be distracted. You going to sit side stage or GA?" He shook his head "Side stage I think. I don't want the general public to know that I'm here, tonight is about you, not me and Dave." Baylee smiled and kissed him softly "I love you so much T." He just smiled and kissed her forehead.

Soon the call came for the band to hit the stage, Taylor and Baylee walked hand in hand to the stage, they parted with a kiss and Baylee headed to her drum riser. The show went off without any problems, Both Taylor and Dave were surprised when during the show the lead singer turned the mic over to Baylee who sang and played the drums, Taylor and Dave weren't surprised at her singing they were surprised by what she sang before starting the song she spoke "I want to thank Lara for relinquishing the Mic for me to sing this. I'm gonna dedicate this song to My brother David and My beautiful Husband Taylor, this is a foo fighters song called Aurora" She glanced side stage as they started to play surprised looks turned to looks of pride as she belted out her brother's words from years ago. The audience was going nuts for Baylee's singing.

The place went nuts as the song came to an end and they had launched back into the rest of the set list. about 45 minutes later the show had come to an end and the band took their bow to a round of screaming and clapping. As Baylee made her way offstage she was pulled into a tight hug from her husband "You Were Fucking Amazing Babe" then pulled away from Taylor to be hugged by Dave "He's right that was amazing Bay" She laughed and pulled away "I'm all sweaty guys" Taylor pulled her back to him "I don't care. kiss me woman" Baylee laughed and kissed him softly "I'm going to get changed. I love you so much"

Later when she had changed Dave had packed up Baylee's drums and got it put in the band's van, everyone had partied a bit, Taylor and Baylee skipped out early and just drove around for a bit. Finally he stopped at the beach where he helped her out of the car and turned on the radio. When a slow song came on he pulled her close and they danced under the light of the car's headlights. She kissed him softly "What's all this T?" He put a gentle hand on her cheek and kissed her again "I just wanted to tell you that you're amazing. An amazing drummer, mother, wife. You're my very best friend Bay and I will spend my life trying to keep you happy." She smiled unsure of where this was coming from until he dropped down on one knee and took her hand "Marry me again?"

She gasped and knelt to be at his level before throwing her arms around him and kissing him deeply. he smiled at her " that a yes?" She giggled "That's definitely a yes T." He kissed her deeply and the two of them made love right there on the beach.

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