Ain't it the life

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Baylee was side stage at a foo's show in LA watching as Taylor had gotten up to sing while her brother played drums, as sexy as she thought Taylor was when he played drums she thought his command of the stage when he was up front was that much sexier, he stood center stage in a pair of tight black jeans and no shirt, to say she wanted him in that moment was a major understatement. She felt someone come up behind her and put their arm around her shoulders, she knew it was Jordyn her brother's fiancee, She leaned against Jordyn and groaned "Is it terrible that I want to run onto the stage and peel his jeans off with my teeth?"

her statement made Jordyn giggle as she shook her head "No I'm thinking the same thing about your brother", Taylor glanced side stage and Jordyn smirked before moving her arms wrapping both around Bay's waist and whispered in the other girl's ear "Let's give him a show" Bay giggled and watched as Taylor's jaw dropped when both girls started to teasingly move to the beat, poor T had almost missed his cue to start singing again as they moved, he shook his head laughing as he flipped his wife and soon to be sister-in-law off before starting to sing again.

Jordyn didn't break her embrace of Baylee but both girls just laughed. Baylee chuckled "I am so in trouble when I get home tonight and when he tells David what we're doing you will be too" when Dave and Taylor went to switch places again they saw T stop him a minute and whisper something into his ear, Dave came back out front laughing and glanced side stage shaking his head at Jordyn and his sister, before the band launched into the last song of the evening Everlong as always.

When they band took their bow Taylor immediately made his way side stage giving Baylee a look "Do Dave and I need to worry about you two when we're on tour?" Jordyn laughed loudly "Oh come on T girls get lonely too" Bay was blushing bright red as Taylor pulled her away from Jordyn's grasp "MINE" Baylee kissed him softly "always yours T" he placed his hands on her belly a minute before leaning down to kiss it "Hey baby. did you enjoy the show?" Baylee's due date had come and gone and this baby seemed to just want to be stubborn, Bay mussed Taylor's hair "I'm sure she did T. she loves when you sing" Baylee hadn't mentioned it but she'd been feeling a bit off and crampy all day, as they went backstage so the guys could change and do the after show party Baylee felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and grabbed hold of Jordyn's arm as she bent in pain. "Oh fuck J I think it's time"

Jordyn was completely calm and just wrapped an arm around her leading her to where the boys were changing "MAKE IT FAST T SHE'S IN LABOR" Taylor of course was completely naked and started to rush as he heard Baylee groan loudly "Holy motherfucking hell! fuck me that was painful" Both Dave and Taylor bypassed showering and just threw clean clothes on so they could get her to the hospital. Dave drove while Jordyn and Taylor tried to keep her calm, focused and breathing. While on the way to the hospital Jordyn grabbed Dave's phone and texted the others to let them know that Bay went into Labor and that Dave and Taylor were taking her to the hospital.

they weren't waiting long in the labor room before their third child came into the world with a piercing scream making Taylor laugh "She's a screamer", without warning the baby was taken to the nursery and Taylor was ushered out of the room as machines started to beep and alert loudly. As he was pushed out he tried to push his way back in "NO! I NEED TO BE WITH HER!" A nurse stopped him as both Dave and Jordyn pulled him close, Dave whispered "T she needs the doctors right now", The nurse looked to them "I'll let you know as soon as we know anything" Taylor clung to Dave "I can't lose her man" The older man just hugged his friend tightly then looked to Jordyn "Can you call my mom please" She nodded and gently rubbed the blond drummer's back "She's not going to leave you T."

Jordyn had called Virginia and let her know what was going on, she told Jordyn she'd be on the next flight to LA. When she returned to Taylor and Dave she'd noticed that the men hadn't moved from each other's arms Taylor was crying and Dave was trying so hard to calm his friend down and to not break into tears himself. He only moved when Jordyn touched his arm "Your mom says she'll be on the next flight. Do you need me to call anyone else?" Dave shook his head and just pulled her in with his other arm so that the three of them were in a group hug. Soon after Nate, and Shifty had arrived and frowned seeing the group hug and Taylor crying. "Is the baby alright?" Dave nodded and whispered "Something happened with Bay"

It felt like hours had gone by when a nurse had finally come out of the room "Mr. Hawkins" Taylor's head shot up and he pulled away from his friends "Is she..." The nurse smiled "She's going to be alright. We're just cleaning her up and then she'll be taken to a private room where you all can go see her." Taylor took a breath all the tension that had been in his shoulders seemingly relaxed. "So I can't see her now?" The nurse shook her head "It shouldn't be long now." he leaned against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor burying his head in his hands, Dave smiled to the nurse and thanked her as she rushed off to get the room ready.

It would be another thirty minutes of worrying for them all before Baylee was wheeled out and everyone followed them to the room.

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