I'll Stick Around

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Both albums for the Foos and Fallen Sky were completed. Baylee and Taylor were living blissfully happy with their kids, Virginia had come up to LA at her children's insistence to be at the release party for One by One and everyone was super excited.

During the party Dave had done his best to keep tabs on both Taylor and Baylee mostly for his own peace of mind but also because he was genuinely concerned about them, though T was doing great with staying away from hard substances he still drank and smoked weed. Dave's worry over Baylee was because there was a good chance that Homme could and probably would show up to the party.

Baylee had stuck by Taylor's side for the vast majority of the night except when he went to the bathroom or went for a smoke and she didn't want one, as he had walked off to go out for a smoke she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning she saw Nick Oliveri standing there "What can I do for you Nick?" He sighed "Look, I know what Josh did to you and I'm sorry on behalf of the whole band, I just wanted a minute to warn you. He's planning to come here, I don't know his plan but he's fucking unhinged and he blames Hawkins. Just tell Dave to keep an eye on your guy." Worried now she looked to him and nodded "Thank you."

She ran to find her brother before Nick could even respond, finding Dave she grabbed his hand and started dragging him towards the door that she'd seen Taylor go out of. T had barely gotten his smoke lit when the first hit came, immediately Taylor's guard went up and he started to fight back. Dave and Baylee had gotten outside in time to hear Homme yelling about Taylor not deserving her as he pulled out a knife. The blond backed up slightly "I know I don't deserve her man. I'm fucking lucky to have her" Josh growled and started to lunge towards Taylor, Dave ran to try and grab Josh before his drummer got hurt and Bay ran to push Taylor out of the way, as they did this Josh swung the knife plunging it into Baylee's side, She had managed to push T hard enough to get him out of the way. Dave tackled Homme to the ground and started pounding on him as Taylor scrambled to his Girl's side "Bay! oh god what did you do?" He sent the alert for security and held his hands over her wound as she just looked at him, Taylor looked towards Dave "Fucking kill that Motherfucker D! She's fucking Pregnant!"

Dave kept pounding on Josh until he was finally pulled away by the police who had arrived with the ambulances. Homme was taken to one hospital while Baylee was taken to another with Taylor by her side. When Bay awoke the next day she saw all the foos, and her mother in the room as well as surprisingly her father had come, she looked to James Grohl and whispered "Hi Dad. D'you know what happened?" Her mouth was dry and her throat sore, James poured some water into a glass and helped her take a drink "From what your young man here says, you saved his life Baylee." She nodded slowly still slightly confused "But why am I in the hospital"

Dave had woke just in time to hear the question "Homme stabbed you. You were trying to protect T" Baylee frowned "He's really lost it." James leaned over and kissed Baylee's forehead "I'll leave you to talk to your brother. David would you like some coffee?" standing to stretch Dave nodded "Please." As the older Grohl walked out of the room Baylee's eyes widened "The baby?" Dave looked down sadly and shook his head "I'm so sorry Bay" she shook her head unable to control the tears "T was so excited. He was so happy"

Dave leaned over and kissed the top of her head "He's happy that you're alive Bay. You two will have your time to grieve. Homme is going to jail he can't hurt you anymore." She really wanted to be relieved that Josh wasn't on the streets anymore but all she could think of was her lost baby, she couldn't help what came out next a loud gutteral scream that woke everyone up, as fast as he heard it Taylor had climbed into the bed beside her holding her close "Shhh Bay I've got you we're gonna get through this together" Dave had taken the chair that Taylor had just vacated and held the hand of his sobbing sister "T's right. You've got us all. The foos, your band, mom and surprisingly dad but mostly you've got T and the twins" she couldn't stop crying she was afraid she might never stop but she didn't pull away from Taylor or even Dave holding her hand. "We were so happy" Taylor kissed her cheek and tried holding back his own tears "We will be again Babe. I promise."

She frowned looking at Taylor "I'm cold" He gave Dave a worried look but just pulled the blankets over them both and wrapped himself around her "It's going to be ok angel" after a few hours Taylor had excused himself from the room to make a phone call to his therapist since clearly he wasn't making his appointment, When he got up Dave took his spot on the bed and Virginia moved to the chair, speaking softly and placing her hand on Baylee's cheek "Sweetheart don't turn the despair in on you. You have to let us all help we love you and we're here for you" Baylee looked to her mother "is Shanabelle ok?" She nodded "We called the sitter they're perfectly fine." Baylee looked around the room "can someone bring them? I want my babies" Shifty gave her a sad smile and nodded "Nate and I will go get them for you. Do you need us to grab anything else?" She nodded "one of T's hoodies" Chris nodded "Alright we'll be back soon. Dave you have baby seats in your car?" Dave looked up "Yeah I do actually. Here." He tossed shifty the keys before he and Nate left the room.

Taylor returned a few minutes later and Dave moved so that her could get back to holding her. Bay laid her head against his shoulder "I'm sorry you have to miss your appointment" Taylor shook his head "I didn't, we talked on the phone. that's what took so long. When you're ready he's offered to help us with grief counselling too" Baylee bit her lip "Maybe it won't be so bad. Shifty and Nate are bringing us Shanabelle I just want to hold them, that's ok right?" Taylor kissed her forehead "I think that's a great idea babe. I'd like to cuddle them myself."

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