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The boys had decided that after the end of their tour and the final Queens show for Dave that a change of scenery was in the cards. Everyone had agreed to go to Virginia to record the album, Baylee was all for a trip home with the kids, Mom and Lisa had wanted to get started on the wedding planning as well as being able to spend time with Baylee and the twins.

During the last foo's set at the festival, Baylee was approached by Joshua Homme as both Dave and Taylor were onstage and couldn't stop him. He gently reached out and touched her arm as she was reading a book backstage "Bay?", She looked up at the ginger bastard "What do you want?"

He knelt in front of her and took her left hand in his cringing as he saw the heart shaped diamond ring on her hand. "I'm sorry that I scared you and if I hurt you." He sighed when she didn't respond or react "Look, I know I shouldn't want you but I do and Hawkins doesn't deserve you but if you gave me the chance I think I could make you happy."

(Bay's ring)Baylee stood shaking her head "Taylor makes me happy and he works hard to make sure that our kids and I are happy

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(Bay's ring)
Baylee stood shaking her head "Taylor makes me happy and he works hard to make sure that our kids and I are happy. You need to get over this obsession that you have with me. I will never leave T and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can get over me." The Queens front man looked away for a second as if pondering his next move, he looked like he was going to strangle her, Baylee looked to him "Joshua?"

He looked up his face contorted in rage as he actually did reach for her throat "CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'RE MAKING ME DO BAY!?" her scream was cut short as his hand closed around her throat "Why can't you just do what I want you to do for fuck sake!" he slammed her down onto the couch she'd been sitting on and straddled her hips as she tried to pry his hand from her throat. He stared down into her eyes seeing her fear recognition sparked in his own eyes and he scrambled away from her whispering "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't tell Dave" was all he could say as he ran out to get away from her.

Baylee shakily got to her feet and found Gus, whispering that she knew she couldn't be onstage obviously but she needed to be near Taylor. Gus saw the bruises on her neck and tried to convince her to get medical care but when she refused he ushered her back to sit behind the drum riser, she sat as close as she could to Taylor without being seen onstage, he glanced over unable to stop playing but she looked scared and now he was concerned. Dave had noticed the concern as he had turned to try and make T laugh as they usually did onstage, Dave looked at him and mouthed "What's Wrong?" Taylor glanced down toward where Baylee sat curled in a ball and mouthed "Bay."

Dave gave a nod and kept the rapport going before they continued on, Taylor kept glancing down to check on his fiancée, all he wanted to do was go and hold her but he had a show to finish and she would feel guilty if he pulled Drew on to finish the last four or five songs, though he knew Dave would understand if he did.

Once they closed out the show and took their bow both Taylor and Dave moved to the back of the stage behind the riser, seeing bruises on her neck tears sprung to Taylor's eyes, and he pulled her close "What happened Baby?" Bay shook her head unable to stop trembling "I uh I fell"

both men stared at her trying to figure out why she was lying, she just hugged Taylor tightly as he helped her to stand and they took her back to the dressing room area. Shifty saw them first and walked over to them "What happened to her Taylor?" he shook his head "I don't know. She said she fell but I don't know." Shifty smiled softly to Baylee and gently tilted her head looking at her neck, he looked at both Dave and Taylor "That's a hand mark. That's not a fall."

Taylor gently pulled Baylee somewhere they could be alone "Sweetheart you have to tell me who hurt you. We need to make him pay, Baylee shook her head "No. I'll be ok once we leave here" the blond drummer frowned and just hugged her tightly "I'm sorry Bay. I'll never let anyone hurt you like this again." She looked up at him "You are the best person in the world T. you haven't done anything wrong." She hugged him tightly "I love you Tay" He just held her tight trying his hardest not to cry "I've got you Bay always"

Taylor and Baylee didn't attend the after party, they went back to the bus and curled up together in Taylor's bunk, there was no hanky panky but he just held her close after having gently placed a cold compress on her neck to try to keep the swelling down, he just whispered "are you ever going to tell me who hurt you?" She nodded "After David's fulfilled his commitments to this festival" Taylor's eyes widened "Bay, Did Homme do this to you?" She didn't respond she just laid her head against his chest. "Please not now T"

He nodded but he knew after she had mentioned Dave's commitments, but he would keep quiet for her. He would do anything for her. They fell asleep together holding onto each other as if they were the other's only life line.

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