Walking After you...

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Taylor's POV:

All he knew was that as hard as he tried he couldn't make his eyes open, But he could hear them all. The worry, The Despair. His Bay crying, blaming herself for his insecurities and jealousy. He wanted so badly to just hold her. Knowing she was there made him want to fight his way back to his girl, but he just didn't know how.

Beside him he heard a soft voice "Well, you fucked up didn't you?"

looking to his left he saw a face he hadn't expected, his cousin Sasha who had died a couple years prior ironically to a Heroin overdose.

"Fuck! Sash? am I dreaming? you're dead?"

The girl chuckled "So are you Taylor. The only thing keeping you alive are machines. She'll get over you, you know? Your kid will call someone else Daddy"

He shook his head "She would never do that. She loves me"

A window appeared before him and he stared through at the Grohls. Virginia was holding Dave as they sat side by side on the couch, next he saw Baylee, She had gently moved his hand to her pregnant belly, he could hear her whisper.

"Please come back T. Little Ollie needs his daddy"

Taylor couldn't help the tears that fell as he called out trying to make Baylee hear him "I'M TRYING TO COME BACK TO YOU BAY! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!"

He heard his cousin laugh as he raced out the door and through the hospital, he skidded to a stop seeing Dave, Virginia and Bay in the waiting room, What the Fuck was happening? this time the voice he heard was a man's voice who spoke close to his ear.

"They're figments. They're not the way out"

Taylor looked toward the voice and was shocked to see Kurt Cobain. "Kurt? Wow. Uh How do I get out?"

The shaggy blonde Nirvana singer smiled sadly "Find the real Dave. He'll help you"

Taylor looked confused but mumbled "Dave's not here man"

Kurt couldn't help but to chuckle "He is. Find him."

Taylor gave a nod and started racing down a corridor past the figment Grohls who called after him not to go. Every corridor he ran down seemed to grow longer and people kept trying to block his way, he stopped only once when he saw a young boy standing before him.

"Can you help me find Mommy? Please Daddy I can't find her." Taylor squeezed his eyes shut and whispered "I'm gonna feel guilty about this later, you're not real I have to go"

He ran past the little boy only stopping when he saw who he thought was Dave turning down another corridor, He had to follow but the hallway stretched again and Taylor kept running yelling as he did "DAVE GODDAMMIT! I NEED YOUR HELP!"

He came to a room and saw his best friend in there searching through the pills, but Dave didn't use drugs?, He stepped into the room, He felt sick to his stomach as he watched his friend down some oxys. "D?"

Dave looked up with a sad smile "You're leaving her. You promised you would protect her" Taylor looked away "I'm trying to get back to her. Kurt said you could help me get home"

Dumping some more oxys down his throat Dave nodded "Well T, lets work it out. Like a song. How do you get home to her?"

The window appeared again and this time he sees Bay curled up in the bed next to him, everyone's clothes are different than before so he knows he's been stuck for awhile, the machines are no longer breathing for him, he looks to Dave.

"How long has it been?"

Dave smiled sadly "This is day 14"

Taylor shook his head "I'm getting the fuck outta here now!"

Sasha showed up again "Give up Taylor. They'll forget you." That was when Taylor got angry and started grabbing what he could and throwing it trying to bust the illusion but it wasn't working. Dave grinned.

"Come on T. You can do better than throwing shit. You're a fucking drummer man, USE IT"

Taylor nodded and somehow found some drumsticks, with his tool in hand he started to loudly bang on the window before him. He played hard and loud smiling as the window started to crack, the harder he played the more the window cracked, He hit the window as hard as he could and found himself engulfed in a bright white light.

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