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After Dave left Bay made her way upstairs to the nursery, she didn't interrupt her fiance's musings as he whispered to Shane who had woken up. "You're supposed to be asleep little guy. did daddy wake you up? I'm sorry. I'm gonna do the best that I can to make sure you and Belle are happy. I want you guys to have a happier life than daddy had."

The little boy's bright eyes just stared at Taylor like he was staring into his father's soul, kissing his son's forehead Taylor wiped a tear off of his own cheek, "I swear to you Shane daddy won't let you down ever. I love you, your sister and your mama so much and I will do everything in my power to keep you all happy"

Bay decided it was time to make her presence known going into the nursery and placing a kiss on the top of T's head "T you have never let me down and you never will. I love you forever.", Taylor stared up at her smiling sadly "You're amazing you know that right babe?"

Bay grinned chuckling "yeah I know. but so are you." the young parents smiled as baby Shane yawned and started to fall asleep again, T waited a few minutes before getting up to put him back into the crib with his sister, he smiled down at the kids before turning to look back at Baylee "I will do everything that I can to make you and them happy babe"

Bay stepped forward and hugged him tight "You already do T. C'mon let's go have a cuddle while they're asleep" holding hands they made their way down the hall to their bedroom and cuddled up on their bed, Taylor laid his head against her chest while she just brushed her fingers through his blonde hair. "What happened after I came upstairs?"

She sighed "Well Shifty and Nate thanked us for the invite over and took off. My brother kept trying to convince me that he was right to do what he's done, but I do truly believe that he doesn't want the foos to end. Is the album shit like he says?" the blonde nodded "Oh yeah, shit wrapped in crap hidden in a fuckin taco. The sound is fucked and none of us really know how to fix it"

She nodded and kissed his forehead "you'll all figure it out. Maybe you guys need a change of scenery to do it. He nodded "Maybe. or Maybe it's really over." he sounded hopeless, she hugged him tightly "we can't think like that babe. Like my mom always says we gotta hope for the best." He sniffled as a tear slid down his cheek "I uh asked Dave to come to one of my therapy sessions." Baylee frowned "What happened?" he looked at her with teary eyes and shook his head "He said no. Fuck! even Nate and Shifty said they would go. But not Dave. I thought he was my best friend!"

She smiled sadly and hugged him tight "He is and he loves you very much. But he shouldn't have said no to going he was wrong and that's not on you." He looked at her tears still falling "you even went to a session" Baylee nodded and rubbed his back lightly "It's ok babe. I will always go if you ask me to. And David will eventually come to his senses."

Taylor shrugged laying his head back against her chest "I don't know if I even want him to now. He doesn't even want to know if the OD affected me any. He just wants to believe that everything is a happy sunny fucking party" the young woman brushed her fingers through his hair and just listened to him as he cried finally she whispered "I'm sorry you're hurting babe. but the kids and I have got your back forever and always"

When he didn't respond she looked to him and saw that he had fallen asleep, she leaned down and kissed his forehead and gently shifted him so he was laying with his head on the pillows and crept out of the bedroom, scrawling a quick note saying she would be right back in case he had woken up while she was gone. She slipped out of their house and headed towards her big brother's house, she was broken hearted for what Taylor was feeling and her brother needed to hear about the pain that he was causing the man that she loves.

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