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As promised Dave came by the next day, Baylee had taken the twins out with Lara and Kate for some shopping leaving the boys to themselves. Instead of letting himself in as he usually did he actually rang the bell. He was surprised that Taylor had answered the door as generally it was Bay who did it.

Taylor was dressed in his usual uniform Board shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt, Dave noted for the first time that his friend looked exhausted, frowning he tilted his head to the side studying the blonde's features "You ok man?"

Taylor looked at him a minute then backed away "Come in if you're coming we got the A/C on" that being said Taylor headed for the kitchen grabbing them both a beer before leading Dave to the back yard to sit by the pool, The older man silently followed his friend not speaking until they were both sitting on the back deck.

"T I'm not dissolving the band. I don't want that unless it's what everyone decides." Taylor nodded sadly "And what Bay yelled at you for last night?" Dave smirked "Dude you need to put a leash on my sister, she used the spare key to come in and yanked on what little hair I have on my head to wake me up then proceeded to yell at me and hurl bottle caps at my head" The blonde couldn't help it he had to laugh "My girl always protecting me. She said you agreed to go to one of my therapy sessions?" Dave nodded leaning forward "If it's what you need to help you feel better I'm there brother. I'm sorry I didn't see it before"

The blonde stared at him a minute "You ran it by your mom didn't you?" Dave chuckled "That obvious?" Taylor nodded then smirked "She may have called me this morning to check in and offered to come out if I needed her to kick your behind into gear and she may have used the words 'if it's what you need to help you feel better', I appreciate you agreeing to go D. I know it seems like I'm ok or have it together but it's a struggle every day. Some days Bay even has to help me get out of bed or take a shower." Dave frowned "It's that debilitating?"

Taylor nodded sadly "Some days it's crippling and physical pain. Therapy helps I get to talk out my issues and learn new coping tools instead of turning to drugs." The dark haired man looked up unable the help the tears that fell as he listened to his friend describe the pain he was in "I'm so sorry T...I had no idea." The blonde punched him in the arm "Stop with the tears. I do enough crying for the both of us. Therapy has pretty much made me a chick" Dave grinned "Well then you're in good company with Bay, she'll have someone to watch chick flicks with and cry"

The blond drummer shook his head "We did that before therapy...and if memory serves so did you" Dave had no choice but the laugh at that "You're right we did." Taylor looked down a bit awkwardly "So...Queens huh?" Dave nodded and placed a comforting hand on Taylor's shoulder "No worries it's just a couple months and our last show coincides with a queens show" Taylor looked up "oh okay cool. but we're not busting up the band?"

Shaking his head Dave raked his hands through his dark hair "No man. I don't want that at all, You, Nate and Shifty we got something good here. We just gotta fix that fucking album or just scrap it and do it all over" The blonde nodded "we could listen to what Bay says and get a change of scenery" Dave bit his lip nodding slightly "Maybe. Leave it with me I'll figure it out then we'll have a proper meeting before I do the Queens tour. So give me a week or so then we'll all meet up again?" Taylor nodded "Sure. Oh! Bay and I set a date for the wedding. We decided on your birthday" The blonde smirked slightly as Dave turned to look at him "You're kidding right?"

Taylor lit a smoke and started to laugh "Yeah I'm kidding. Bay vetoed it because that's 'your day' precious. We're doing it on Valentine's day, the anniversary of the day we met." Dave laughed "You're such an asshole Hawkins. However, I'll make sure that I am available for that day got to walk my sister down the aisle right?" Taylor shook is head "no man she's got someone to do that already. But if you're done being a dick I need a best man"

Dave smiled "I'd be honored to stand up for you T. Who's walking her down the aisle?" Taylor laughed "Your mom dummy. She asked your dad but things have been kind of frosty with him so he declined. But I'm sure she only asked him because your mom asked her to first" Dave shook his head "He just can't put aside his dislike of our careers for once." Taylor shrugged "Dude she wasn't upset, she knew he would say no. She did it because your mom asked her too. She knew that in the end it would be either you or Ginny walking her down the aisle, she wasn't even surprised that he said no."

Dave nodded "Maybe but he's her dad he should have jumped to do it." Baylee had chosen that time to come out with the kids "David, He was never close with me. I'm not upset about it because I had an awesome mom, and two awesome older siblings that raised me. My brother can sometimes be a dick but he never minded if I tagged along to concerts or band rehearsals with scream. Hell my big brother encouraged me to keep up with my drumming when I wanted to give it up. Dad could never give me that David. You, Mom and Lisa gave me a great childhood and then you introduced me to the love of my life. You're the best brother in the world"

She moved toward him kissing him on top of the head before moving over to Taylor and kissing him on the lips, finally she stopped and smiled "Actually you did help raise me somewhat. What if you pull double duty. Both you and mom give me away then you stand up for T?" Taylor nodded "I like that idea babe" Dave looked at her tearing up slightly "You're sure? I mean I'm not your dad" Baylee plopped herself on Dave's knee and hugged him tightly "I'm sure. you're the closest thing to a dad as I've ever had, and therefore you get to walk me down the aisle and do the daddy daughter dance stuff" Dave sniffled "Goddammit Baylee way to make me cry like a girl!"

Baylee giggled and hugged him again "Better you than T. If you're staying for dinner you better get the grill started. I'm going to go change the kids and get changed myself. Dave laughed "Figures a guest in someone's house and I have to do the cooking. T Let's get to it" Both men laughed as they headed inside to prep dinner.

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