Set Up

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Raymond Steele
Carla wants to play hide and seek with Anastasia, then I think she is going to need to produce Anastasia to CPS to prove she didn't do away with her. Let's see her try to explain where Anastasia is then. I call a friend and put this in motion. They are questioning her and she says the same thing over and over, she tells them a friend was watching Anastasia and took off with the baby. It turns out Nina Davis doesn't exist. Hyde has tried to offer his services to find Nina Davis, this tells me he has been talking to Carla. I had not spoken to the man at all, so he only gotten that name from Carla. I told him this cash cow has dried up. I asked him to tell Carla good luck finding Anastasia now, because I am not paying any money to help her find Anastasia so she can keep me from seeing her. I didn't say that I have a lead on Nina Davis real identity.

I am facing charges if I can't produce my daughter soon. I have been asked why I didn't get the police involved when Nina Davis took off with my daughter? I couldn't give them a good reason other than I was trying to find her myself. So I had to report Anastasia as a missing child last seen with Nina Davis. I couldn't give them a photo of her, so I gave them a description of her. I was questioned over and over again. I told them that Raymond Steele had something to do with my daughter disappearing. They told me that he was the one who filed a report about Anastasia being missing to begin with. Then he told me the date that he reported her missing was not long after I left him.  He hired people and has proof that he did just to find me and Anastasia and especially Anastasia. He has receipts from where he paid them to find us.

I got a call from a friend that said they are looking for me and reported that I took off with Anastasia and could be charged with kidnapping. He told me they are thinking of charging Carla for possible murder of her daughter. I know she shouldn't have this baby back, she didn't take care of her at all. They have found out I used a fake name. Grandma wants to know what I intend on doing, because I can't keep Anastasia. I decide to make a call to Raymond Steele and arrange to get Anastasia to him. Carla didn't know I heard her talking about making him pay to see Anastasia. Hell I have been taking care of Anastasia since that witch landed in Georgia. She used Anastasia to get people to things for her. It was hard not to want to do things for that baby. So I was drawn in and caught in the spider web and couldn't get out. Anastasia was not safe with Carla. Grandma saw the burn scar on Anastasia and was angry, it was obviously put there intentionally. That was why I couldn't let her have Anastasia back. There is a difference in an accidental burn from a cigarette and a deliberate burn that is a circle where they put the cigarette directly on the skin to injure a person.

I get a call and I am asked if I want Anastasia back? I tell the person that I sure do and I will do whatever I can to keep her safely away from her mother. Three hours later I am told where she would be left and to be on time. I was early and there she was Anastasia exactly where the person said she would be. I go pick her up car seat and diaper bag along with tiny suitcase. A type written note says take care of her or I will hurt you. The burn mark was one of Carla's creepy friends. I hurry out of the bus station and place the car seat in my van and we drive away and I head to the small town where we can live in peace.

I watch as a man in a disguise walks right to Anastasia and picks her up after reading the note and he gathers everything up and I follow to see what he is driving and the license plate of the van. I get a few photos before he drives away. I am going to miss Anastasia because she was like my own baby. He seemed to love the baby. I hope so. I will check to be assured. Grandma said sometimes doing the wrong thing is the right thing. Taking off with Anastasia and giving her to Raymond Steele might be wrong legally, but in my heart it was the right thing for Anastasia.

Grandma Adams
Nina is heartbroken about Anastasia, but she couldn't keep her and she knew it. Taking her to the only parent that seemed to truly love her was the only way. He wasn't blood, but he apparently had been searching for her for months and got close. Nina knew that Carla would grab the baby and disappear once again, so she decided she couldn't let that happen again. Anastasia was a very good baby, it was sad to see that someone burned her with a cigarette. My Nina did the right thing by getting her away from Carla. Nina had been taking care of the baby for two months, no wonder she asked for some of her trust fund. It was to take care of Anastasia's needs. Carla never visited or gave her anything money, clothing, formula or diaper wise. So when she got wind of Raymond Steele looking for Anastasia she high tailed it out of the hotel room and came here. Carla missed her by an hour. Nina never let on that she had a vehicle, because Carla would have tried to use it and destroy it like the three cars she crashed when she was drunk.

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