All Is Well

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Anastasia brought her new foster brother over to play with her and Mia, he enjoyed pool time and was able to swim. His parents taught him as a baby. I can believe that. He is a bit shy and he watches Christian and Elliott rough housing, but they are good around him and the girls. They show them how to do things and help them do them. They played with balls in the shallow end of the pool. We keep an eye on them until their parents pick them up. Ray always arrives on time and picks Roger and Anastasia up thanks me and Carrick and leaves. We invited them to dinner and so far their schedule has been full, but I think he is building things over there. I also heard that mrs Lincoln's properties went on the auction block along with her husbands shipping company. I think Ray and Havi are going to buy all the properties, but it's a rumor at this point.

Ray and I spoke about going out on our boats and we made plans to do just that, but he has to check on a date with Havi and he will give me a call. The kids enjoyed themselves and I think Roger enjoyed being around Christian and Elliott. They played with him a lot. He seemed to enjoy himself more when the boys joined in the pool activities. I get a call shortly afterward from Kate Kavanagh's parents they asked us to keep her overnight. I agree and tell Grace, who shakes her head and tells me she knew when she saw her things they were going to do this again. The Kavanagh family are parents who drop their children off with enough to stay overnight and call right before pick up time and ask if they can possibly stay overnight. We can't hurt the child and it does not help that they do this every time. Kate is the victim in this. I am betting they do the same with Ethan. They could just ask us to keep them overnight and we would.

Ray brings the children back and that had a great time. We are invited to go out on their boat on the weekend. Rodger and Anastasia are anxious to go. I tell Ray to set it up. I get the children's swimwear from their bags and throw them in the washing machine. We might have staff, but I can do things too. I have a lot on my plate right now and so does Ray, but we make it all work. Now we are adding friends to the mix. It should be fun. Just as we are about to get dinner ready we get a call from the caseworker and he has some news on Rogers family and he says his family wants to meet us and that is all he tells us. We have been waiting for some news on his family and we are hoping we get to adopt him, we have put the paperwork in to adopt him.

Caseworker George Louis
John Addison has been waffling about taking in his grandson and he has to make up his mind soon, but he has been dragging his feet and finally he asks to meet the parents who want to adopt Roger. I normally would refuse, but he insisted and I hope it isn't to shake down the couple for money. I know John's situation and he can't afford to take care of Roger without the boys inheritance. Another issue is that he could draw on the inheritance for what he needs to support the boy. We finally are waiting for mr Addison to walk in the door Mr and Mrs Steele both are nervously waiting for what mr Addison has decided.

Mr John Addison
I have thought long and hard about Roger and what's best for him, but I know I have no resources to raise him and at my age it is going to be difficult. I know he has inherited money and property, but that is for him and his future. I wanted to meet the people who want to adopt him and if they agree to let me see him I will sign the paperwork today. I enter the office and find a couple and the caseworker waiting for me. I ask questions about the Steele's and they answer me and some questions they feel that I crossed the line. I definitely did that. They have agreed to let me visit with Roger as long as I allow security to be with us. We work things out and I sign the paperwork with the added agreement with the Steele's. Now they can adopt him and I can visit him.

Caseworker George Louis
I could believe that all he wanted was to visit Roger. We get everything signed sealed and notarized and then they set up times that the visits can take place. I am glad he is no longer going to be on my books to be adopted. Now if I can get Daniel adopted it would be nice.

We need to have a celebration after we get the final decree from the courts for the adoption. I am very nervous about him visiting, but at least he is thinking of what is good for his grandson. We walk out with our copies of the documents and Ray looks happy but he is probably worried about the visits as well.

Visits from mr Addison could be an issue but we will not know until they happen. I don't like the disruption his visits might cause and we didn't set down in writing how many visits or how long. We should have ironed those out right then and there. Well we can only hope he will be reasonable about his visits and anything else. How do we tell Roger and then Anastasia about the visits of his grandfather and that he couldn't raise him.

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