Altered Perception

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I keep having dreams of being called Daisy and I realize I am unconscious but can't wake up. I try to scream, but I can't. I then remember that the burn on my stomach were made by my biological mother. I came to seeing Havi and she has me in her arms and I am safe. I am being held by my husband and he is calming me down. Finally I am safe again. The twins are kicking me hard and Christian laughs as he feels them bouncing around. We can't see what they are because they keep facing each other. Olivia is going to be serving thirty years in prison and her friends ratted out on her and they are serving lesser sentences of ten years each. We are safe from them, but we know there are others out there who would try to hurt us and soon our babies.

I am keeping Anastasia calm, after she found out in court that Olivia tried to hire a hit man, it turned out she chose the wrong person and that person went to the cops. We weren't aware of it until the day in court when she was asked about it and then someone we thought was in California was called to testify against her because she asked him if he would be willing to find someone to kill Anastasia. He told her he would contact someone and he did, he contacted the police. I know it affected her and me that someone was that close to either of us. I will protect her and our babies from being harmed. By adding a lot of security. Olivia couldn't hire anyone because she had no money to pay them.
Her father would not give her money either. If he had he would have been implicated in it, as it was he just skirted on getting charged he had a great attorney. We have started getting better at telling each other things. I kiss her and that leads to other things. The nursery has been finished and it is created to be for either sex. Elliott did a great job of designing it with Anastasia, I got a little jealous when they were spending time together on what she wanted . Everyone told me to stop being jealous and start helping with the nursery. I did help and we loved the nursery and we are ready for our twins.

I am so glad we started trying to find out what was going on rather than going after Christian right away. It just didn't fit that Christian would do that to Anastasia and mr Gooding wasn't lying, he was just hired by an assistant from GEH and didn't verify everything with anyone else. I saw what she paid him and I don't think he was thinking clearly and he really should have questioned the validity of it. At least he testified in court about everything including the fact the transaction disappeared from his account along with the copy of the check. But when brought back up it was on his hard drive. We did a lot of work on our end. We also discovered the stamped signature wasn't anything he ever used. Christian was innocent and that's what we all hoped for, for Anastasia and the babies sakes if not our own.

Ethan and Mia are back together and his sons are happy. They are nine years old and they have an uncle younger than them by about nine months. They all live with the Steele's. Ethan has gotten his office opened up and has patients coming in. Unfortunately rumors were that Leila was one of them after Anastasia and I got married. Gretchen had a nervous breakdown and had to be put in a psychiatric hospital. Mia knows because she visited Gretchen and they stopped the visits after that.

Christian was blindsided by all that happened and so were we and we knew our son better, but the Steele's were trying to protect their pregnant daughter. They were also investigating everything and they found out about more and they tried to get to the bottom of everything. We finally were brought into the loop and the marriage license was taken care of and favors were traded to get it done so it was legitimate from their wedding date. I knew that Christian would never have been involved in a joke like that. Much less set it up. He wouldn't have done it even to Elliott, now Elliott might do it to him though. I wished he would get back with Kate though. I was hoping they would marry and he would stop screwing the gold digging sluts. Alyssa Acres was enough to scare all of us off. Oscar Anderson made sure she could never procreate again, kudos to him.

I am so glad about Christian and Anastasia getting back together and them having twins. I am also glad to hear that Alyssa can't have children any longer thanks to Oscar Anderson her fiancé at the time she gave birth to triplets who were given to her ex husband immediately after their births. Charles Acres was very smart about that and Oscar was very insistent about her getting her ovaries removed to assure she not have any babies, he left her two months later. Apparently he was in love with Andrea Parker and they broke up because he didn't want to get married. Andrea saw he got engaged to Alyssa and when he came asking her to marry him, she told him to get lost and get to a doctor to check for diseases. I heard he helped with the investigation and testified against Olivia and her friends. It all turned out well. Olivia got thirty years and her friends got ten each. Luckily Olivia was stupid enough to ask the fake minister to kill Anastasia and he said he could find someone who would do it. That was an undercover cop that recorded the whole thing and she told him exactly what she wanted done to Anastasia and it was played for everyone to hear. Anastasia passed out after leaving the courtroom.

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