A Beautiful Beginning

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I pick up Havi from her temporary home and we go to the park, this time I don't have all the single women trying to find ways to get an invitation to my home or inviting me over. We find my favorite bench and Anastasia is off like a shot to play with her friends and I notice the single women aren't happy about seeing me with someone. Havi has noticed the looks she was getting and laughed.

We had a great time with Anastasia and she played with her friends and I was introduced to her friends and her friends mom and some of their single dads. Talk about a meat market, Ray said he comes here every week and he has learned not to do play dates with the single parents. We need to get Anastasia cleaned up and he has invited me to lunch. We head to his home again and have dinner and soon he invites me to dinner again. We sit out on his enclosed patio and watch the water as Anastasia plays with her dolls and her castle. She is a very independent girl and she loves to play with her dolls. She pulled me into her castle and we played together in there. It was fun.

Havi is growing on me, Anastasia has already asked me if she could be her mommy? I didn't know that she wanted a mommy until now. I guess she didn't like the other women we have met before. She has never warmed up to anyone until now. I am wondering if she remembers her from when she was younger. I don't know if it is possible but I know that Havi has kept an eye on us since I got Anastasia back. It shows she cares for Anastasia deeply. I would trust her with her completely. Her concerns have always been for Anastasia's safety and that she loved and cared about. That tells me all I need to know about her. I make plans to include her in our lives and she has agreed to stay over so we can go out on the boat. Anastasia will be too excited to sleep and she will want Havi to stay with her on her other bed she has for her friends to sleepover. I have to tell her the bed is too small for Havi to sleep in. She asked if she could sleep in the guest room with Havi? I had to explain to her that it is inappropriate for her to do that because they barely know each other. She pouted and accepted it.

I have been getting closer and closer to both Ray and Anastasia and I finally answer Ray about moving in with him so I didn't have to pay the rent on the temporary house. We move my things into his room, which is now ours. He has a surprise for me. I enter his room and he is on his knee and has an engagement ring and he asked me to marry him in a quiet wedding ceremony and I agree to marry him. David and Alexa are flying out for our wedding.

David tells me to take care of his sister and so does Alexa. Something tells me Alexa would kill someone if they hurt Havi. I think Havi would do the same for them and those she loves. I would do the same thing as well. I think sometimes you are given someone that leads you to the person you are meant to be with. I believe Anastasia was that someone who brought Havi into my life. Carla was just the catalyst that put us all on this journey, a bad person who brought three good people together. I still hate the things she did and did to Anastasia. Anastasia was the only reason we were together and I made no mistake and didn't lead her er on about it. I think that was why she took her and left, after stealing a large amount of money from me. I was waiting for her drain me of more money, just to see Anastasia. The adoption papers are very real, the signatures are as well. Carla was never one to read documents and I had a few people who slipped in documents signing her rights to Anastasia over to me and the notary placed a seal on it. Now that she's gone we are all safe from her. So Havi will become Anastasia's mother as well as my wife. Of course we have prenuptial agreements in place. She and I put a trust fund in place for Anastasia the day we met the child. It was a very generous act of a total stranger to do that for a baby she just started watching. I am very proud of my wife because of all the good she did for us.

David and Alexa was worried about me because I barely knew Ray, but once they met him and heard everything they decided he was going make me very happy and we three will be a very happy family. I am able to run the companies here and open a Seattle office of the Cross company. They stayed a couple of weeks and they were able to see him around me and Anastasia. Their son Andrew Haviland Cross was such a happy baby, Anastasia asked Ray and for a baby brother. Unfortunately that is not possible for me, because of what happened to me. Alexa found the people who put and end to my abilities to have a child. They no longer can have children either. They never knew who was responsible for what happened because it looked like an accident. Alexa is a genius and no one knows it. She definitely sees therapist and works through things, but I know she doesn't tell her therapist what she tells me. I don't like her hurting people and have told her that, but she's remorseful about it and we work through everything. She can't promise me she won't go after someone else but she will keep her security tight around her and hers, that includes me.

Ray is a great guy and much richer than he seems to be, so he's not after Havi's money. He knows she's wealthy, but not about how wealthy. I doubt either know how wealthy the other is. Ray lives very simply other than his homes, special bulletproof cars and security. I am sure he an I have met before.

Havi is happy and healthy and in love with Ray and Anastasia. Andrew has a cousin now. Anastasia now wants a baby brother. I see tears start in Havi's eyes and I try to redirect the conversation.

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