A Lasting Memory

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I have daisies as a reminder of my parents. On their first date my dad gave my mom daisies and they started seeing each other often. The handkerchiefs have a daisy on them, it is symbolic to remind us of love and to have fun in life and our work. My mom always said that she chuckled at the sight of the simple daisies in my dads hands on their first date, it became clear to both of them that they were meant to be and their flowers would be daisies. Daisies were engraved on their tombstones and they were at the funeral and the gravesides.

Grace is soothed and saddened by the daisies on my handkerchiefs that I still have. I think she wouldn't like it if I stopped carrying them. I replace them when I need to. They seem to get carried away when I let someone use them. I kind of don't want them back after they blow their nose in them. A few returned them after washing them. I couldn't bring myself to touch any of the ones that someone who blew their nose in. I tell them to keep it. So I just replaced them with new ones.

We are still the Smith family, but we are also the Steele family. I am free to take Anastasia with me and use her real name. At sone point we are going to have to go back to Steele when she starts school. I think we will be the Smiths in Montesano and the Steele's to the outside world. I am sitting on the park bench watching as my daughter is playing with the other children, I spot a woman in her car smiling as she watches Anastasia play she must have been watching for a while. She sees me watching her and she smiles and drives away. Something tells me that she's been watching us for some time. The elusive Nina Davis is the only person that I think would do this. At least I hope.

I got caught up in watching Anastasia play that I forgot about Ray and then I saw him looking at me and I smile and drive away. I hope he didn't get my plate number. I don't think grandma Adams would approve of me coming to check on Anastasia, but I just needed to check on her often. I moved closer to her so I could check on her. I might live in the lower income housing but I was the only child of multimillionaires and grandma left me her money and assets and I am now a billionaire. My parents died in a plane crash due to defective equipment and I won a twenty million for each death along with their life insurance policies. As a part of the cross family I decided to take on a new identity Nina Davis. A non person. Haviland Diane Cross went into hiding after being injured by paparazzi. Havi broke up with her money grubbing fiancé once she realized that all he wanted was the exposure and the money and not her. Grandma was my rock, she went back to her maiden name Adams after Gregg Cross passed away, they built that hideaway when they discovered he didn't have long to live. I have people running my companies and very trustworthy people watching them and accountants and auditors checking up on them regularly. Plus anything big is always my decision. I can be located by them day or night via satellite. I go to the airport and head to my office and take care of business.

I was busy today and I didn't look at the license plate of the woman in the car. Her smile caught me off guard. I get this warm feeling in my heart and I just couldn't help myself but think that's a smile I could wake up to for the rest of my life. I have never felt that way before. I hope to see her again. Daisy breaks my concentration and wants to go get ice cream with Lisa and Gretchen. I agree to go and have ice cream but keep my distance from Gretchen. A very comfortable distance from her. She is not the only single woman that brings their child to the park, they also have tripped since they found out that single guys were bringing their children here to play. So us single guys are hit on, flirted with and are asked back to their homes for more than a child's playtime. I made the mistake of going to one of their homes and had to pull Daisy away as I picked up our things and said goodbye to the child while mommy was putting her clothes back on. I went looking for the mommy and found her waiting for me in her bedroom naked on her bed and asking me to join her. No more going to their homes or bringing them to my home.

David Cross
Alexa is in therapy and I am going look for Haviland, so far she's been able to hide from me and investigators. We need to know she is safe and Alexa needs to see her in person. I hear the doorbell ring and I check the security camera and it is Havi I let her inside and she walks in and waits for us to arrive in the family room. Alexa runs into her arms and falls apart. Havi introduced Alexa to me, because she knew we would never part from each other. She was right, we married within six months and I thank Havi for knowing that we were meant to be together. Now I watch my pregnant wife cry in Havi's arms and I guide them to the sofa and hand them Kleenexes. Alexa finally slept well that night.

I ask David what happened to Alexa and he said that she had been drugged, beaten and raped and left for dead in an hotel room. Apparently her assailant had been known to do this before. He isn't telling me everything and I suspect that only Alexa knows what happened afterward. He confirms that Alexa is pregnant and was when she was drugged, beaten and raped. I agree to stay with them while Alexa heals physically and mentally. You never recover from that kind of trauma, you just survive one day at a time.

I was so glad to see Havi and cry in her arms. I fell asleep in her arms and David carried me to bed. Havi is back and I am so glad. She is my friend that helped me through everything and she introduced me to David my soulmate and my life and my love. The paparazzi was bad, but I learned how to circumnavigate them. If I could go back to the night Hyde drugged me I should have waited in the lobby for my appointment to arrive. My therapist is helping with some of it, but I can't tell her everything. I can't tell David, but I can tell Havi everything because she keeps all my secrets. So do the guys we are mutual friends with. When they found out about what happened to me, they found out exactly who did it and grabbed him for me and the rest is history.

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