Hated By Many

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I was found guilty of filing a false police report about Anastasia missing and I am going to be here for at least six months. I tried to tell them I had a child and she was with Nina Davis and she took off with her, no one believed me. Me signing that employment agreement and checking the I don't have any children. I am trying to avoid getting hurt by the other prisoners and it is hard. It has been two weeks and they have not been kind at all. I have three bruises and I have been having a hard time keeping them from sexually assaulting me.

Warden Nancy Borden
We have gotten rumors of a potential battle between three groups in the prison yard. Extra guards have been quietly added to the staffing, but if they are determined to battle it out we just need to assure the leaders are not able to give the orders. Sadly we can't stop it once they get started and know who we are going need to contain. All have their little minions who usually don't survive the battle. We are ready and waiting for the battle of the bitches.

Guard Stacy Williams
I am just starting my rounds when I hear a noise and know the sound and run towards the sounds and I call for back up. Twelve inmates are beating each other up and four others are on the ground being trampled on by all of the rest. We finally break it up and have everyone contained in their cells. The bodies are moved to the infirmary and only one prisoner survived and is on her way to the hospital under armed guard. After seeing her I doubt that she lives.

I am not sure what happened but I saw my life flash by me in a moment. I hear sirens and a voice, but I can't respond. I saw feet coming down on me over and over again, everything goes black and I see men with what looks like they are waiting for me. I doubt they have good intentions. Suddenly fires shoot out of the ground and people with cigarettes and burn me all over with them. I'm in pain great pain I want to wake up but can't.

We lost her, we pull up to the ER and we need to get a doctor to sign off on the TOD. Then they will check her over and assure she really is dead. I look at her and think she is a small woman. She got trampled in a prison riot. Carla Steele is the name on the patient file.

Dr. Norman Gates
I finally get a break and I am called to do an assessment and sign off on the TOD of a female prisoner. I go over and check her over and realize I have treated her before for being a rape victim. I also recall her bringing in a month old baby girl for a cigarette burn. Wonder if she went to jail for child abuse? I sign off the TOD and go to another patient. An attendant take the body from the EMT and they fill out more paperwork and off they go.

Word travels fast and I was given the news that Carla was trampled to death in a prison riot. I send someone to see that she is given a burial. I already made sure that I had adoption papers in the name of Anastasia Rose Steele completed and signed off on by a judge who knew Carla's reputation and that she left Anastasia with someone after burning her with a cigarette on her stomach. Medical records were proof. I also got my name added to the birth certificate. The right money to the right person and at the right time and things got done to keep Anastasia safe. Thank you Nina Davis, I will be forever in your debt whoever and wherever you are. I sense that she checks up on us to assure Anastasia is safe.

I went to see Anastasia and she was very happy and healthy and playing with Raymond Steele. I followed him to his home in Montesano and made sure he was good to Anastasia. After three days I headed back home and I come and see them when I feel a need to. It has been four years, grandma Adams is in her final resting place. I got news of Carla being trampled in a prison riot and didn't survive it. I am sure she is in hell and that is where she belongs.

Meanwhile In another part of the world
I am watching my family in the family room. We are enjoying a nice Christmas with our three children. Elliott, Christian and Mia all are playing with their gifts and we have been happier since they arrived. Elliott is 12 years old and we got him at four years old. Christian is 10 years old and we got him at four years old, Mia is four years old and we got her at six months old, each adoption went smoothly.

I still miss my parents, but they got to meet their grandchildren and they were happy that they had time with them. We were devastated when we got the news about them being killed in a car wreck and how. A drunk driver ran into them and they were killed instantly. I look at the family photos and a tear falls from my eyes. Carrick pulls me to him and kisses my head and says they are watching from heaven. I start crying even more and he hands me his handkerchief and I laugh at the flower over his initials. Mom insisted on giving him these handkerchiefs as a gift and she felt a serious attorney should have handkerchiefs and not plain ones. She designed them and had the handmade with monograms and flowers. We wondered about the flowers and she explained that the flower will remind him to stop and smell the flowers even when he has too much on his plate.

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