The News Is Out

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There isn't any preventing the bankruptcy at this point. Susan has been fired and is being sued by her employer for sexual harassment. She's staying with us now. Sandra rented her own apartment and didn't want Susan to live with her. My company is about to be sold to settle my debts. I have just found out that GEH was the winning bid and that I am not going to be kept on in any form. Plus I am going to answer to charges of corporate espionage and my part in sending someone in to sexually harass Grey and try to break up his marriage along with his brothers marriage. He list all the people that I paid to do this. Susan did it because she wanted Grey. Sandra refused to do any of what I asked.

We are looking at losing everything now because my husband sent our daughter in to break up the marriage of Christian Grey, with stupid hopes of Susan marrying him after destroying the couples marriage. Who thinks like this? Now we have thirty days to move out of our home and we are allowed to take the two oldest cars only. Eamon is facing charges and being sued along with Susan for sexual harassment. Eamon has squandered his company by not keeping up with the tines and equipment and has put us in this situation. While others were putting money into the company to assure its sustainability he gave himself raises. Kate and Ethan have both made it clear that want nothing to do with us. Especially after we tried to take their trust funds from them. Carrick Grey knew about the trust funds and made sure we couldn't get our hands on them. The trust funds were from their grandparents and we had no control of them.

Sandra has no idea what kind of hell I sent her into by working for Roz. Roz will make her wished she had quit her job, especially after what she admitted to and hadn't warned us about it. I also have issues with Barney, Welch and Jason in regards to not knowing about Susan Kavanagh. We are going to have a meeting as to how this happened and how we can prevent it from happening again. Plus how to prevent employees or just anyone entering my office, Barney came up with several ideas to make that happen, all needed him to do some buying of equipment like the new computers he asked for and finance has been holding up the purchases. I found out that head of finance was stalling on all purchases I authorized to modernize my company and I fired him after he admitted that he was working with  Kavanagh because he was being blackmailed. So Barney got all the things he asked for, but now he needed the most recent manufactured everything straight off the assembly lines. I signed for everything and put a rush on it. The second in command in finance went through all the paperwork and some were outdated and had to be updated and some could no be bought. Each purchase had to be checked again. Now I have to worry who else is causing issues in my company. I am calling the heads of the departments and going through every project they are involved in and reviewing it all. I brought in extra help for Barney, Welch, Jason, Andrea and myself. It took four weeks to do and we found nothing else. Anastasia somehow benefitted from all of this and we are pregnant again. Perfect timing too, because Mia and Kate just announced their pregnancies today. Eamon was found guilty along with Susan, but Susan had a trust fund that I now get as soon as she turns 21. Three years from now.  She won't be needing it in prison, well she might but she's not getting it. Eamon is behind bars as well, after I made charges the SEC came after him along with the IRS. I don't know where Enid landed but I know it's not in the Kavanagh home. Elliott bought it in the auction for Kate. He thought she might like to have it. Turns out she did want it.

I am hoping we don't have triplets again. Once was enough for me. Christian has had to go through and check what and who Eamon might have had a hand in sabotaging. One guy was fired and charged with corporate sabotage and will be found guilty. Mia and Kate are pregnant with me this time. A lot of happy couples, including grandparents. I have started writing in what spare time I find, which is very little with three children who are learning to walk and get into everything. Childproofed can only be a fantasy. They find ways to get to things. Luckily I have help from family and staff who help us out. Christian was shocked when I walked in on him and kissed him passionately after seeing the girl in the ripped blouse and exposed breasts. Seeing he was in his office which has video cameras with sound going I knew he wouldn't try to rape anyone first of all much less in his office. There are a lot of females trying things like this and not just with Christian. Elliott described a similar event with one of his female employees. They learned to make sure that video and audio are necessary to protect themselves from this kind of thing.

Mia and Anastasia are pregnant with me and the children will be close in age as well. Both sets of grandparents are thrilled. Elliott wants a boy, Ethan wants a girl. Mia does as well. Elliott has started on the nurseries for all of us and we are discussing the colors for the nursery.

Ethan wants a girl, the boys want a boy. The nursery is looking sad without colors and themes for any sex. The crib and other furniture are very nice but neutral in colors.

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