Something Strange At GEH

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I asked mr Grey about his honey moon and he said it was great, but he was ready to get back to work. I figured he would be happier since he and Anastasia got married. I watch as he walks in his office with Jason heading into security. Olivia is smiling at something, but she has been for a while, she didn't when she thought mr Grey was off the market, how odd. Her and a few of the other assistants have been thick as thieves  and something is wrong here. I lock my desk and turn off my computer and take my phone and iPad with me and go talk to Jason in security.

Andrea asks me point blank what is going on and I tell her that I don't know and if I did I could tell her anything. She then tells me that Olivia and her friends have been very happy since mr Grey got married and they were highly upset because he was engaged to be married. Now they are flirting and smiling at mr Grey even more before he got married. She told me that she needed to get back, but I might look into Olivia and her group and find out what they have been up to yet again. I decide it wouldn't hurt.

Olivia Blandino
Andrea locked her desk and turned off her computer and took her iPhone and her iPad and went to speak with Jason Taylor. I laugh and open up the file cabinet and pull out a picture of Oscar with an unknown woman and place it in an envelope addressed to her her at GEH. I drop it in her in box under the pile. I walk back to my desk and she returns just as her phone rings. She picks the phone up and transfers the call to mr Grey. I unbutton my two top buttons and take mr Greys coffee in to him. I lean down and put his coffee and his muffin down and ask if that was all and he says that he wants me to button my blouse or go to hr and get terminated, I button my blouse and leave. That didn't work. Andrea laughed at my attempt again. I wished I could get her fired, but I can't seem to get it done. I am going to marry that man and Andrea will be out on her butt. My dad is a Senator and I got this job because he has pull and he thinks me marrying Christian Grey would be beneficial to our whole family. So I am working behind the scenes. The things I did to assure my plans would work. Being in the middle of where mr Grey has his office and his phones, people see the number or Christian Greys office I can really manipulate people into doing things they thought were for mr Christian Grey, but they weren't. I found a way to pay them with a check with his name on it and reversed it from their accounts leaving no trace and they had no proof that they could bring to mr Grey and I made sure they never saw him or got calls from them. I put them on the proscribed lists and no one questioned me on it. Andrea doesn't trust me and really never has and for good reason I want her gone.

I am still trying to get Andrea to marry me, but she just told me to leave her alone and stop sending things to her at work. I agreed to stop that. I get a text from an unknown number and a photo of me pops up of me and Alyssa having sex. I look at it again and there is no way the photo is real, but the text says Andrea has been sent a copy of it and it will end any hope for us to get together. I can't let this happen. Alyssa wouldn't do this, I can't think of who would. I suspect the source of this and I know she hates Andrea and the fact she is too close to Christian.
Her and her friends have tried so hard to get Andrea fired, and I wonder if this is another of their tricks so I have someone check on this photo and try to find out where it was sent from. Soon I am told it is definitely photoshopped and I had them send the information directly to Andrea and put it in and envelope for her to sign for and only her. Then send her it certified and a text as well. That way she gets it without it being stolen. I decide to give Christian a call and ask him about if people are acting strange in his office area? That will open his eyes up to subterfuge that might be going on, because there is a lot.

I get an envelope after getting a strange text regarding a photo they sent and it was of Alyssa and Oscar having sex and what's odd is she wasn't pregnant. He hadn't met her until she was divorced and she was pregnant. They explain and show the original photo and the guy wasn't Oscar. I get the same in a hand delivered envelope and then I open an envelope that looks strangle familiar and the handwriting is someone's I know and I don't look at her as I open the envelope. I do however take the envelope over to security and I lock everything up and turn off my computer. I do notice and smile on Olivia's face as I walk into security. I tell them to pull up security videos of Olivia for the last week. We see her put this exact envelope on my desk under the incoming mail. I tell Jason that whatever is going on, she has already done something so much worse than this, that she is hoping it would rattle me enough to make mistakes. It might have had I not gotten a heads up from someone.

I am going to do a lot of digging now, I have seen her after Christian announced his marriage plans and then just before the wedding she was back to her normal self of hitting on him and the same goes for her bunch of Anastasia haters. I am betting she had something to do with Anastasia leaving Christian and taking the marriage license, she was in tears as she read it. I can't get a look at it, but whatever it is Christian can make it right.

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