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I keep telling the police the same thing over and over again. They keep asking me why I didn't report my child missing. They even questioned if there was a child at all. I had no proof of Anastasia even existing. I gave Nina everything that I had for Anastasia. She even stored my pictures and documents and didn't even know it. My place shows nothing about me being a mother. The cops think I made it up. CPS thinks someone was trying to assure that I got help from a psychiatrist because they found no evidence of a child in my place and my neighbors had never seen me with any baby or child. One said that if I had had a child that I hadn't been taking care of it at all, with the parade of men going in and out of my room with me. He also suggested that I sold the baby to get rent. That started a whole new line of questions. I am now going to hire an attorney soon.

It has been two months and Anastasia is trying to walk and is very happy. When I read the note and it said she or he didn't burn Anastasia with a cigarette. I saw the burn immediately when I changed her clothing. It was on her stomach and healed, well healed from a medical standpoint. I hope she isn't traumatized too much from being burned deliberately by an adult. She is very important to me. I decided to change our names and did. A common name Smith, I call Anastasia Daisy because she loves them. Daisy Mae Smith and my name is John Paul Smith. I transferred most of my money into my new name. Montesano was the best choice to hide away from Carla.

I am still being questioned about Anastasia and they have found no evidence or body. Nina Davis has never been seen again and I left my daughter with her for months. Hyde has offered his services for servicing him. I told him no thanks. He didn't take it well and said with my reputation I should feel lucky to get his offer. I went to slap him and he got the upper hand on me. I woke up naked and raped I couldn't walk to the rest room, I had to crawl to it. I called the cops and was taken to the hospital. Hyde was exonerated of all charges. I was made to look like a slut and was into the rough stuff. I had no defense. Battered and bruised and I was seen with Hyde numerous times throughout my time living at the hotel. Plus it was the first time that we had sex. Hyde winked and laughed at my despair.

I am going to make her pay for this and I can easily make her disappear just like her baby did. I still don't know who had her baby. Nina Davis is the person she says has her, but there are no Nina Davis's fitting the description she gave. I wink and laugh at Carla as she walks out of the court room. Be afraid, be very afraid. I will be coming for you. Raymond Steele fired my ass, but I am going to stay here to torment his witch of an ex wife. She reminds me of my abusive neglectful alcoholic whore of a mother. She is going to pay for her mistakes now. I am going to be methodical in my doing this and make sure no one ties me to her demise.

I moved after the rape. I'm still working at the same place and waiting to hear from the places I applied to. I finally get a call and they want to hire me right away. So I quit the job and go to sign the new jobs paperwork. It was a smaller building than I thought it would be. I sign an NDA after they tell me what it is and then to be able to get the job I couldn't have children, so I lied on the form about having children. I think they will never find out if we can't find Anastasia.

CPS Caseworker Davis
I arrive at the hotel room of Carla Steele or whatever her name really is. I am following up with her on her claims that her child was kidnapped by her caretaker. We don't even know if the baby was real or not. We checked and there was no Anastasia Steele born on any date we searched. Now Carla has moved and left no forwarding address. She sold her car to one of her neighbors after she cleared her room out. They noticed that, but not a baby? I write in my file that client has disappeared and that will open up another file with the police.

Detective Aaron Collins
Of course I knew this case would land on my desk. I heard about Carla Steele and the fact no one ever saw this baby or babysitter. Now she is missing, well she moved out and left no forwarding address. I don't think I want to find out what is going on here. I just can't deal with babies deaths anymore. I open it up and see all the reports on the mother and no reports on the daughter and no pictures of the daughter. How are we supposed to find a baby we don't have a photo of? What parent doesn't have a picture of their child? I believe I found one. I read the files and shake my head and I try to find whatever I can in our system. Nina Davis again can't be found. Carla Steele however has a long list of various names and crimes and has charged men and each time they were found not gutty. I definitely need to bring her in and soon. She is a horrible mother and I think she needs to be interviewed again, this time more aggressively.

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