The Coping Together Ball

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The turnout is great, so far all the single people are arriving, some we were hoping they wouldn't come. But they are single and here to help in the first dance auction. They no the rules of the first dance, it is only one dance not lifetime commitments. If the person won the dance with only wants to get the dance done and move on to someone else you let them. We had them read the rules and sign acknowledging it. It was Carrick who wrote it up at Christian's suggestion. The first to arrive are the Steele's and their parents. They left the young boys with their new mannies. Both of their companies are going through numerous changes and they are needed for the next year. Christian has been dealing with his company quite a lot too.

Christian and Elliott have been bullied by their sister and mother into the first dance option. I get why though it looks bad they don't volunteer when their sister has and it is the charity their parents started. There is going to a bidding war over two multimillionaires and it does hurt they are young and good looking. The rules were Christian's idea. Both the bidder and the volunteers have to abide by them. I notice the Steele family have arrived and all were coerced into volunteering for the dance auction. All are dressed in very fashionable clothing. No doubt the children will bring in some good bids on the dance auction, even Grace thinks there will be a lot of bidding on the young ladies, but there is no doubt in our minds the men will bring in the biggest bids. Everyone finally arrives and we are stunned that Alyssa signed up for the first dance auction and appears to be six months pregnant. I know that Charles is volunteering for it, but had no idea she was six months pregnant. We tried to talk her out of doing it, but she refused and said she's single and it's only one dance. I hope she doesn't bid on any of the guys.

I can't believe that Alyssa has volunteered for the first dance auction being very pregnant. I know she is newly divorced and everything, but looking for a new husband and using this venue to do it is just so wrong. Her parents are with her. Lily, Leila,, Gia and Gretchen finally arrive and are surprised Alyssa and her parents had shown up, since the Acres are here and Charles has volunteered for the first dance auction as well. I plan on bidding on Ethan. If I can win him I will go for Roger or Daniel. Soon it is time to start the dinner and then the auctions the first dance and then the donated items to raise money.

I am looking great if I do say so myself. I bet Christian that I would get the most bids. He laughed and said what he wanted if I lost. He wanted me to do the work on his new home for labor costs. I renegotiated that and said I would wave my architect fees and he agreed. I wanted to use his jet to spend two weeks at his island home and he negotiated the jet and two weeks in one of the other homes on his estate, just not his main home. We agreed on it and shook hands on it. Dad asked what the bet was this time and laughed and told me to prepare to lose. I looked hurt and said it has nothing to do with me, it's just that people want to get closer to Christian and can't, but they can me. So they are going to bid more on him to get close to him. Dad is right and I will lose the bet.

I can't believe we have a chance to wind a dance with Christian Grey. I definitely have enough money to win the dance. My parents are going to help me with it.

I can't win the first dance auction because my family has already donated enough money to Coping Together. They aren't allowing me to bid on Christian or Elliott. So I am going to watch as they get bid on by others. I know they won't bid on me. I do know one person who is going to bid on me and I don't want him to. Oscar Anderson major pervert and has been trying to get me to go out with him for a long time. He is also a volunteer for the first dance as well, I bet his parents have to bid on him. We go to our table finally.

Mom and dad are here and ready for me to win the bidding for Christian and are hoping it all goes well for us. I don't feel optimistic like they do. We will see what happens tonight.

My parents want me to win the first dance at all costs and try to charm him into buying their company. They are desperate and this is a last ditch option. I am just going to be happy about being with Christian on the dance floor.

Alyssa is determined to go through with this first dance auction. I guess she is really serious about her quest to find a new husband. Well good luck with that being pregnant and all. Plus you won't be taking my child home with you. We have a great case against you and have the papers ready to get the children from you.

Mia is looking pretty tonight, but a lot of guys are looking at her though. All the single people are checking out the other single ones. Even Anastasia noticed a few of the single guys.

I think that Roger and I are checking Mia out and so is Ethan. This could be a problem for us. I can't believe that we are all  looking at Mia. So I change my tactic and look at the other young ladies that are single. Mom and dad have stopped wanting to meet the parents of our dates since we are in college. We didn't date anyone in high school because they demanded meeting the persons parents.

I just can't get my mind around this first dance auction at least the single guys are being coerced into it as well. Anastasia is really against it as well. I do like Elliott as a first dance but I don't think I will be bidding on anyone.

I will most likely not get bid on because I look like a cupee doll because of my big bright blue eyes. Then add to it I am in a white lace dress with satin under the lace, it sort of reminds me of a wedding dress, but it's not one. It is the smallest dress I could find and it's still big on me. It definitely flows easily though. Suddenly we are asked to come up on the stage.

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