chapter 1: meeting

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No one's pov:

Pear was getting ready for his shot, he was practicing his lines in the dressing room. "And now it's time for the grand prize!.. No no too hype maybe a bit less hype and more exciting like. Hm.." he then heard a knock on the door, he turned to see his assistance blueberry, he was holding a clipboard "your on at 5 sir"

"Alright blue, thanks" he nodded as he left the room. Pear sighed and fixed his blue tie and went on scene.

Banana brought his three nephews to the show. He couldn't believe he got a free pass to get on the show for the first time. Peel looked around "wow, someday I would like to work like him" peel pointed at blueberry " peel hon, we don't point remember" banana informed him.

"Right, sorry.."

"Why did you bring us here uncle?" ripe asked the oldest out of the bunch, banana smiled "well since you kids are visiting me over the summer, why can't your uncle take you somewhere fun! And besides I always wanted to come here.. It's been my dream ever since I first seen him - I mean the show!" he said as they found their seats and sat down.

"Now remember kids don't do anything that will get you or me in trouble. ripe no phone or recording okay were on a live set and I don't want you to get in trouble for pirating a show, split don't pull anyone off their seats that's rude and I don't want you in trouble with others, and peel no wondering off I Know you love helping others out but for now please stay where you are till the show ends."

"Yes uncle" they all said as banana nodded and heard the announcer start to speak "it's time to bring the brain! It's shovelware's brain game!"

"Whoo!!'' Banana shouted as he waved his pom poms around, he usually doesn't wear pom poms on his hands, only on special occasions and today was one of those special days.

"Looks like uncle really loves this show" split said to ripe as he agreed on his brother. The announcer continued to say "he's your host and mine it's pear!" pear comes out of the doors and jogs down the stairs greeting everyone as he gets on the stage, banana eyes widen as he smiles. He blushed a bit as he heard pear's voice. The game show goes as normal, most getting wrong and right, someone getting on fire by accident but in the middle of the show, banana had the craziest idea, he stood up on his seat and yelled out to pear "hey!" Pear turns to see him on top of his seat as his nephews are watching him, ripe getting out his phone to record his uncle "I'm your biggest fan mr.pear!! Your show is amazing! And so funny!" pear looked at him shocked and chuckled a bit "well I never got a compliment that great before, glad you're enjoying the show sir."

Banana eyes gleamed in joy as pear continued with the show. By the end of it, pear went back into the door and closed them, he waited till everyone was gone. Once they were he got out and saw banana was leaving last "hey sir!"

Banana turned and saw pear coming down to him "yes?"

"I loved your energy about liking the show, and since you seem like a nice guy. Here's my number, I would like to talk with you more" he said smiling and went back to his dressing room, Banana looked at the paper and smiles "uncle did mr.pear just asked you out?" peel asked

"Or flirted with you?" ripe asked

"Does he like you?" split as his eyes glimmering a bit

"Well I'm not sure.. And what makes you think I like him, I just think he's a really great host.. And he's really funny when it comes to his jokes but all that he did was give me his number so my best guess is that he wants to be my friend... But I'll have to see, "Banana said smiling as he took his nephews back home.

Pear looking at him leaving, he smiles "he's so goofy.. And cute.. You know if I get to know him better maybe "we" might work out" he said smiling.

Later banana got on his phone and typed in the number on his phone "well here we go.."


"Hi! Never except you to text me first but I do have a question for you."

(read 7:24pm)


"Yeah, what's the question?"

"I know we first met but want to hang out on friday? ;)"

(read 7:26pm)


"Sure thing :D"

"By the way I never caught your name, what's your name?"

(read 7:28pm)


"Dancing banana or banana for short"

"Nice name, my name is pear"

(read 7:30pm)


"I better go, see you on friday banana ;)"

"See you!! :3"

(read 7:32pm)

Banana pov:

Did he ask me out?! Oh god! I didn't know how to react without screaming my lungs out, I watched his show from my TV all the time and when I first saw him my heart raced. I knew I was in love.. But how?.. I barely know him. I turn on my phone again to check the time. "7:38pm.. Hm it is peel's usual bedtime routine.. Wait, oh no! I need to help with peel's routine!" I said as I dropped my phone on my bed and ran out of my room. I helped him with which bed time book to read before bed, helped him up the sink so he and his two brothers got ready for bed and headed into their room. Once I finished the book I saw my three nephews all tucked up falling asleep, well except ripe. "Ripe, put the phone away, it's time for bed."

"Aw, five more minutes uncle?"

"No, it will ruin your sleep." I said as ripe sighed and put his phone on the counter. "Good night" I said as I kissed his little head. "Night uncle" he cuddled up in his blankets and went to bed. I closed the door and went to the other two rooms and tucked in my nephews, once they were asleep I went back into my room and brushed my teeth then I heard a ring from my phone. I went to it and looked at it.. Oh..

(there will be more POV of pear in the next chapter)'

shovelware brain game swap AU! (pearnana :3)Where stories live. Discover now